Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Chapter 7 (IPS) Nasionalisme and Dekolonisasi in Asia and Afrika

A. Nasionalisme and Dekolonisasi in Asia and Afrika

        Post-World War II, the spirit of self-determination of colonized countries are dominating the countries of Asia and Africa such as India, Philippines, Turkey, and Egypt. spirit to self-determination was also transmitted to the decolonization Indonesia.  asia countries and Africa became the dominant phenomenon at the end of world war II and political. conditions Indonesian economy underwent significant changes.
        The collapse of colonial rule in Asia and Africa region was the beginning of the change in political structure global. amount countries become more developed in many.
post World War II the number of countries has reached 51 countries, and now has reached 192 this country. Process triggered decolonization by the nationalist movements that developed in each country in Asia and afrika.recorded such as the Young Turks movement, Movement Philippine nationalism, the Chinese Nationalist Movement, Indian Nationalism Movement, and other similar movements that emerged in countries such as Egypt, Libya, South Africa, and others.
         The emergence of national movements in each country has a different cause- different. In china, national movement emerged in 1911, and led by Dr.Sun Yat Sen. movement nationalism in China, among others, based on two matter. First, the emergence of Chinese youth groups who get an west education.  China wants a format developed countries, modern, and prevail in the modern world of sensible internasional. Movement  led by Dr.Sun Yat Sen was later brought to the proclamation of independence china 1910.  Events on October 10 came to be known by Wuchang a Day or The Double Ten Day. second, the dominance of government in mainland cina. Momination Manchuria became encouragement for the people of China to make China the resistance and establish an independent and autonomous.
         The movement of nationalism in China can be said always of attraction to group communist. After  Dr.Sun Yat Sen's death, Chinese nationalist movement succeeded by Chiang Kai Shek. feud with communism groups continued until the rise of Mao Zedong as leader Chiang eventually cina. Although  Kai-shek moved to Taiwan, Chinese nationalism embryo movement pioneered by Dr.Sun Yat Sen has managed to rid the nation of Manchuria from China land. Due that arise from the existence of this movement Chinese nationalism is strengthening the internal condition of Chinese people in fighting forces because it foreign. By a process of decolonization after World War II, China has established itself as a country that does not happen strong. although decolonization in China , but the process of political and social transformation in China shows to the outside world that China is countries with a level of nationalism is very large.
          Other nationalist movements also occurred in the national Filipina.Movement emergence dates back to the philippines league, led by Jose Rizal in philippines 1892. league
 formed to fight the Spanish colonial domination in filipina. On 30 December 1896, Jose Rizal was arrested and sentenced to death by the Spanish government for allegedly masterminding Katipunan. But, nationalist movement that he woke up alive and continued by Emilio Aguinaldo. Struggle nationalism progress  forwarded by Aguinaldo in 1898. when occurred between Spanish and American, Aguinaldo build alliances with the United States with the aim of attacking Spain. later, he proclaimed the establishment of an independent philippines 1898.on June 12 spanish finally gave up and philippines gave to the United States. after know that the United States is also intended to control the philippines, Aguinaldo immediately conduct a guerrilla war against the United States for 4 years until he was arrested in 1898 . decolonization in the philippines the United States took place on 4 July 1946.amerika union handed sovereignty to the philippines and raised Royas Y. Manuel Acuna as the first president of the philippines.
        In Afrika, the Egyptian nationalist movement begins with the emergence of Ahmed Orabi rebellion in 1881, is to establish 1882.that aim Egyptian nationalism was independent. Movement followed by Mohammad Naguib on 13 July 1952, with the aim away from the British colonialists on the Egypt colonial administration. coup English was successfully achieved on 13 July occurs. Goverment politics 1952. Transformation previously shaped by the Egyptian empire was transformed into an authoritarian Naguib republic. leadership not last long because of the emergence of Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt intends to free people from political dictatorship next Naguib.tranformasi happen. Nasser also rose to the presidency in 1952 Egypt through the electoral process umum.akan However, many historical sources also claimed that Nasser's ban on dictator. for example behave Islamic movement Al-Ikhwanu AI-Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood) in Egypt that is realized with figures put the movement into prison without due process court. But, appearance Nasser as the leader of Egypt can be said as a symbol of the success of the decolonization process in Africa which is based on local nationalism.
          In Libya, nationalism movement spearheaded by King Idris El-Sanusi. He began leading the Libyan people's struggle against colonial domination in 1916. Success
 Italy nasionaalisme movement led by him was reached in Libya declaring 1949.He pioneered as an independent nation with a set of Tripoli as a mother Country. Event city that happens along with the defeat of Italy in World War II EI Idris Sanusi also play a role in unite Tripolitania, Fezzan, and Cyrenaica 1949. Although  years out of a military coup led by Muammar Khadafi in 1969, Idris has successfully led Libyan nationalist struggle.
         In India, nationalist movements arose due to the increased number of educated people . Nationalism movement in India led by Mahatma Gandhi. Education he got in London made him familiar with western concepts of nationalism, democracy, liberalism, and its top independence. Comprehension concepts mentioned that made lead India in the fight against colonialism Inggris. Struggle Mahatma Gandhi based on 4 major concepts, namely as follows.
a.Ahimsa, this movement put its anti-violence
b.Satyagaraha, this movement to educate the people of India for not cooperating in all forms of matters relating to the colonial British colonial rule.
c.Hartal, this movement emphasizes the strike action by the working people of India.
d.Swadesi, this movement of priority actions and refusal boycott all products made in England, especially textiles.
         Gandhi's nationalist movement was also taking place alongside some of India's plan to unite India.Figure independence plan figures include Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Banerji, and it Tikal. Plan realized by forming a congressional 1885. Congress
India in India pioneered by an Englishman who was passionate about India, AIIan O'Home. although in the end Muhammad Ali Jinnah out of congress and founded the Moslem League, the Indian Congress steps eventually led results. Independence India was proclaimed on August 15 1947. While, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and then migrate to Pakistan and lead the nationalist movement there and establish the state of Pakistan.
In Burma (Myanmar), decolonization  processes take place in order to escape from the colony of British colonial. Goverment colonize Burma since 1886 to 1942.British colonization in Burma with a role in increasing people's sense of nationalism in Burma against the colonial rule of the people ini. Increased nationalism triggered Burma by emigration from the British colonial government of the city of Mandalay to Rangoon in the city of Rangoon 1886. City used English as a subsection of the British rule in India.
        As a result, many Indians who migrate to the other side birma.In , under British colonial rule, Burma became one of the largest rice exporting country in world. Amount exports reached 2 million metric tons in 1900, and climbed up to number 3 million metric tons in Burma 1939.hal makes sosial.penyebabnya disintegration problem is that the economic system is not controlled by the people of Burma, but by the colonial administration began to British. Nationalism movement come one is the movement called the Young Men's Buddhist Association Buddhist Youth . embodiment of action is to conduct demonstrations and strikes, and increased public participation in politics and government of the country's formation British. matter made to launch a total reform in Birma. They also agitate about the importance of separation from India and the establishment of independent Burma.
 The emergence of nationalist movements of Burma's people not only in the but also rural. In rural areas, appear rebellion against British colonial rule called My San Rebellion in 1930 to this 1932.Movement get strong support from the people of Burma, although not soon be eradicated up by the British colonial.However, the seeds of Burma's independence drive options are also typically emerging. The movers are activists of the student or the so-called Thakin. Thakin prominent one is U Aung San. He is a former soldier who educated by the Japanese and later formed the Burma Independence Army (BIA), or BIA Birma. Altough liberation army helped Japan to invade Burma during World War II, this movement later became a pioneer in the Japanese colonial rid of the decolonization process birma. on
 Japanese from Burma, BIA changed its name to the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League (AFPFL).'s independence was proclaimed in Burma and January 4 is the first 1948. President Sao Shwe Thaik, with the prime minister Thakin Nu.
          Political transformation in asia and Africa region post-World War II has a tendency to form schools of socialism dominate. India, Burma, Indonesia and even though, having elements of socialism is very thick in the movement nationalism. In India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru government which took place in the early days of independence is very nuanced sosialis.demikian india also in Burma, the elements of communism played besar.mayoritas enough seats occupied by Burma's government of the people-. communism on socialism thought Indonesia, schools of communism developed by the establishment of the Indonesian Communist Party during the national movement, but subsided
during the communist occupation Japan. Movement reappeared after World War II when the communist rebellion in Madiun in 1948.

         As one of the newly independent country, Indonesia faces the internal conditions very destroyed. Economy damage and infrastructure of public facilities due to war and people's economy be run optimal.Presiden Sukarno began to arrange the issue of international pemerintah.diplomasi policies were pursued to obtain support and economic support from various countries are not world economic. Support shaped external debt relief, but the shape of another country's willingness to be a trading partner for Indonesia.
        Economic conditions and international politics is getting better encourage Indonesia to improve the economic case internal.dalam strength, strengthening 3 is on hal. First the formation of the State Bank of Indonesia on 5 July 1946. IBRD appearance in the United States as European economies showed backing for the international community that the banking sector is very important in structuring a Country. In Indonesia's economy, government policy underlying the establishment of Bank Negara Indonesia is a substitute for government regulation of Law No. 2 years 1946. Second, the government is also implementing the enactment of local currency known as the Oeang Repoeblik Indonesia (ORI). The underlying policy is the law No. 17 years 1946. Thrid, the government implement the law No.24 of 1951 on the nationalization de Javasche banks to Bank Indonesia (BI). Function is as central bank and the bank circulation.
          In 1950, the IBRD along with the United States, Australia, UK, and New Zealand initiated a consensus called plan.colombo palan Colombo established in Sri Lanka the official. Name the Colombo Plan Colombo Plan for cooperative economic and social deveploment in asia and the plan were adopted pasific.colombo actively 1951. Purpose of the Colombo Plan is to improve the welfare and the degree of social and economic life in developing countries just independent. Colombo Plan program implemented in a way to give development assistance, whether in the form of funds , as well as assistance in training technical. All Colombo Plan is the donor of the developed countries (developed country) of developing countries (developing country) and the poor countries (underdeveloped contry)
          Changes in the constellation of international political economy was to give immediate effect to indonesia.pada 30 May 1985, the United States, on behalf of the Colombo Plan provides grants of U.S. $ 6,300,000.00 to Indonesia. Funds
 provided assistance in particular to develop electricity networks in the city cities in Indonesia by using diesel. previous the United States also had to give economic assistance to the 5 January 1952 in an agreement called the Mutual Security in Act. agreement  signed by H. Merle Cochran and Indonesia's foreign minister, Mr Ahmad Subardjo, set assistance of U.S. $ 8,000,000.00 to Indonesia to help indonesia. Government of American funds have actually violated the principle of foreign policy-free Indonesia active however, such assistance has demonstrated the existence of some form of American dominance in the economic constellation and international politics at that time.
         There are two things to be underlined in this connection in terms of the relationship between economic development and international politics and developments in Indonesia. First, the position of the United States started strong and dominated enough in the economic order is manifested in global.Matter monetary and financial agencies such as IBRD . The second, the position of President Sukarno's Indonesia is a very anti everything that comes from either the western ideology, economic, and socio-culture. This mater about implications for Indonesia's position on the agendas of international economic endorsed by the united state political. Principe Indonesia is a foreign policy-free active .Principe states that Indonesia is in a neutral position in the ideological struggle between the United States and soviet union. concept were developed by Muhammad Hatta in 1948 and contained in a famous speech entitled "Rainforests of the Two Reef ". idea in a speech that became the basic foreign policy of free Indonesia-active.
         In foreign policy concept of free-active means not siding with one political pole is based tertentu.hal that at the time, began to occur of attraction power between the United States with soviet union. "active", meaning continue to participate in the create order and peace abroad world. politic Indonesia is very influential in the end of World War II, or in the early days of this administration RI.hal because Indonesia is in a position to seek support internasional in fight Indonesia. Status  changes of de jure foreign policy toward Indonesia goes hand in hand with the demand to fight for Indonesia's position internationally as a sovereign state.
           In the context of domestic politics, the political changes the most significant is the formation of the device kepresidenan.badan countries and institutions who actively formulate political policies, at that time was the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP). The establishment of policies that the political changes in Indonesia country began to happen.
           Conditions of democratization that swept the various nations of the world at the end of World War II also resulted in the development of democratic life indonesia.Wakil President Mohammad Hatta, addressing the changes by issuing edicts X 3 november 1945.isinya date regarding the establishment of political parties in the Indonesian political. configures the country began to change with the emergence of various result parties politic, Indonesia managed to hold the first general election in September1955.
         Slowly, the position of Indonesia in the international world in the aftermath of World War II with the opening of more improved. begins Dutch sea blockade that involves many countries including the United States, Indonesia's foreign relations more powerfull. various diplomacy conducted by Indonesia in the early days of independence managed to build good relations with the Indonesia countries of diplomacy. struggle  get the result in asia conference held in new delhi dated 23 January 1948.seluruh state delegates who attended the conference agreed that Dutch troops should be pulled back from Indonesia, and the status of Indonesia must be restored liberate. Next countries like the United Nations issued a UN security council resolution dated 28 January 1949, which underlie the formation of united nations commission for Indonesia (UNCI). the task of this agency is to facilitate negotiations between Indonesia with Dutch. besides it, the commission three countries also shows how the international community's reaction to the problems of decolonization in Indonesia at that time.

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