Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


 Various Security Disturbance Movement in the Interior
 In the United States Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS), not the least of problems faced by the government and people of Indonesia.  As a newly independent state, nation undermining Indonesia must face, both from outside and from within the country, whether they are ideological, adventure / personal interests / groups, or come from groups who fear losing their rights when the Dutch left Indonesia.
 Darul Islam Movement / Army of Islam Indonesia (DI / TII)
 One of the security problems faced by Indonesia came from a group calling itself the Darul Islam.  The group is led by Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo.  The purpose of this movement want to establish an Indonesian Islamic State (NII) by force of arms.  Therefore, the armed forces formed the so-called Islamic Army of Indonesia.
 DI / TII originated in West Java and kept extending to Central Java, Aceh, South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan.  Its leaders, in addition to BC Kartosuwirjo (West Java), there is also the Fatah Amir (Central Java), David Beureueh (Aceh), Kahar Muzakkar (South Sulawesi), and Ibn Hajar (South Kalimantan).
 West Java
 DI / TlI in West Java began with the signing of the Renville Agreement on January 17, 1948.  As a result of the Renville Agreement, the government of Indonesia should recognize Dutch sovereignty over the territories under their control until the United States established the Republic of Indonesia (RIS).  The burden is heaviest RI RI guerrilla forces to be pulled out of the boundary demarcation line Van Mook and empty areas occupied Netherlands.  Indonesia was forced to withdraw its forces from West Java to Central Java.  BC Kartosuwirjo, with his troops consisting of Hezbollah and Sabilillah, refused Renville Agreement.  He refused to take his troops to Central Java and no longer recognize the existence of RI.  On August 7, 1949, Kartosuwirjo finally proclaimed the establishment of Islamic State of Indonesia (NII).
 Since then, begin stirring movements made by the members of the movement of DI / TII in West Java.  Not a few people who became victims.  Forces DI / Tll forcibly attract donations from the people.  Because income from the less people, the troops DI / TII visit people's homes and take possessions by force.  In the face of attack government forces, movement of DI / TII using guerrilla tactics.
 To deal with movements DI / TII, the government worked with local people. Dijalankanlah new tactics and strategy, called the war region. Adjie Ibrahim, was in charge of strategy, mobilize local people to help the armed forces with a posse tactics, which surrounded the movement IN / TII from all directions.
 On April 1, 1962, launched Operation Yudha Brata, the operation to move the DI / TII Kartosuwirjo.  Movement DI / TII increasingly desperate and do not have another chance to consolidate themselves.  As a result, one by one commander of the DI / TII surrendered.  On June 4, 1962, BC Kartosuwirjo and his followers were caught in the area Majalaya. After trial in August 1962, BC Kartosuwirjo sentenced to death.  He could ask for clemency to Presiders, but was rejected.  Leadership DI / TII eventually be executed by firing squad in front of the four armed forces of Indonesia.
 Central Java
 DI / TII in Central Java led by Amir Fatah and Kyai Sumolangu.  The core strength is the Hezbollah forces in Tegal formed in 1946.
 In the event of the Dutch Military Aggression II, Fatah Amir worked with the TNI.  He also served set-paramilitary irregulars incorporation into the military. Therefore, he had the opportunity to meet with members of the army.  However, he then reverses direction.  On August 23, 1949, proclaimed the founding of Fatah Amir Darul Islam and the state joined the DI / TII BC Kartosuwiryo.  Army called the Army of Islam Indonesia (TII) with the title Sharif Hidayat Battalion Widjaja Kusuma (SHWK).
 In addition, Tegal area Brebes, in the south (Kebumen), there is also movement of forces DI / TII, led by Muhammad Abd Mahfudh or known by Kyai Sumolangu.  The move was also made contact with the DI / TII BC Kartosuwirjo and intend to establish the Islamic State of Indonesia.  In 1954, this movement can be disabled by the military through Operation Thunder.
 South Sulawesi
 Movement DI / TII in South Sulawesi, led by Kahar
 Muzakkar.  I uprising background is different from what occurred in West Java and Central Java.  During the independence war, was commander of Kahar Muzakkar RI Army Regiment Preparation Hasanudin in Yogyakarta with the rank of lieutenant colonel.  TRI preparation now consist Hassanudin Sulawesi The young men in the island of Java.  In the battle of Surabaya, November 1945, they were also fighting for the city.
 Then, in early 1946, Kahar Muzakkar went to West Java and Indonesia form a Progress Battalion.  Members of the battalion is also the majority come from the youth of South Sulawesi.  In March 1946, he was contacted by Andi Matalatta and Saleh Lahade in Bandung.  Both fighters are young people from Sulawesi.  They also intend to seek logistical support in the form of weapons and drugs.  The three then agreed to form the Army of the Republic of Indonesia Preparation Sulawesi (TRIPS).  This idea is communicated to the Commander in Chief Sudirman and accepted as the Headquarters of the Army Plan (MBT).  On April 16, 1946, issued an order to the three characters, ie Muzakkar Kahar, Andi Matalatta, and M.  Lahade Saleh, to prepare the troops and the establishment of arrival in South Sulawesi, they have formed Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI).
 During the independence war took place, Kahar Muzakkar guerillas in South Sulawesi.  He also led the guerrilla laskarlaskar to join the Guerrilla Command South Sulawesi (KGSS).
 After the independence war was over, the government issued a policy of nationalization of the army-paramilitary.  Therefore, selection of members of the army held, but not all eligible to become members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia United States (APRIS).  Kahar Muzakkar demanded that all members be included as members KGSS APRIS in Hasanuddin Brigade.  The government certainly can not meet these demands.
 In August 1951, Kahar Muzakkar fled into the forest with equipment and newly acquired weapons troops.  Then, he accepted an offer from BC Kartosuwirjo to hold leadership TII in Sulawesi and given a letter of appointment as commander of decisions Division IV / TII to Sulawesi and East Indonesia.  On August 7, 1953, Kahar Muzakkar joined NII Kartosuwirjo and since then he named the men as the Army of Islam Indonesia (TII).
 Kahar Muzakkar addressing this motion, the government of Indonesia launched a military operation to South Sulawesi.  Operation to rebellion Muzakkz Kahar takes more than 14 years.  South Sulawesi is the problem only really completed in 1965.  The factors that cause the length to quell this movement include the following.
•     Instilled a sense of tribalism by this gang rooted in the hearts of the people.
•     Kahar Muzakkar know the properties of local people.
•     Muzakkar Kahar and his gang can take advantage of the natural environment is already very familiar.
 On February 3, 1965, Muzakkar Kahar was shot dead in a gunfire exchange with the forces of Indonesia.  With the death of Muzakkar Kahar, finally revolt IN / til in South Sulawesi can be eliminated.
 DI / TII in Aceh led by David Beureueh a famous scholar.  After the proclamation of independence, there was a conflict between the Muslim scholars belonging to the whole of Aceh Ulama Association (Pusa), led by David Beureueh, dealing with the uleebalangs or the nobility as the customs.
 In order for the conflict is not culminate into a civil war, the government of Indonesia provides a special area status level as to the Aceh province.  David Beureueh appointed governor of Aceh.  However, in order to simplify administration of the state, in 1950, the Special Region of Aceh reduced to the status of residency in the Province of North Sumatra.  Arising deep disappointment among the people of Aceh because during the war for independence was not a little assistance given by the people of Aceh.
 On September 21, 1953, David Beureueh issued edicts declaring Aceh became part of the NII which was proclaimed by the BC Kartosuwirjo and severed ties with Jakarta.  In this movement, David Beureueh also affects the people of Aceh with the propaganda that vilify the government of Indonesia in Jakarta.  Therefore, the government of Indonesia had launched a military operation to crush the DI / TII in Aceh.  In addition, the TNI also provides information to the people of Aceh to find out the real situation.
 Top initiatives I Bukit Barisan Regional Commander, Colonel Jasin, Harmony People's Consultative diadakanlah Aceh on 17-28 December 1962.  In this meeting, discussed the problems and misunderstandings that occur.  Finally, consensus is reached and the insurgency can be resolved.
 South Kalimantan
 At the end of 1950, the People's Unity Tertindas Jang (KRJT) to attack military outposts in South Kalimantan.  KRJT led by a former Army lieutenant named Ibn Hajar Haderi aka aka Angli.  Government of Indonesia is still giving the opportunity for members of this movement to surrender properly.  Ibn Hajar himself and then surrendered.  However, after feeling strong and getting the equipment of war, he again made a mess with the help of Kahar Muzakkar and Kartosuwirjo.
 In 1954, Ibn Hajar was appointed as Commander of TII Kalimantan region. Finally, the military uses of military operations to crush the movement. In 1959, Ibn Hajar were arrested and on March 22, 1965, he was sentenced to death.
 PKI Madiun uprising 1948
 After the fall of Amir Syarifuddin Cabinet, Sukarno pointed Presiders Drs. Formatur Mohammad Hatta as the cabinet.  Cabinet ruled from January 29, 1948 - August 4, 1949.  Cabinet without members of this leftist (socialist-communist) have the following programs.
1.     Implementing the Renville Agreement.
2.     Accelerate the formation of the Republic of Indonesia United States (RIS).
3.     Implement rationalization and development in the country.
 To continue negotiations with the Dutch, the government appointed Mr Hatta. Mohammad Roem of Indonesia as chairman of the delegation.  While negotiations were in progress, Hatta Cabinet undermined by the political activities of the People's Democratic Front (FDR) which was formed on June 28, 1948 by the Amir Syarifuddin.
 In August 1948, Musso returned to Indonesia.  He was a veteran CPI leader since 1926 who lives in Moscow.  His arrival brought a new policy for the PKI.  The new basic policy is often called the New Road which is a rather brief political cooperation between the communists and political antiimperialis under the leadership of the communists.  Musso policy is to oppose the policy next cabinet deems Hatta of Indonesia has been sold to the imperialist / capitalist Netherlands. Musso stated that in the new stage of democratic struggle, still required the entire flow.  However, a time they should be removed because the only people who PKI can complete revolution.
 CPI increase pengacauannya activities.  Political conflict turned into armed insiders.  In Solo, for example, many sympathizers clash between FDR / PKI with political opponents and also with the TNI.  In an effort to overcome this situation, the government appointed Colonel Gatot Subroto as Military Governor of Daerah Istimewa Surakarta and surrounding areas, including Semarang, Pati, and Madiun.
 Meanwhile, the government's attention focused on the Surakarta, on September 18, 1948, FDR / Party took power in Madiun.  FDR / PKI and proclaimed the establishment of the Soviet Republic of Indonesia.  Besides in Madiun, PKI also managed to form a new government in Pati.  At the same time, Musso attacked government by saying that the Soekarno-Hatta has run political capitulation to the Dutch and English, and to sell land to the capitalists.  Government to take immediate action to crush the PKI was the movement launched a military operation I.
 Leadership operation to be submitted to Colonel AH Nasution.  At that time, he served as Commander of Java Command Headquarters (Headquarters). On 30 September 1948, Madison had retaken by the TNI.  In operation, Musso had been shot dead.  Meanwhile, Amir Syarifuddin and other figures can be arrested and sentenced to death.
 RI government action to crack down on political PKI sympathy from Western countries.  They rate as the state anti-RI and embrace democratic principles.  It was strengthen Indonesia's position in the eyes.  world.

 Armed Forces Movement Ratu Adil
 Armed Forces of the Ratu Adil (APRA) led by Captain Raymond Westerling.  He is a former commander of Dutch troops in formation KNIL Indonesia.  APRA goal is to maintain the Dutch interests through his creation puppet state in the federal state system.
 On January 23, 1950, suddenly about 800 members of APRA troops led by Captain Westerling stormed the city of Bandung.  They kill every member of the TNI / APRIS encountered.  APRA movement also succeeded in occupying the office Siliwangi Division staff in the morning which was only guarded by a squad of troops under the command of Lieutenant Colonel.  Lembong.
 RIS Government immediately sent troops to aid Bandung.  Meanwhile, the government of RIS is also holding negotiations with the Dutch high commissioner in Jakarta. As a result, the commander of Dutch troops urged to leave Bandung Westerling.  In the afternoon the same day, troops APRA successfully driven out of town and continue to be pursued by the forces of the Republic of Indonesia Armed Forces of the United States (APRIS) with the people until they can be disabled.  Westerling himself managed to escape.  In February 1950, aboard the Dutch ship, he left Indonesia to Malaya.  APRA this event has led to the dissolution of the State Pasundan.
 Andi Aziz Rebellion
 Another danger that threatens national security is a rebellion Andi Aziz in Makassar (Ujung Pandang).  Andi Aziz was the captain of the Netherlands Koninklijke officer Indische Leger (KNIL) who with his troops joined the APRIS on March 30, 1950.  APRIS commander at the time was Lt. Col. AJ Mokoginta, Army and Territory of East Indonesia.
 At that time, the state of South Sulawesi, especially the city of Makassar, was passing.  People who hold a demonstration federal antinegara urged Eastern Indonesia State (NIT) was dissolved and merged back with RI.  Groups that agree with the idea of a federal state hold a demonstration replies.  The atmosphere grew hot and crucial to the spread of rumors that the battalion leader Major HV Worang of Java will be placed in South Sulawesi.  Andi Aziz and his followers will be worried about their position pressed by troops from Java.
 On the morning of 5 April 1950, Andi Aziz along with his army attacked the headquarters of APRIS and important places of others.  In a short time, the city of Makassar successfully controlled APRIS karmic forces very small amount.  United States Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS) is forced to face the rebellion by force of arms.  Three days later, the government issued an ultimatum to Andi Aziz in the 4 x 24 hours to report to Jakarta. The army was ordered to ban out of the dormitory and the weapons handed over to APRIS.  This ultimatum was not met so that the central government had to deploy armed force to crush Andi Aziz.
 APRIS joint forces deployed to South Sulawesi, led by Colonel AE Kawilarang assisted by the officers commanding the troops, like Lt. Col. Soeharto (former Presiders RI), Major HV Worang, Andi Mattalata, and Lieutenant S.  Sukowati.  Deploy naval warships Hang Tuah, Buffalo, and Eagle.  Air Force helped with some of bombers B-25 Mitchell.
 On April 15, 1950, Andi Aziz gave up and went to Jakarta.  With the loss of the leader, the army and the NIT was dissolved to merge back into the Unitary State of Indonesia.  Meanwhile, some of the NIT that does not agree with the idea of joining the dissolution of NIT and a separatist movement by forming their own state called the Republic of South Maluku (RMS).
 Movement of the Republic of South Maluku (RMS)
 The idea of formation of the South Maluku Republic (RMS) came from Mr.  Dr.  Christian Robert Steven Soumokil, former Attorney General NIT NIT After the dissolution, he fled to Ambon.  Incidentally, in Ambon are former members of APRA who also moved there.  These forces successfully instigated by Soumokil.  He spread the idea of the formation of the South Maluku Republic (RMS), which was proclaimed on April 24, 1950.
 At first, RIS government tried to deal with the rebellion by peaceful means.  Some figures from the United States of Maluku, like dr. Leimena sent to Ambon to negotiate.  However, this peace mission rejected by Soumokil.  He even asked for help recognition from the Netherlands, the United States, and the UN Commission for Indonesia.  The people of Ambon was also no small part to help find a way penyelessaian. On 12-13 June 1950, Maluku Conference held in Semarang.  In the meeting, discussed how the resolution of political problems in the Moluccas.  Some suggest that the government gave autonomy to the Central Maluku.  The young men generally rejected the idea and urged the government to take firm action RIS.
 RIS Government began preparing a military operation to crush the RMS separatist movement, led by Colonel AE Kawilarang.  The attack began directed to the island of Buru and Seram forwarded to.  RMS himself intended to concentrate its strength in Seram and Ambon.  APRIS attacks in Ambon was divided into three groups, namely
•     I group led by Major Ahmad Wiranatakusumah;
•     Group II, led by Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi;
•     III group led by Major Surjo Subandrio.
 On November 3, 1950, troops landed APRIS began in Ambon in order to seize Fort Nieuw Victoria.  In close combat in the face of New Castle Victoria, Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi was shot and killed.  After going through a pretty fierce battle, the city of Ambon can finally mastered and RMS resistance can be destroyed.  The remnants of the RMS movement had fled to the island of Seram, even in the Netherlands.

 Movement Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia / People's Struggle (PRRI / Permesta)
 The formation of regional councils, such as the Council Bull, Elephant House, House of Garuda, and the Board Manguni, closely related to the situation and condition of the country at that time.  Independence had been achieved by the people interpreted as the beginning of development in all fields.  In fact, the situation and condition of the Indonesian people became more and more apprehensive.  Political life and parliamentary democratic system is not stable.  Cabinet never lasted karna often fall before he could run his programs. Similarly important positions and strategic occupied by people who did not fit with the field. At that time, a person's position is determined by the relationships primordial and partisan.
 Circumstances far from satisfying it has been a member of a group of military thinking in the area.  In West Sumatra, struck concerns reunion participants Buffalo Council held in November 1956 at the Padang.  In the reunion, the participants agreed that in the process of development, the potential and wealth of the region will be explored as much as possible on the basis of regional autonomy broad.  Results reported to the Jakarta reunion by the Council delegation consisting of Bull Djambek Dahlan, A.  Halim, Dahlan Ibrahim, Sodi Baharudin, and Ali Lubis.
 As a continuation of the decision of former members of the reunion meeting of the Council of the Bull, Lieutenant Colonel.  Achmad Hussein as Chairman of the Board of Buffalo, took the decision to take over local government from the governor of Central Sumatra Muljohardjo Ruslan.  The incident occurred on 20 December 1956 in the Governorates of Padang.  The reason put forward is that the governor appointed by the central government seen as less successful in developing regions of Central Sumatra.
 About the reasons for the formation of the Council of Elephants in North Sumatra, Colonel Simbolon said that the circumstances at that time was seen as very critical.  State of the nation and the country in disarray.  However undangundang and existing laws remain in effect.
 Besides the Central Sumatra and North Sumatra, the unrest also occurred in South Sumatra, the political groups have successfully influenced the local military leader sparked Charter Development as regional aspiration.  They then formed the Council of Garuda.  As a follow-up, the board sparked demands to the central government to the South Sumatra area given the wide-ranging autonomy.  They also demanded maintenance of duumvirate Soekarno-Hatta in controlling the government of the Republic of Indonesia.  Furthermore, under the pretext of security interests and peace, as Acting Lieutenant Colonel Barlian.
 Commander Territory II issued a decision that the Regional Head of South Sumatra, Winarno Danuatmodjo, asked to surrender his power to expedite development efforts in South Sumatra.
 Apart from Sumatra, Indonesia in the east, there is also unrest. On March 2, 1957, in Makassar Territory VII Commander, Lt. Col. Ventje Sumual, proclaimed the Charter of the People's Struggle (Permesta). The movement covers an area of Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara Islands, and Maluku .  The Charter was signed by 51 community leaders of eastern Indonesia.  In order to facilitate the implementation of the program, said Lt. Col. Sumual eastern Indonesia region in danger. All local governments taken over by the military.
 To ease the turmoil in the region, on 10-14 September 1957, held the National Conference (MUNAS) which was attended by national leaders, both at central and local.  Present at the meeting, former Vice President Moh.  Hatta.  At the meeting, discussed the problems of government, local interests, economics, finance, army, party, as well as problems related to the Soekarno-Hatta duumvirate.
 MUNAS successfully make decisions that reflect the atmosphere of mutual understanding.  In closing MUNAS, issued a joint statement signed by President Sukarno and former Vice President Moh. Hatta.
 On November 25 to December 4, 1957, established the National Development Council (MUNAP) located in Building Sports Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta.  The purpose is primarily MUNAP is to discuss and formulate development efforts in accordance with local conditions.  Deliberation followed by economic experts, representatives of parties and organizations, the central figures of local clans, and military officials.  The military leader of the whole territory musyarawah present in this, except Col. Achmad Hussein from KODAM Central Sumatra.
 Although already held MUNAS and MUNAP, conditions of political life does not get better.  In fact, there assassination attempt against President Sukarno when attending an event at the University Cikini, Jakarta, on November 30, 1957.  Events Cikini result, the situation worsened Indonesia. The regions are not more calm turbulent, but the desire to escape from the central government.
 On February 10, 1958, Chairman of the Board of Bull, Achmad Hussein, issued an ultimatum to the central government to withdraw Djuanda Cabinet within 5 x 24 hours.  Faced with this ultimatum, the government acted firmly with respect rnemecat are not Achmad Hussein, Simbolon, Zulkifli Lubis, and Dahlan Djambek from office.  They are officers of the Army who was sitting in the leadership of regional movements.  On February 12, 1958, Army Chief of Staff Nasution issued an order to freeze KODAM Central Sumatra and then placed directly under Army Chief of Staff.
 On February 12, 1958, Ahmad Husayn proclaimed the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI), with Syafruddin Prawiranegara as prime minister.
 Proclamation PRRI announced in Padang apparently received from the eastern part of Indonesia.  In meetings held in several places in the region, Regional Commander North and Central Sulawesi (KDMSUT), Colonel DJ Somba, issued a statement that since February 17, 1958 North Sulawesi and Central states severed ties with the central government and established the Revolutionary Government of the Republic , Indonesia (PRRI).
 The central government in Jakarta to act immediately.  Presiders Sukarno, Prime Minister Djuanda, and Army Chief of Staff Nasution agreed to act decisively against the perpetrators of such treason.  orders arrest figures were released PRRI movement.  To restore security, government military operation.  The government began to prepare the combined forces of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.  led military operations submitted to the General Ahmad Yani.  Joint military operations for the North Sulawesi region called Sapta Marga Operation.
 In February 1958, Air Force planes began bombing in the town of Padang and a number of places other PRRI troop concentrations.  In addition, Army troops also landed by sea.  rebel forces began to conduct guerrilla warfare.  On May 14, 1958, the central rebel defense succeeded in Bukittinggi Bukittinggi city destroyed and can be mastered.
 The government also acted firmly against Permesta movement.  Somba statement in connection with opposing the central government, Army Chief of Staff as the Lord of war finally fired Somba Center and Major Runturambi.  Battalion command authority under KDMSUT submitted to the Regional Command East Angat (KOANDAIT).  PRRI / Permesta can finally overpowered around August 1958, although the remains are still there until the year 1961.  Problem solving PRRI / Permesta also carried out in other ways.  Peru Peru ndingan-ndingan between military leaders with rebel leaders executed Terns.  Finally, the rebel forces had gradually come out of hiding and surrendered to the central government. On June 22, 1961, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and then grant amnesty and abolition to members of the PRRUPERMESTA movement back to the government of the Republic of Indonesia.
 Column History
 The emergence of a rebellion in the various regions in Java can not be removed from the events of hijrahnya Siliwangi Forces guerrilla areas.  This event is the result of the Renville Agreement, so that Siliwangi Division troops should leave and empty the guerrilla areas.  This agreement was born as a form of cease-fire and demilitarization of, the Dutch and the Indonesian side, which is initiated by the Australian representative in the negotiations Three-State Commission.  The result, RI troops should be in the back of the Van Mook line that connects between a region controlled by the Dutch to other areas controlled by the Dutch.  These areas are called pocket area, and must be discharged from the army division Sliwangi. Akibatnyp, Siliwangi troops were forced to migrate from areas of the bag.  In West Java, a division of 35,000 troops were forced to move to Siliwangi Central Java
 Seeing emptiness enclaves emerged groups who do not agree with the decision of the government of the Republic of Indonesia at that time.  DI / TII in West Java is one group that did not agree with the decision of the government of Indonesia.  With dioirnpin by Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwiryo, DI / TII proclaimed the establishment of the Islamic State of Indonesia.  Guerrilla troop withdrawal from Central Java are also 'raises similar rebel groups.  DI / TII in Central Java and Fatah leader Amir Solomangu Kyai in Tegal and Brebes the effect of the vacuum bag area by troops ditingalkan RI.
 Event Background The September 30th Movement 1965/PKI
 The communists in the world have the same goal, namely to seize power and create a dictatorship of the proletariat.  Similarly, the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).  It seems obvious effort since the rebellion in Madiun in 1948 until the outbreak of rebellion G30S PKI in 1965.
 Since DN Aidit elected chairman of the PKI in 1951, CPI began to develop programs to rise again.  Re-emergence of PKI activity in 1951 to encourage the Cabinet Sukiman an arrest of PKI members.  The act was known as an event in August 1951 Razia.
 PKI leadership then must change and improve the organization's tactics and strategies. Strategy infiltration not only into the body of parties or organizations there, but also to the armed forces.  This is in line also with the concept of revolution from above and below.  This effort succeeded in making PKI as one of the four major parties in Indonesia as a result of the 1955 election (PNI, Masyumi, and PKI).
 In an effort to develop cadres of the CPI in the body of the armed forces, in 1964, which established the Special Bureau directly under DN Aidit. The characters in this Special Bureau is Pono, Bono, and Sham Kamaruzaman. At the same time, the PKI also infiltrated the in political organizations and other community.  Among themselves, develop PKI cadres and provide military training to members of the Pemuda Rakyat (PR) and Gerwani (Gerakan Wanita Indonesia).
 In early 1964, more aggressive attitude of the PKI.  PKI attacking parties considered as opposed to through public meetings and campaigns through mass media and propaganda posters.  PKI labeling his political enemies as the devils' village, city devils, kabir (bureaucrat capitalists), kontrev (counter-revolution), the agent Necolim (neocolonialism and imperalialisme), and others.
 PKI also launched a unilateral action.  Through his cadres, PKI inciting the workers and peasants to seize land under the pretext of land reform. These actions, followed by a physical action against those regarded as opponents.  It was not a soul to take its toll.
 Political conditions of the heat due to the statement.  Moreover at that time, the state of RI are running confrontation with Malaysia is considered as a project Necolim by President Sukarno.  Necolim is' an extension of Neo Colonialism and Imperialism.  Malaysia Necolim said to be a project of the British government.  The situation was used by the PKI to strengthen themselves.  Doctrine NASAKOM endeavored to apply PKI structurally with each entity includes government and activities, including the Armed Forces.  NASAKOM itself is composed of schools of the Nationalists, Religion, and the Communists.
 On January 14, 1965, chairman of CC PKI, DN Aidit, demanding that the government of arming the workers and peasants with a reason to destroy Necolim.  PKI demands were accommodated by the National Front.  Party proposed the establishment of the Fifth Force comprised of the workers and peasants. Then, on January 17, 1965 determination meeting was held in Jakarta, attended by the Executive Board of (PB) of the National Front, the political party leaders, officials of mass organizations, and group work.  The core is the determination of government to train and arm the cornerstone of the revolution (the workers and peasants) to face the aggression of the Necolim.  The proposal was rejected firmly by the Army.
 PKI aware of the most dangerous opponent, is the Army.  Therefore, PKI trying to blame the Army with some unilateral action.  In this unilateral action, along with members of PKI Barisan Tani Indonesia (BTI), which has influenced the PKI for inciting the peasants who live on the land they belong to farmers under the Agrarian Law.  As a result, in some places, a physical clash.  Not a few casualties when the army tried to prevent the peasants who tilled the land is not right. Unilateral actions of this PKI, among other things, in the event Bandar Betsy in North Sumatra and Events Kanigoro in Kediri in 1964.
 Chronological events September 30 Movement 1965/PKI
 In August 1965, President Sukarno reportedly ill and according to the explanation of the special team of doctors imported from China, is going to die or be paralyzed.  DN Aidit a good opportunity to seize power.  At that time, spread to the issue of Council will take over power, if the President could no longer govern.
 The main target of the next action is to eliminate the PKI tops Army leadership.  They are a military group that was not successfully fostered by the Special Bureau of the PKI.  Leadership of the Special Bureau of the PKI, Sham Kamaruzaman, rnengadakan meeting to prepare for the implementation of the planned movement on September 30, which planned the following agenda.
•     Kidnapped the generals Army leadership to stifle the power of the Armed Forces.
•     RRI building occupied
•     Strengthen PKI defense base in Crocodile Hole, located near the headquarters of the TNI-AU.
•     Formed the Revolutionary Council which would replace the civilian administration.
•     Dismiss Dwikora cabinet and form a government based on NASAKOM.
 Military movement was led by Battalion Commander I Cakrabirawa Regiment, Lt. Col. Untung Samsuri, and involving four companies presidential bodyguard.  Although the movement they called the September 30th Movement, in fact, they began to move in the early morning, October 1, 1965.  Movement 30 September 1965 was preceded by the kidnapping of six officers and a first officer of the Army, which is as follows.

1.     Lieutenant General Achmad Yani
 (Minister / Commander of the Army)
2.     Major General R. Soeprapto
 (Deputy Commander of the Army II)
3.     Major General Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono
 (Deputy Army Commander III)
4.     Major General Suwando Parman
 (Assistant Commander of the Army I)
5.     Brigadier General Donald Izacus Pandjaitan
 (Assistant Army Commander IV)
6.     Brigadier General Soetojo Siswomihardjo
 (Superintendent of Justice / Trial Counsel)
7.     Lieutenant I Pierre Andreas Tendean
 (Adjutant General AH Nasution)
 The seven officers were brought to Crocodile Hole at the moment that made the center of the PKI movement.  Three officers, namely General Achmad Yani, Major General M.  T Haryono, and Brigadier-General DI Panjaitan coati had been shot by the kidnappers before being taken there.  Actually, there are seven Army officers who want to abducted at the time.  However, Defense Minister Compartment / Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Abdul Haris Nasution, escaped.  The kidnappers took his aide, Lieutenant I PA.  Tendean.  In addition, Ade Irma Nasution, General Nasution's daughter, joined the victim.
 Along with the kidnapping of time, troops seized and controlled the Milky Way RRI building and Telecommunications Post in Jalan Merdeka.  Fortunately, as the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel, at 07.20 o'clock, broadcast by RRI of the existence of the purge of the members of the Council of Generals who are planning to stage a coup against the government of Sukarno Presiders by progressive young officers who opposed the coup plan.  This broadcast is repeated at 08.15.
 At 13:00 o'clock, through the RRI, announced the formation of a decree of the Revolutionary Council and the Cabinet expressed Dwikora outgoing.  On that occasion, also announced that the Revolutionary Council is the source of power in the Republic of Indonesia.
 In Central Java, G30S/PKI seized power in military command headquarters VII / Diponegoro in Semarang and 072 military region headquarters in Yogyakarta.  On October 1, 1965, the PKI also announced the establishment of the Revolutionary Council in Yogyakarta, chaired by Major Mulyono station RRI Yogyakarta.  072 military region commander Colonel Katamso and his chief of staff, Lieutenant Colonel Sugiyono, was kidnapped and murdered by rebels in the village of Kentungan.
 Kostrad Major General Soeharto as the highest helm AD in place at that time to take immediate action to control the situation.  Coordinative steps carried out between the unity of the Armed Forces, especially those living in Jakarta, through their respective commanders who successfully contacted.
 At the same time, some local military unit was assembled in Jakarta to commemorate the birthday of the Armed Forces ~ ke20 on October 5, 1965. Two of the unity of the region, namely 454/Diponegoro and 530/Brawijaya Battalion, was supported G30S/PKI and was in the vicinity Jalan Medan Merdeka, stationed around the RRI.
 By using KOSTRAD elements in Jakarta and the military unit that was still loyal, the 328th Battalion Kujang / Siliwangi, 2nd Cavalry Battalion, and Battalion I Regiment The Army Command (RPKAD), crushing G30S/PKI begins.  Operation to G30S, starting launched on October 1, 1965.  Kostrad ensuring that the operation was as much as possible not to fall off many victims.  RPKAD troops, under the command of Colonel Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, trying to do the job best. Finally, in a short time, successfully thwarted G30S/PKI Revolt.
 Several Opinions of Tragedy G30S/PKI Rebellion
 As a great nation, Indonesia continually learn from its history to achieve success in the future.  Chronological story of the history of the tragedy of the rebellion G30S/PKI events so far left so many polemics in the community.  The number of sources that stated that there were differences in the telling one version of the history of the Indonesian nation has been so much discourse spread and become quite crucial.  However, the existence of this phenomenon shows that there are two tendencies in society.  First, a mature attitude held by the Indonesian people in seeing the history of his people.  Second, the importance to be wise in reviewing the history of his nation trip.
 Polemics about the events September 30 Movement Party today more and more, but it must be verifiable.  Here is some analysis of events both who puppeteers and the parties involved in the incident.

 1. The idea that the PKI as the mastermind of the event, among others:
•     open support of the Party's People's Daily on October 2, 1965;
•     recognition of PKI officials in front of the Extraordinary Military Tribunal (MAHMILUB);
•     the presence of the Special Bureau led Sham Kamaruzaman.
2.     Opinion that these events are due to internal conflicts AD.  This version is supported by Benedict Anderson and Ruth T McVey in research known as the Cornell Paper.  The reason, then, the PKI in that unfortunate situation is the last best effort not to screw up.  Meanwhile, the body of the army, there is disillusionment with the Army leadership at the middle part of the officer.
3.     Opinion that the mastermind behind the event was Maj. Gen. Suharto.  This version is presented by WE Wertheim.  Dutch historians are seen close to Suharto Army officer involved in the September 30th Movement events PKI, namely Col. Untung and Lieutenant Colonel.  Latief.
4.     Opinion that the President knew before the event.  This is based on the CIA documents, namely The Coup That Backfired, published in 1995.  In the document, says that on Day 30 September 1965, Chief of Defense Gen. Information Sugandhi inform the conversation with Sudisman and DN Aidit to President Sukarno of PKI coup plan. However, by President Soekarno, Brig Sugandhi considered communist phobia. There was also added MAHMILUB result, the testimony of aides presiders, Bambang Widjanarko.  This analysis is also supported by Anthony CA, (an American historian).
 5. Opinions Harold Crouch, an Indonesian observer from the Australian National University (ANU) in the writings entitled Another Look at the Indonesian Coup, a conspiracy theory saying that the tragedy of the rebellion has three interpretations G30S/PKI cause.  First, he saw that the cause of the emergence of the tragedy comes from the existence of factions within the military who are not satisfied with the leadership of the military top brass, top brass at the time.  Second, the tragedy G30S/PKI emerge due to the argument that the movement of military forces on 30 September 1965 all masterminded by the PKI.  Thirdly, he interprets that the cause of the emergence of G30S/PKI tragedy is that there is a partnership between several government officials with the leadership of the PKI.

 Socio-Political Impact of the September 30 Movement Events 1965/PKI
 Rebellion G30S/PKI bring Indonesia into the social crisis and political governance. Dwikora Cabinet Meeting, October 6, 1965, has determined that penyelessaian political aspects of the events September 30 Movement 1965/PKI will be handled directly by President Sukarno.  However, in practice, the political crisis emerged because people saw that the resolution of this problem is not visiting G30S/PKI bring changes that have been mandated to President Sukarno in Dwikora Cabinet meeting.  As a result, the political crisis is making people worried about the potential re-emergence of terrorism ever carried out by the PKI in the past.
 Concerns the people of Indonesia to the practice of extermination of the PKI is not done optimally increased by the growing economic conditions declined during the period.  The increase in world oil prices on January 3, 1966 to make Indonesia socio-political conditions began to flare up.
 Government of Indonesia took the initiative to form an ad hoc committee tasked with investigating the effect of rising prices of goods, services, and world oil prices.  Furthermore, the government formed a body called the Fact Finding Commission.  Its members consist of leaders or leaders of political parties and government officials.  The task of this agency is to collect all data, information, and facts about G30S/PKI events in various regions in Indonesia.  The agency worked for about 1 month, from December 27, 1965 until January 6, 1966. Through the survey, the agency concluded that the Indonesian people want the President to take action to solve problems telling G30S/PKI and political excesses.  The results of this body of work submitted to the President on January 10, 1966.
 On the other hand, comes maneuvers conducted by elements of society, students, youth, and students.  The various movements such as the Indonesian Student Action Union (U.S.), Joint Action of Indonesian Students Youth (KAPPI), Joint Action of Indonesian Students (Kapi), Indonesian Labor Action (KABI), Bachelor of Indonesia Joint Action (KASI) and the Indonesian Women's Action Union ( KAWI) were combined in a single determination.  They demanded settlement G30S/PKI case.  On October 26, 1965, these movements to unite themselves into a single file called Front Pancasila.
 Then, on December 31, 1965, established a joint movement of the front row called the Coordinating Board and the Joint Action Front Pancasila.  Front movement was then announced Scripts Supports Declaration of Pancasila. The contents of this declaration are as follows.
1.     Support and encourage the raising duumvirate unity between elements of society and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (ABRI) in implementing and practice of Pancasila is pure.
2.     Rejecting defense efforts of any element, and in whatever form the September 30th Movement 1965/PKI.
 The rise of political maneuvering and demand action from the various elements of the popular movement and student demonstrations culminated in the events on January 10, 1966.  Demonstrations took to the streets on that day spearheaded by the Indonesian Student Action Union (U.S.) consisting of students at the University of Indonesia. On January 12, 1966, the combined entity of this action came to the House of Representatives to file 3 claims Tritura known, or Tri People's Demands .  Tritura contents are as follows.
1.     PKI.
2.     Cleaning cabinet Dwikora of G30S/PKI elements.
3.     Lower prices and economic improvement.
 Demonstrations by students that were not successfully alleviate the political turmoil that occurred in Indonesia.  In the plenary session of the Cabinet Dwikora, January 15, 1966, at the Bogor Palace, the President invited representatives of students.  However, the President actually launched charge that the actions of the student demonstrations mounted by the forces suspected Necolim (Neo-Colonialism and Imperialism) and the United States CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).  President Sukarno and then create a united front called the Barisan Sukarno, with members coming from various elements of society.  The aim of the formation of this front is to maintain the position of President Sukarno of Necolim movements, counter-revolutionary movements, and PKI are considered to undermine his position as presiders.  Front Pancasila and the University of Indonesia Student Council, which consists of some members of the U.S. activists, support the formation of the Barisan Sukarno.
 On the other hand, comes against the aspirations of the founding of the Barisan Sukarno, namely the U.S. Armed Forces and the Central.  They argue that the establishment of the Barisan Soekarno-level will only increase divisions among the people.
 Apart from the formation of the Barisan Sukarno, was, Tritura not get a positive response from the government of President Sukarno.  One of the demands in Tritura is a demand to the government to clean Dwikora Cabinet of PKI elements.  However, the Cabinet reshuffle Dwikora on February 21, 1966, President Sukarno actually put the names of ministers suspected of involvement in the events G30S/PKI, like Dr. Tjo Soebandrio and Oei Tat.  Instead, the characters who oppose the PKI, such as the AH Nasution, it was removed from the ministry of the new Cabinet reshuffle result of this, which was then called "Cabinet Gestapu" or "100 Cabinet Minister" by the students.
 Political tensions increased in Indonesia February 24, 1966, when the ministers of the Cabinet reshuffle Dwikora inaugurated.  At that time, students marched down the streets to reject the inauguration of the new cabinet.  In this event, the demonstrators who came from University of Indonesia, Arief Rahman Hakim, who died hit by bullets fired by the Regiment Cakrabirawa.  Casualties from the student activists increasingly trigger political tensions between the government of President Sukarno clan, the student movement.  On February 25, 1966, President Sukarno issued a decree pembubarkan U.S..  Enforcement of the curfew in Jakarta was carried out intensively by the military.  Since March 3, 1966, University of Indonesia was closed and students are prohibited from engaging in meetings and gathered more than 5 people.

 Column History
 Crushing G 30 S / PKI in Central Java
 In addition to the action in Jakarta, rebellion G 30 S / PKI also waged in central java.  Power of PKI in Central Java, among others, have been represented by military forces who have diinfilrasi by schools of â € "schools of communism by the political bureau of the PKI.  Assistant I in semarang Kodam VII / Diponegoro announced his support for the action G 30 S / PKI Provincial Central Java.  The statement was announced by RRI Semarang at 13:00, 1 October 1965. In addition, the strength of PKI appeared in Solo, along with the kidnapping of military leaders.  Terinfiltrasi troops by PKI include battalion K and M.  For the region of Yogyakarta, Army battalion that is terinfiltrasi L and C.  In the town of Salatiga, battalions D also represents the emergence of the PKI forces in Semarang.  In Yogyakarta, the emergence of the PKI forces RRI confirmed in an announcement on October 1, 1965.  in these Pegumuman, Colonel Mulyono meneqaskan Revolutionary Council in the establishment of Yokyakarta.  Military officers who seized the chief of staff of 072 military region, Lieutenant Colonel Sugiono.  In Solo, the battalion strength M which has terinfiltrasi by the PKI, to kidnapping the 6th Brigade Commander (Colonel Azhari), Commander of the District Military Command 0735 (M. Darso), Chief of Staff Kodim 735 (Major Soeparjan), and Military Police Detachment Commander Solo (Captain Parwoto ).  Support the PKI in the city of Solo is also given by the mayor of Solo, Oetomo Ramelan.  To borrow the name of the Front Nasution, he announced his support for G 30 S / PKI.
 Government together with the Armed Forces were immediately crushing.  With the use of military strength in Magelang unspoiled side with the government also conducted operations began in the morning, October 2, 1965 At 05.00, the Armed Forces with the power of 2 armored platoons 10:00 .. The RRI announced through the entire chain of command that kodam VII / Diponegoro was dominated again by the Armed Forces.  However, kidnapping and terrorism is still often occur in various regions in Central Java.  It was caused by the strong power base in Central Java PKI.
 Furthermore, the Regional Commander VII / Diponegoro ask for help from RPKAD and cavalry to the extermination of the security problems in Central Java. On October 19, 1965, these troops arrived in Central Java.  Regional Commander VII / Diponegoro then announced that the entire region of Central Java in a state of war.  Regulations that came into effect October 26, 1965, which imposed a curfew from 17:30 o'clock until 05.30 o'clock. Sarwo Edhi Then, as commandant RPKAD, forming Operation Commander of Merapi on December 1, 1965.  Any operation to be done thoroughly-kingpin kingpin PKI, such as Colonel Sahirman, Colonel Maryono, Lt. Col. USMA, Major Samadi, Major RW Sakirno, and Captain Sukarno successfully disabled.  In addition, this operation to catch DN Aidit on November 22, 1965.  RPKAD troops pulled back from Central Java, on December 30, 1965.

 On January 14, 1965, chairman of CC PKI, DN Aidit, demanding that the government of arming the workers and peasants with a reason to destroy Necolim.  CPI demands on the capacity of the National Front.  CPI for the creation of a fifth force which consists of the workers and peasants. Then, on January 17, 1965 determination meeting was held in Jakarta attended by the Big Board (PB) of the National Front, the political party leaders, officials of mass organizations, and group work.  The core is the determination that the government train and equip teachers œsoko € â € revolusiâ (the workers and peasants) to face the aggression of the Necolim.
 The main target of the next action is to eliminate the PKI tops Army leadership.  They are bitter enemies who were not successful in coaching by the Special Bureau of the PKI.  Special Bureau of the PKI leadership, Sham Kamaruzaman, held a meeting to prepare the implementation of the planned movement on 30 September.
 This military movement led by Battalion Commander I Cakrabirawa Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Samsuri Luckily, involving four companies and the presidential bodyguard. Although the movement they called the September 30th Movement, in fact, they began to move in the early morning, October 1, 1965.  30 September 1965 the movement was preceded by the kidnapping of CPI-six men and one officer of the Army's first officer.
 Rebellion G30S/PKI bring Indonesia into the crisis of political governance and social siding Dwi Kora Cabinet on October 6, 1965, has determined that a political settlement of G30S/PKI events will be handled directly by President Sukarno.  However, the problem is not a visit G30S/PKI resolved.  As a result, the political crisis that makes people worried about re-emergence of terrorism as it had been done by the PKI in the past.

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