Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


A. Multidimensional crisis and the emergence of reform

In mid 1997, the monetary crisis hit the country - the region of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Monetary crisis in Indonesia began with the decline of the rupiah. This triggered a decrease economic productivity and the emergence of dysfunctional economic institutions in overcoming the crisis. Masyrakat a critical group to see that this crisis is the fault of the New Order is considered not good in taking care of government. This then leads to the emergence of the legitimacy crisis of confidence ataspemerintahan New Order. Campus community consisting of students, faculty, and Rector began to voice his opinion through a variety of media, be it a seminar, discussion, free speech forum to rally. The problem of confidence crisis, the New Order terhadappemerintahan increased with raised again as President Suharto of Indonesia. These events and clashes between student groups and the army and Suharto's support groups began to emerge.
Multidimensional crisis that hit Indonesia in the period 1997-1998 provides great access to the dynamics of economic life, political, social and nation. Starting from the economic crisis that hit Indonesia in mid 1997, had a domino effect immediately lashed the Indonesian community in various lines. Decrease in the level of purchasing power, the emergence of social crisis and rising unemployment due to layoffs become a crucial social problems. Political crisis, social and legitimacy crisis of the New Order government later emerged as the main reaction.
The various crises that hit Indonesia was also decorated by the bloody events and political in it. Crisis after crisis that must be faced by Indonesia in the 1997-1998 period to re-hit Indonesia. The process of nation-state building needs to be done by the government of Indonesia after President Sukarno in 1966, was just entering the beginning stages. Various political maneuvering and student demonstrations were coloring the events at the beginning of the period bergulirnya reform movement initiated by students and some community leaders in 1998.
Economic crisis      
The economic crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997 is a domino effect of the Asian economic crisis that hit many countries, including Thailand, Philippines, and Malaysia. Caused by the weak economic fundamentalism, Indonesia experienced many difficulties in rearranging its economy back out of the crisis.
    Indonesia's economic development has stagnansi since the 1990s. At that time, neo-liberalism became the norm system of economic regulation and political world. Production goods into Indonesia is not competitive when compared with goods abroad which freely enters Indonesian market. Based on constraints that have been declared by the World Bank, the economic pemembangun considered successful if it meets the requirements set by the World Bank. These requirements is to include an increase in investment in education, which is marked by an increase in human resources, low levels of corruption in the government level, and the stability and political credibility.
    The requirements set forth by the World Bank had become a kind of reference for developing countries in conducting economic development, especially the recipient country of foreign aid such as Indonesia. However, the 1997 crisis, Indonesia's economic condition does not represent a single-kretria criteria established by the World Bank. This is happening in Indonesia instead of the monetary crisis marked by low quality of human resources, high levels of corruption in government agencies, and the conditions of political instability. Indonesia's economy economic decline until it reaches 0% in 1998.
    Indonesia's economic downturn was not addressed by President Soeharto to make improvements in economic policy, but rather with funding assistance from the development of international institutions, namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF). On 15 January 1998, President Suharto signed a 50 point Letter of Intent (LoI), witnessed by the Director of the IMF Asia, Michels Camdessus, as a requirement for the funding of foreign aid it.  
By referring to the restriction level of economic success of a nation that issued by the World Bank, it can be concluded that Indonesia's economy in 1997/1998 was doomed. In terms of investment and capital improvement, Indonesia experienced a sharp decline. Foreign investors pour capital move another kenegara karen lack of stability and political credibility in the country. Export-import figures dropped dramatically Indonesia because the business sector is not trusted by the Indonesian banking sector. The high level of corruption in economic sectors and levels of government and the emergence of bad debt cases which hit major banks in Indonesia resulted in the payment Letter of Credit (L / C) from the business sectors of Indonesia is not accepted abroad. Handling of the economic crisis in Indonesia in 1997/1998 to fight the emergence of multi-dimensional crisis, both political and social, as well as a crisis of public trust in government.

Social Crisis
    At the end of the New Order government, Indonesia has a high political turmoil, both at government level or at the level of movement of people and students. The temperature at the level of political elites increasingly heated causing a variety of potential social divisions insociety.
There are two kinds of aspirations in the community, support or prosecute Suharto fell from the chair to keprsidenan. Community groups who demanded President Soeharto stepped back from the government represented by the students. This group has a goal of reform of Indonesia. Different organizations at this point, including the unity of Indonesian Muslim Students Action (KAMMI) and the Forum City (Forkot). Although both the student organizations of different breathing struggle, but still have the same goal, namely reducing the Soeharto from the presidency, remove the dual function of ABRI, and make Indonesia an optimal reform.
Meanwhile, the horizontal social crisis in Indonesia also experienced a high point. Local living conditions very difficult, plus dngan high unemployment rate, causing a variety of social impact. Sisematis riots that occurred in several regions in Indonesia on 13-14 May 1998 is evidence of the existence of social friction.
The emergence of social unrest is horizontal and the implications of centralized economic policies that led to the welfare gap is so high between the central and local governments. Migration pattern applied by the government is not accompanied with the handling of social solidarity in the destination. In the end, social jealousy because of the level of economic disparity can not be the inevitable. This condition is then triggered tutntutan to the central government to reform the economic development pattern. This demands that Indonesia masyrakat raise awareness of the importance of reform for the life of the nation.
1.    Political Crisis
New Order government to apply the principles of Pancasila Democracy as negra Indonesia. With a democratic system based on the "from the people, by the people, and for the people" are represented by the MPR and DPR, the New Order government to build the basic foundation of life of Indonesian nation.
However, terdapt various deviations in the implementation of the democratic system. MPR and the House only to follow up the aspirations of some communities only. The process of political aspirations to the government not terdisribusi perfectly. Thus, the distribution of people's aspirations became blocked. All the rules in the form of the MPR / DPR, in principle berorientasijangka not long, but simply aims to meet the desires and interests of certain elements.

In addition, the culture of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) have deep roots in the body of government bureaucracy. Thus, the process of monitoring and providing leadership mandate of the Parliament and the Assembly by the president to be imperfect because of the CCN bond. The true legislative elements implemented by the Assembly and Parliament in making legal basis and policy of the State to be fully done by President Soeharto. As a result, the political succession of government becomes terlaksanakan not well. This condition triggers the status quo that resulted in the emergence of a political crisis, both in the level of the political elite and society began to question the New Order government legitmasi.

A. Chronology of the fall of the New Order government
Background of the Asian crisis and the high corruption in state government bodies
Triggers from the fall of the New Order government, among others, is due to the high CCN (Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism) at dala administration. In addition, membengkaknya foreign debt figures also one of the triggers of the fall of New Order. Indonesian government transition in this period of turmoil oeh covered. Actions and found widespread student demonstrations in the streets of cities in Indonesia, like Jakarta, Bandung, and Yokyakarta. Down to the street action has been started since February 1998.

The cause of the fall of the New Order government can be seen from 2 points of view, namely as the implications and the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the high level of corruption in government bodies. From the perspective of the Asian financial crisis of 1997, Indonesia is a country that experienced the most severe impacts.

Domino effect of the economic fallout conditions directly impacting the lives of the people. The high price of goods and inflation was not inevitable. People become quite difficult to meet daily needs. In fact, people had to queue to get groceries at a low price because the sale price of the market standard is not affordable by the community. Seeing this kind of social life, many parties who want change. Student is one of the social groups most vocal people in the governance structure meyuarakan improvement at that time. Students also begin to develop a strategy to provide feedback to the weakness of government systems. Various demonstrations were held. Students then organize the reform agenda presented to the New Order government. The contents of this reform agenda, among others, focused on the following matters.
            1. Prosecute Suharto and his cronies.
2. Amending the 1945 Constitution.
3. Removing dual function of ABRI in the structure of state government.
4. Enforcement of the rule of law in Indonesia.
5. Establish a government clean of the elements of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).
    Declining prestige pemrintah New Order has been started since the signing of the agreement grants the IMF in mid-1997. Decrease Perjajnian IMF aid to Indonesia's first following the Asian financial crisis occurred in October 1997. These grants are intended by the IMF to enhance and restore the confidence of foreign investment in Indonesia. However, these grants actually contains two major weaknesses for Indonesia and this is recognized by the people at the right time. The first weakness lies in the weakness of the position of the fund. Providing funding assistance by the IMF derived here is luat domestic debt to be paid back by Indonesia and the to do, although with a low percentage. Community and students see this will impact on the growing foreign debt accumulated Indonesia.
The second weakness is Applied Structural Adjustment Program (Structural Adjustment Program) from the IMF that accompany these funds decline. Structural Adjustment Programs are IMF conditions for Indonesia in four main areas. First, the tightening of policy fisksal; second, elimination of subsidies; third, closing 16 banks in Indonesia and the fourth, ordered the central bank to raise the level of a nation. Impact does not materialize in the improvement of national economy significantly.
    Agreement with the IMF were both held back on January 15, 1998. The IMF stressed conditions for Indonesia is to cut the subsidies of the people and remove the monopoly practices. In addition, the IMF also requires the elimination of all forms of national business subsidies provided by the government. On the one hand, cutting government subsidies to the industry sector will have implications both for the allocation of state funds. However, on the other hand, subsidies for food and social costs must be cut IMF requirements are then brought Indonesia to the economic slump deeper.
Chronology of Suharto's resignation from the presidency
Responding to the economic conditions are getting worse, the student with the elements of society began to move down to the street demonstrations demanding a decrease price. Various actions on the degree students and elements of society began to emerge since February 1998, and reached its peak in May 1998. On May 12, 1998, various elements of the students held a peaceful rally demanding a decrease price in Jakarta. At the University of Trisakti, peaceful demonstrations took place. Situation peaceful demonstration on that day with a very orderly way. However, the situation heats up during the day and late in the afternoon. Students who want to do long march toward
Parliament is not allowed to go further by officers. They were in stopped not far from the door of Trisakti campus. The clashes were not the inevitable. In this clash in the incident, four students were killed and dozens seriously injured.
    All four students were Elang Mulya Lesmana is, Hafidhin Royan, Hendriawan Sie, and Heri Hartanto. They were then given the title as a hero of reform. Action shooting of four students contains a variety of strong reactions from the community and student elements in various areas. Previously, a student from Yokyakarta, named Moses Gatotkaca, was also killed in a clash with security forces while demanding the withdrawal action of President Soeharto. Gatotkaca Moses died on May 8, 1998.
    At 13 and May 14, 1998, riots broke out in Jakarta and other big cities. The tragedy of the riots 13 and May 14, 1998 This is the culmination of depression due to Indonesia's economic crisis. Social crisis and the community began to appear along with the existence of social friction.
The atmosphere is very tense Jakarta pascatragedi riots 13 and May 14, 1998 is continued until the degree of action massive demonstrations by students on May 19, 1998 date. In droves, yan students from different universities in Jakarta and other cities to do long march toward building the MPR / DPR. The aim is demanding President Suharto's fall, the Assembly held a special session, and the implementation of total reform in state government bodies. Besides in Jakarta, on the same day a similar action occurred in Yokyakarta. In this city, students with the elements of the community gathered in Yokyakarta town square. They want to hear the announcement from Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono and Sri Paku Alam on the condition that the State was tense.
On the same date, namely May 19, 1998, President Soeharto invited community leaders to come to the State Palace.
Agenda is to discuss the possibilities of handling the crisis. The characters are in the law amounted to 9 people. They are Nurcholish Madjid, Abdurrahman Wahid, Emha Ainun Nadjib, Ali Yafie, Malik Fadjar, Cholil Baidlowi, Sutrisno Muhdam, Ma'aruf Amin and Ahmad Bagdja. In addition, there also Yahsril Ihza Mahendra, Presidential Military Secretary Maj. Jasril Jakub, and aides Presiden.Di in this meeting, reached an agreement to form a body called the Committee for Reform. In this meeting, also agreed that President Suharto will perform Sixth Development Cabinet reshuffle, and change the name of the new cabinet to the Reform Cabinet. The task of the Cabinet is to complete the Reform Act Kepartaian, election law, Law and demographic composition of the MPR / DPR and DPRD, the Anti-Monopoly Law, the Anti-Corruption Law, and others.
On May 20, 1998, the atmosphere at the MPR / DPR has been crowded with students. Various elements of students from universities in Indonesia, gathered together. On the other hand, as public figures like Amien Rais and Emil Salim said that his disappointment to the decision of the President Soehrto. The reason is President Suharto asked for a six-month delivery time for the General Election mrlanggar constitutionally. However, it is not stated in his decision after the meeting finished. On the other hand, various groups of people, especially students, demanding fall of Suharto from the presidency. Emil Salim, the Gema Madani called for President Suharto stepped down, his intention to carry out keprabon (down from the throne of power) at that time (May 20, 1998). Amien Rais also in the same position. He wanted the reforms implemented as soon as possible.
Student strengths and menguad more solid at the MPR / DPR. Students also carry out actions to commemorate National Awakening Day at the building yard MPR / DPR. Action dated May 20, 1998 was attended by various community leaders. At 11:30, Amien Rais came to building the MPR / DPR. Was also attended by community leaders, such as Noer, Emil Salim, Erna Witoelar. In fact, the contributions such as rice packets and drinking water from various circles to students who were demonstrating at the MPR / DPR continues to arrive. This is a symbol of that struggle the students at that time morally successfully brought solidarity among the people. On this same date (May 20, 1998), Minister of State, Madeleine Albright, significantly statement asking President Suharto to resign immediately. He said that the resignation of President should Soharto already done to make way for democratic transition in Indonesia. He is enforcing that this opportunity is a momentum for President Suharto to carve its historical step as a statesman.
At 14:30, some 14 Ministers who are under the coordination Menku Economy, Ginanjar Kartasasmita, expressed his refusal to be nominated again in the Cabinet collectively Reformasi.Mahasiswa still doing the action at the MPR / DPR. At 16:14, there was a meeting between representatives of the student with the leadership of the MPR / DPR building on the 3rd floor of the old MPR / DPR. At this meeting, students gave Suharto's resignation deadline until the day Friday, May 22, 1998. If no further certainty, then on Monday, May 25, 1998 the House leadership will mempersidangkan Special Session of the Assembly.
If the building MPR / DPR reached its peak on May 21, 1998. At 09.06 pm, Suharto announced his resignation from the position of President of the Republic of Indonesia. Located in the Credentials Room, State Palace, Jakarta, witnessed by the Chief Justice, Suharto as president ended jabtannya has carried for 32 years. Manuscript resignation statement titled Stop For President, written by Yusril Ihza Mahendra. After Suharto's resignation, the Supreme Court directly Walil inaugurated President Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie as Indonesia's new president. This is in accordance with the mandate in Article 30 UUD 1945, which reads "If the President dies, stops, dismissed, or is unable to perform his duty in the mass of office, he dig anti by the vice president until the end of his term of office". Momentun fall of Suharto on May 21, 1998 is ending the New Order government has been running for 32 years in Indonesia
Main Agenda Agenda-B.J Habibie
Falling president Soeharto from the presidency on May 21, 1998 to the early application of the reform era in Indonesia. Rising to Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie replaced Soeharto's presidency is the initial momentum of the development of political, economic, social and post-May 21, 1998. With a legacy of economic conditions, political, social and profanity, Habibie faced with demands to create a new Indonesia that is free from corruption and realize the spirit of reform. M.C. Ricklefs (an Australian historian) to see that there are five areas of major konsiderasi government of President Habibie, the future of reform, the future of the Armed Forces, future areas who want to break away from Indonesia, the future of Soeharto and his family and his cronies, and the future of the economy and the welfare of the people of Indonesia.
On the other hand, some legal experts and the students see that the appointment of BJ Habibie as president of the Republic of Indonesia is not unconstitutional. This is based on Article 9 UUD 1945, which reads, "Before taking office, the President and Vice President swears by the People's Consultative Assembly or House of Representatives". In fact, the leadership transition from Suharto to BJ Habibie on May 21, 1998 was not done in front of the MPR / DPR, but only in front of the chief justice, and the only place in the State Palace. Impact, this leads to divisions among the students perception of some communities.
Next, dated May 22, 1998, President B.J. Habibie's new cabinet was formed, among others, lies in the economic recovery of Indonesia's devastated ajkibat of the crisis in Asia. The 16-member cabinet minister of economic reform focuses on five main work areas, including the following.
1. Conduct banking recapitulation process.
2. Implementing liquidation of banks bermaslah.
3. Improving the exchange rate of rupiah against the U.S. dollar to reach 10,000.00 points behind.
4. Building a new construction of the Indonesian economy.
5. Implement the requirements of economic reform provided by the IMF to Indonesia.
At first glance, seems to programs aimed at economic recovery to fully restore the people's welfare. But little underlying that economic policies are just a part of Structural Adjustment Program (Structural Adjustment Program) who planned the IMF for Indonesia. In the end, economic reform decisions they made was not in accordance with what is needed by the people of Indonesia. Cutting subsidies for small businesses and social welfare subsidies that are needed by the community in times of crisis it is not realized.Agenda-Agenda Utama B.J Habibie
Falling president Soeharto from the presidency on May 21, 1998 to the early application of the reform era in Indonesia. Rising to Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie replaced Soeharto's presidency is the initial momentum of the development of political, economic, social and post-May 21, 1998. With a legacy of economic conditions, political, social and profanity, Habibie faced with demands to create a new Indonesia that is free from corruption and realize the spirit of reform.
M.C. Ricklefs (an Australian historian) to see that there are five areas of major konsiderasi government of President Habibie, the future of reform, the future of the Armed Forces, future areas who want to break away from Indonesia, the future of Soeharto and his family and his cronies, and the future of the economy and the welfare of the people of Indonesia.
On the other hand, some legal experts and the students see that the appointment of BJ Habibie as president of the Republic of Indonesia is not unconstitutional. This is based on Article 9 UUD 1945, which reads, "Before taking office, the President and Vice President swears by the People's Consultative Assembly or House of Representatives". In fact, the leadership transition from Suharto to BJ Habibie on May 21, 1998 was not done in front of the MPR / DPR, but only in front of the chief justice, and the only place in the State Palace. Impact, this leads to divisions among the students perception of some communities.
Next, dated May 22, 1998, President B.J. Habibie's new cabinet was formed, among others, lies in the economic recovery of Indonesia's devastated ajkibat of the crisis in Asia. The 16-member cabinet minister of economic reform focuses on five main work areas, including the following.
1. Conduct banking recapitulation process.
2. Implementing liquidation of banks bermaslah.
3. Improving the exchange rate of rupiah against the U.S. dollar to reach       10,000.00 points behind.
4. Building a new construction of the Indonesian economy.
5. Implement the requirements of economic reform provided by the IMF to Indonesia.
At first glance, seems to programs aimed at economic recovery to fully restore the people's welfare. But little underlying that economic policies are just a part of Structural Adjustment Program (Structural Adjustment Program) who planned the IMF for Indonesia. In the end, economic reform decisions they made was not in accordance with what is needed by the people of Indonesia. Cutting subsidies for small businesses and social welfare subsidies that are needed by the community in times of crisis it is not realized.
Falling president Soeharto from the presidency on May 21, 1998 to the early application of the reform era in Indonesia. Rising to Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie replaced Soeharto's presidency is the initial momentum of the development of political, economic, social and post-May 21, 1998. With a legacy of economic conditions, political, social and profanity, Habibie faced with demands to create a new Indonesia that is free from corruption and realize the spirit of reform.
M.C. Ricklefs (an Australian historian) to see that there are five areas of major konsiderasi government of President Habibie, the future of reform, the future of the Armed Forces, future areas who want to break away from Indonesia, the future of Soeharto and his family and his cronies, and the future of the economy and the welfare of the people of Indonesia.
At first glance, seems to programs aimed at economic recovery to fully restore the people's welfare. But little underlying that economic policies are just a part of Structural Adjustment Program (Structural Adjustment Program) who planned the IMF for Indonesia. In the end, economic reform decisions they made was not in accordance with what is needed by the people of Indonesia. Cutting subsidies for small businesses and social welfare subsidies that are needed by the community in times of crisis it is not realized.

    Granting amnesty and the emergence of Thinking Freedom
President Habibie Pemerintaha focus on return on socio-political conditions in the community to normal conditions. During his reign, freedom of the press temptnya returned to the original. In fact, the political prisoners of the New Order which was thrown into jail on charges of subversive, like Mochtar Pakpahan and Sri Bintang Pamungkas was granted amnesty and dibebskan during the reign of President Habibie. Amnesty exemption Sri Bintang Pamungkas and Mochtar Pakpahan is Presidential Decree No. dididlam done. 80 of 1998. Kebebsan gather and express their opinions back up. This can be seen from the emergence of political parties from various groups and ideologies. President Habibie had planned to hold the event elections are truly free and fair. The implementation is then seen in 1999, with the general election involving 48 political parties in it.
In addition, President Habibie also issued a policy to create a Joint Fact Finding Team (TGPF). The task of this team is looking for anything related to the May 13-14, 1998 riots in Jakarta. TGPF chaired by Marzuki Darusman, who was then serving as chairman of the National Human Rights Commission. TGPF, among other institutions charge, such as the Department of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Legal Aid Institute (LBH), the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), Attorney General, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), the Armed Forces, and Police. Furthermore, TGPF carry out its duty to investigate the riots pristiwa around May 13-14, 1998 in chronological order. Military officials were, among others, Major General Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, Major General Sutiyoso, Maj. Gen. (Pol.) hamami Nata, Maj. Gen. Zacky Anwar Makarim, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Prabowo Subianto, Major General Suharto (Commander of the Marine Corps), and some relevant officials in the environment Polda Metro Jaya. Ballistic test results suggest that the bullet was fired from a gun barrel length Styer brand. However, political and legal developments surrounding the disclosure of the facts surrounding the shooting tragedy of four students from Trisakti very slow, which continues to this day.
Other agenda inaugurated by President Habibie concerning freedom of association and expression in public. In the 1945 Constitution, this right is explicitly stated in article 28. Even so, the New Order era, the security forces have the right to dismiss any activity relating to the rights to assemble and express these opinions. Seeing this, President Habibie mengelurkan one policy, as stipulated in Law No. 9 of 1998 which contains about Freedom to Express Opinions in Public. The procedure was demonstrated expressed in the Act. Submitting the form of public opinion in advance of this form of protest or demonstration, parades, rallies, and free speech forum. This provision stated in Article 9 (2) of Law No. 9 Year 1998. Thus, the president Habibie also revoked Law No. Action eradication 11/PNPS/1963 about Subversion by issuing Law No. 26 of 1999.
Problems dual function of ABRI
1.        The emergence of dual function of ABRI is a concept originally proposed by General AH Nasution on November 11, 1958. In his speech entitled "Middle Way", General Nasution said that the army is also a socio-political forces at play in social activities. The rise of Suharto as a caretaker government of Indonesia since 1966 with this doctrine as the basis for strengthening the foundation and institutions of his presidency. Military position in the reform era did not get a good enough place in the hearts of the people. Pristiwa Trisakti shooting of four students on May 12, 1998 sparked public antipathy to the military existence at that time. The demand to remove the dual function of ABRI became a major issue in the reform agenda. President Habibie respond to this by implementing a policy.
2.    Policy implemented by President Habibie, among others, is to separate the police from the body of the Republic of Indonesia Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI). This policy began diterpkan dated May 5, 1999. The technical is to put the Army, Navy, and Air Force, under the umbrella of the Armed Forces. Meanwhile, National Police of Indonesia has their own autonomy, with the name of the Republic of Indonesia National Police. ABRI changed its name to the Indonesian National Army (TNI). DWI Pembanahan function within the Armed Forces conducted by government bodies to reduce the presence of the armed forces in the House. This reduction is set only 38 seats from the Armed Forces, there are 75 seats previously. Thus, the implementation of the doctrine of dual function of ABRI in the government body can be gradually eliminated.
3.    Reform Law and Legislation
4.    The government of President Habibie also made reforms in the legal field of legislation. In the MPR Special Session of 10-13 November 1998, there were large-scale reform of the legal system and the legislation. The focus of the legal sector reform and this legislation refers to the 12 provisions divided into three major parts, namely:
5.    • The provision of six new MPR decrees, among others as follows.
6.    1. Tap. MPR No. X/MPR/1998, which contains the main points of reform development pelksanaan Indonesia, as the basic framework for the rescue and noormalisasi national life as the prow of Indonesia
7.    2. Tap. MPR No. XI/MPR/1998, which contains menenai governance implementation and the clean state of the elements of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).
8.    3. Tap. MPR No. XIII/MPR/1998. Which contains restrictions on the duties of president and vice president of the Republic Indonesia.
9.    4. Tap. MPR No. XV/MPR/1998, which contains the implementation process of Regional Autonomy.
10.    5. Tap. MPR No. XVI/MPR/1998, which contains the nation's economic political life in order to perpetuate the concept of economic democracy.
11.    6. Tap. MPR No. XVII/MPR/1998, which contains about enforcement of Human Rights (Human Rights).
12.    • The provision of two provisions that change and add to the old provisions.
13.    1. Tap. MPR No. VII/MPR/1998, which contains about changes and additions to the Tap. MPR No. I/MPR/1983 the membahs about grammar rules terib People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia.
14.    2. Tap. MPR No. XIV/MPR/1998. This ordinance change and add to Tap. MPR No. III/MPR/1998 that discuss about the implementation of the General Election.
15.    • The part contains four provisions are revoked the decrees of the previous Assembly, is as follows.
16.    1. Tap. MPR No. III/V/MPR/1998. This ordinance and concerns related to TAP. MPR No. IV/MPR/1983 the membahs about the referendum.
17.    2. Tap. MPR No. IX/MPR/1998. This provision drew Tap. No II/MPR/1998 who discussed the Outline of State Policy (the Guidelines).
18. Tap. MPR No. XII/MPR/1998. This provision drew Tap. MPR No. Membahas about V/MPR/1998 the tasks and giving the president special powers as the Assembly mandate to secure the success and national development as a form of pengamaln Pancasila.
19. Tap. MPR No. XVIII/MPR/1998. This provision drew Tap. MPR No. Containing about XI/MPR/1978 guidelines pengmalan reception and Pancasila (P $ or Ekaprasetia Pancakarsa). In addition, this ordinance also establishes the Pancasila as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia.
The legal sector and the eradication of this legislation and bring socio-political life of Indonesia becomes more open. Guarantee the implementation of Human Rights in Indonesia became the early momentum for the opening of cases of human rights violations in Indonesia who have not completed until then. That addition, the emergence of political parties is inevitable as the determination of policy regarding elections. New era of legal reform and legislation during the reign of President Habibie became a kind of breaking the ice in the Indonesian legal system during the New Order.
Election 1999
         New Order reign for 32 years does not provide enough fresh air for the democratic life of the nation. During that period, the electoral process is dominated by the victory of the Functional Groups (Golkar). Government B.J. Habibie, who served as the era of reform had to carve a great history, which is holding public pemelihan include almost the entire class ideology. Some 48 political parties in berparisipasi in this grand event.
Earlier, President Habibie's government to prepare all the legal tools and legislation to support the democratic event. President Habibie cut legislation that talks about the general election, structure, composition, duties, serata authority of the MPR / DPR. This Act is used during the rule of New ORSE progress. The Act, among others, as follows.
1. Law No. 1, 1985, which regulates the general election.
2. Law No. 2, 1985, which regulates the structure, composition, tasks, and the authority of the institution MPR / DPR.
3. Law No. 3 In 1985, the governing party system Indonesia. In this Act, determined that the socio-political organizations are allowed to participate in elections is the PPP, PDI and Golkar.
4. Law No. 4 Year 1985, which contains the anti-subversive settings.
5. Law No. 5 Year 1985, which contains about the existence of mass organizations in Indonesia.
Instead, ditetapkanlah 3 political legislation that was signed on a new 1 February 1999. Contents concerning the laws on political parties, electoral processes, as well as the composition and position (susduk) MPR, DPR and DPRD. After that the president establish the General Elections Commission (KPU), which consists of representatives anggota0anggotanya parties and government representatives.
Impact, the life of democracy in Indonesia began to appear. Various socio-political groups willing to participate in the election. However, under the law has already passed in the 1 February 1999, only 48 political parties that qualify for the General Election diputaran drove from the 112 registered political parties. Berugas committee to filter the political parties called the committee's 11. Earlier, in the Special Session of the Assembly which was held in November 1998,
    MPR has revolutionized various state policies concerning various things in social life, including on the general election.
System settings set in the 1999 elections in Law No.. 3 of 1999. In these regulations, determined that the election rules is a mixture of proportional system and distik system. Ummtingkat national election finally held on June 7, 1999, there are 5 major parties were the highest, ie the PDI-P, Golkar, PKB, PPP, and PAN. Election 1999 event this is a breath of fresh air for the political life of the nation. Legitimate multiparty system run into the container accommodation voices of the people who have the ideology and aspirations of the diverse. The success of the previous election in 1999 can be seen from the top ten political parties, which are as follows.
Results of votes each political party reflects the number of seats they are entitled in the MPR / DPR. Obtaining the number of votes the party as a whole is also used to calculate the distribution of representatives from groups as well as delegates from regional representatives. After all that is done is calculated, the Assembly also held a General Session to determine the next president of Indonesia Republk.

       In the case of reform issues as a result of multidimensional crisis ari 1997 Asian financial crisis, Indonesia showed a very slow results than in other Asian countries. Various problems in society and the state becomes very complex as the denan kejatuhanekonomi. The high level of intensity of internal political conflict in the country to make handlers concentration of economic and social problems become optmal. Iu addition, the drive to implement the IMF Structural Adjustment Program (structural adjustment program) in Indonesia does not increase the economic burden light. The reason is that the policy packages offered by the IMF is not suitable sengan actually needed by the people of Indonesia. These policies only see one point of view only, that is the point of view of economic resilience. Social resilience due to the implementation of the IMF kebjakan only refers to the economic resilience is not so noted. The premise of the IMF who see that an increase in the economic resilience of a country will directly impact on improving social security, and unbroken in the case of Indonesia does not show improved results.
       If observed, the worsening social and economic conditions pascareformasi one of Indonesia can be seen from the point policy for the elimination of subsidies offered by the IMF. The policy does not allow the government provide any subsidy support domestic economic sectors.
Protectionism of the domestic economic sector was forbidden. The IMF view that the nation's economy improvement will be more effective when delivered in the power of the market economy. However, on the one hand, the economic crisis that hit Indonesia resulted in the decreasing purchasing power. While on the other hand, the government may not provide a significant subsidy to enhance the community's economy, whether in the form of business subsidies and protectionism to the local economy.
       Meningkaynya social problems became inevitable from the economic crisis. Increasing unemployment, slowing economic growth, and further heightened the color kriminilitas jackfruit of the multidimensional crisis faced by Indonesia pascareformasi. The decline in foreign investment in Indonesia is also one of the causes of this slowdown of economic performance. However, the reform agenda put forward the economic reform remains a major focus of government in Indonesia setoap. Embodiment of jobs to be something concrete to address the multidimensional crisis.
        Black history in Indonesia in May 1998, when there krusuhan sitematis in various regions of Indonesia has made the government realize that economic recovery should be the main priority. Peroyek improvement of economic and social conditions which the government launched the reform era, among others, focus on the things as follows.
1. Increasing employment as optimal as possible. The method is to diharafkan government to promote investment as a potential opening of new jobs.
2. Providing goods basic needs of society. The goal is to facilitate people in getting access to basic needs at an affordable price.
3. Optimization of public facilities for the community. The goal is to provide easy access for the public to the fulfillment of basic needs, and public transportation at an affordable price.
4. Optimize the education sector, which aims to provide easy access for people to get a decent education.
5. Makes it easy for people to access health care. The trick is to provide the treatment, doctors, and drugs at an affordable price.
A. Choose one of the most appropriate answer
1. The economic crisis in Indonesia in the beginning
with the. . . .
a. Foreign debt
b. The fall in the rupiah
c. Widespread demonstrations
d. Rising prices
e. Kurannya trust
2. President Soeharto signed
Letter of intent with the IMF on
date. . . .
a. January 15, 1998
b. January 20, 1998
c. February 15, 1998
d. March 15, 1998
e. February 20, 1998
3. Below are the requirements
improving economy is determined by the Bank
   World. . . .
a. Increased investment
education and low levels of corruption
b. The existence of political stability and
increase in foreign investment
c. Peningatan technology and
low levels of corruption
d. Increasing the value of exports and
increase in education investment
e. The existence of stability and
political credibility and increase the export value
4. Unrest in the community on mounting. . . .
a. May 13-14, 1998
b. 12-13 May 1998
c. 14-15 May 1998
d. 27-28 May 1998
e. 26-27 May 1998
5. One of the conditions the IMF to Indonesia in the Structural Adjustment Programe is. . .
a. Increased education investment
b. Increased exports
c. Closing the 16 banks in Indonesia
d. Enforcing the law in Indonesia
e. Removing dual function of ABRI
6. On 12 May 1998, the students held a massive demonstasi. Which is not expressed demands are. . .
a. Price decline
b. Foreign debt
c. The fall of Suharto
d. Enforcement of the rule of law
e. Removing monopolies
7. Body established by President Soeharto and 9 community leaders on May 19, 1998 called. . .
a. Revolutionary Committee
b. State Rescue Committee
c. Reform Committee
d. Council Reform
e. Committee on Economic recovery
8. Two figures
expressed dissatisfaction with Suharto's decision about the resufle cabinet. . .
a. Nurcholid majid and Alie
b. Ahmad Bagja and Yusril Ihza
c. Emil Salim and Amin Rais
d. Amin Rais and Alie Yafie
e. Emil Salim and Emha Ainun
9. Students who died in
clashes while demanding the withdrawal action of President Soeharto in Yogyakarta is. . .
a. Elang Mulya Lesmana
b. Hafidhin Royan
c. Moses Ghatotkacha
d. Hendriawan Sie
e. Yun Hap
10. The term is used to decrease
Soeharto from the presidency. . .
a. Stepped down to the Palace
b. The prime minister Prabon
c. The prime minister Kulon
d. The prime minister Ndalem
e. The prime minister Pesaren
11. Title resignation speech
President Soeharto go round. . .
a. Stop statement as
President RI
b. Position Berhebti from President
c. Government Succession
d. Reform Agenda
e. Implementation Agenda
12. Authored the resignation speech
13. themselves from the president Soeharto was. . .
a. Majid Rasheed
b. Emha Ainun Majid
c. Yusril Ihza Mahendra
d. Wimar Witoelar
e. Prawiro
14. Suharto announces resignation
himself from the position of President of the Republic of Indonesia date. . .
a. May 13, 1998
b. May 14, 1998
c. May 20, 1998
d. May 21, 1998
e. May 22, 1998
15. Assembly Special Session held on. . .
a. 1-10 October 1999
b. 5-20 October 1999
c. 10-15 October 1999
d. 2-21 October 1999
e. 1-21 October 1999
16. Five main working field cabinet
development reform one of them is. . .
a. Fixing the exchange rate
b. Amending the Constitution
c. Prosecute Suharto
d. Pemberantasan KKN
e. Removing dual function of ABRI
17. Government policies that regulate
the system is the 1999 elections. . .
a. Law No. 1 of 1999
b. Law No. 2 of 1999
c. Law No. 3 of 1999
d. Law No. 4 of 1999
e. Law No. 5 of 1999
18. Election that included
48 political parties in the year 1999 in the title on the date ..
a. June 5, 1999
b. June 6, 1999
c. June 7, 1999
d. June 8, 1999
e. June 9, 1999
19. Separation from the Armed Forces Police in
starting from the date. . .
a. May 12, 1999
b. May 13, 1999
c. May 15, 1999
d. May 20, 1999
e. May 3, 1999
20. The task of the Joint Team Search
Fact is. . .
a. Looking for facts about dilantiknya
b. Finding the riots pristiwa
July 27
c. Looking for facts about the decline
d. Finding about things that
related to the riots May 13-14, 1998
e. Looking for facts about the event
21. General election year
1999 is set in the Act. .
a. No. 3 / 1999
b. No. 11/1999
c. No. 3 / 1998
d. No. 4 / 1999
e. No. 5 / 1999

B. Answer the following questions correctly!
1. What caused the emergence of reform in Indonesia? Explain!
2. Describe the chronological firing Trisakti students on May 12, 1998!
3. Describe the products and legal reform legislation that is in BJ Habibie!
4. Describe the relationship between the political crisis, economic, social with the fall of the New Order government!
5. Describe the controversy surrounding the debate on the appointment of BJ Habibie as President of the Republic of Indonesia!
6. Description of the socioeconomic conditions of Indonesian society post-reform!
7. Mention those who were given amnesty in the post-reform? Why?
8. Describe the main agenda B.J. Habibie!
9. Who led the Armed Forces dual function concept and why? Explain!
10. Describe the implementation of the 1999 election and how the results?

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