Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


Indonesia travel history during a parliamentary democracy with a government characterized by a period of seven different cabinet.
Conditions in Indonesia are very vulnerable period for the parliamentary, government within the seven cabinet, the cabinet's performance often experienced deadlock and opposed by the parliament. It happened because of the strong opposition that resulted in the emergence of a conflict of interest in the process of policy formulation and manufacturing State.
The names of the cabinet Year 1950-1959
NO    Kabinet    Term
1    Natsir    6 September 1950-18 April 1951
2    Sukiman    26 April 1951-1952
3    Wilopo     19 Maret 1952- 2 Juni 1953
4    Ali Sastroamidjojo    31 Juli 1953- 24 Juli 1955
5    Burhanuddin Harahap    Agustus 1955- 3 Maret 1956

The failure of the Constituent Assembly in Developing New Laws
Life of a period of parliamentary democracy is also characterized by the failure of the Constituent Assembly in making laws only for Indonesia. Constituent Assembly itself is an institution established to form the Constitution (New). Domestic political conditions in this unstable coupled with the emergence of movements that threaten public order and security stability in Indonesia. November 20, 1956, the Constituent Assembly began to meet for the first time. In this first trial, Sukarno gave authority to formulate and establish the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia without working limit.
Spirit to unite and formulate a Constitution Indonesia became interested in mutual self interest groups. Challenges faced by working konsituante, among other things, on May 29, 1959.
There are suggestions from the Islamic groups to re-enter the grain Jakarta Charter that states "the obligation to run the Islamic requirement for adherent-believers" in the Preambule of the Constitution of 1945. In the constituent assembly on May 29, 1959, vote taken steps to resolve the problem.
On May 30, 1959, the constituency re-implement the trial. Agenda in this session discussed the government proposal to return to the Constitution of 1945 without change. The main factors that caused the failure of the Constituent Assembly in drafting a Constitution for Indonesia is the presence of interest groups concerned with the attitude or political party in the constituency. At that time, there are three axis force major political parties who occupy the seat constituent assembly and government, the power of Islamic parties, the power of the Nationalist party, and the power of the Communist party. In addition, there are political events in the conflict of interest pervade each political group in the constituent body. For example, the conflict between the NU PNI and PKI issues concerning the implementation of the 1945 return and inclusion grains Jakarta Charter in the 1945 Constitution.
B. Indonesia Economic life in the Democratic Parlemeter
Sukiman cabinet at the time, one of the changes in the economic life is happening is the process of economic nationalization by the government. The process of economic nationalization that concerns 3 main areas, namely the nationalization de Javasche Bank to Bank Indonesia, the establishment of Bank Negara Indonesia, and the formation Oeang Repoeblik Indonesia (ORI).
At the time of Parliamentary Democracy, the process of nationalization of the Indonesian economy is not run smoothly because of the political conflicts of interest between groups in the constituency and parliamentary bodies. To overcome these problems, on March 19, 1956. Importers of Indonesian National Congress issued a policy on call Assaat Movement. The motion urged the government to issue a regulation to protect vulnerable native rulers in each of thenon-indigenousentrepreneurs.

Transfer system from the period of Indonesian rule of Parliamentary Democracy to Guided Democracy characterized by the potential threat of internal conflict in the country. O is caused by the high conflict of interest between the political groups in Indonesia. Bubarkannya peak is in the constituency because they do not succeed in making laws. Constituent performance deadlock was finally closed with the announcement of Presidential Decree of July 5, 1959, which contains the following.

1. Dissolution of the Constituent
2. 1950 Constitution does not force, and the application of the 1945 return as the official Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
3. The formation of the MPRS and the DPRS in tempo as soon as possible.

Formation of Presidential Decree of July 5, 1959 This is the moment of the turn of the Indonesian Democratic System of Liberal Democracy / Parliamentary to the Presidential Democracy system.
As a follow-up to Presidential Decree July 5, 1959, on July 10, 1959, formed the so-called cabinet cabinet work. Cabinet system adopted by the Parliamentary Liberal Democracy in the system is replaced with the Presidential Cabinet. Cabinet work program includes domestic security, the liberation of West Irian, and increased production of food and clothing.
Presidential Determination No. 2 Year 1959 on the establishment of People's Assembly Pemusyawaratan (MPR) determined that MPR members nominated and appointed by President Sukarno. In addition, they must meet several requirements as follows.

1. Setuiju back to the 1945 Constitution
2. Agree on the struggle of the Republic of Indonesia
3. Agree with the Political Manifesto
President Sukarno also established other agencies, namely the Supreme Advisory Council (DPA), the National Planning Council (National Planning Council), and the National Font. Meanwhile, at Memorial Flag Ceremony August 17, 1959, President Sukarno made a speech titled "The recovery of our Revolution". The speech was an explanation and accountability of Presidential Decree July 5, 1959 and the policy outline in declaring President Sukarno's Guided Democracy. National font created by Presidential Decision No.. 13 Year 1959. in the determination that, mentioned that the National Font is the organization fighting for the ideals of the Proclamation and the ideals embodied in the 1945 Constitution. National font headed by Sukarno.
NASAKOM actually meant to embrace the political forces that continue to compete since liberal democracy, it actually benefits the PKI. As a legitimate element in Indonesia's political constellation, the stronger the position of the PKI and any award against the government increased. This is evident from the action that puts the President ahead of the dibarisan PKI guided democracy. Pancasila as the basic functions of State became blurred. PKI used the situation to further undermine the Pancasila.

Government carrying out the guided economic concepts in order to realize the socialist society of Indonesia. This concept is originated from an idea that in a socialist society, everyone would be guaranteed a decent life.
In this system, people who can carry out economic activities, especially imports, except those who got the license or special permission from the government. To overcome these economic difficulties, on March 23, 1963, President Sukarno announced the Declaration of Economics (DEKOM). Of this Declaration, issued regulations on export-import and pricing issues. But in the end, DEKOM also helpless in dealing with Indonesia's economic difficulties.
During the year Cabinet Djuanda in 1958, the government has made a planning laws to make up the body in charge of the economy to improving the nation's economy. The agency called the National Planning Council. The task of this body is divided into 2 main areas, namely as follows.
1. Preparing the draft Law of Indonesia National Development and gradual plan.
2. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the development process.
Furthermore, these policies began to be applied intensively in 1959, when the National Planning Council was officially formed and led by Muhammad Yamin as Deputy Chief Minister.
In 1959, Indonesia experienced the level of very high inflation. Governments are quick to react by issuing a variety of economic policies. Some economic policy is as follows.

1. Substitute for government regulation of Law No. 2 / 1959 which aims to reduce the amount of money in domestic circulation. The policy led to the practice of Devaluation of rupiah denominations of paper currency from 1000 to Rp.100, and Rp 500 to Rp.50. These Regulations shall come into force August 25, 1959.
2. Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 3 / 1959 which sets the freezing part of the entire deposit money in banks throughout Indonesia. This regulation aims to reduce the amount of money circulating in the community.
3. Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 6 / 1959 which states that the paper money 1000 and Rp 500 is still valid and has been converted to IDR 100 and Rp.50 must be exchanged with the new banknotes before 1 January 1959.
Implementation of economic policies of government mentioned above does not work without constraints. The government is also doing the tightening of state budgets, and overseeing the performance of administrative management in the run by private companies. The aim is that the flow of dollars of credit funds can flow smoothly to finance a significant effort for the life of the people of Indonesia.
Indonesia's economic decline was the rising return value of the rupiah currency circulation. Furthermore, in 1963, the National Planning Council transformed into designer of the National Development Agency (Bappenas).

Apart form the National Development Planning Agency, the government also handle the monetary crisis by issuing various economic policies, which are as follows.

1. Presidential Decision No.7/1965 which menetapan establishment of State-Owned Banks singles. The purpose of this policy is to provide avenues for the flow velocity of circulation between central bank and public bank.
2. Determination of President of the Republic of Indonesia No.27/1965, December 13, 1965, the expenditure of new rupiah worth 1,000 times the old rupiah currency. This policy resulted in economic decline and the monetary value of the rupiah Indonesia because the old and new have a ratio of 1:10. amount of government spending also helped to increase from Rp.3 billion to Rp.30 billion.

At the time of guided democracy, there is overlap between the policy based on the president and the policies based on law. This is because the president authority to create another rule that level with the Act. Indonesian economic conditions decline further show until 1966.
Period of 1945
In the revolutionary period of independence of all layers and groups united to defend the State and maintain independence.
The spirit of social solidarity is very high. This can be seen from the involvement of rural communities to help the fighters in guerrilla warfare.
Women also play a role in the revolution of independence. They are active, not only dibarisan back, such as holding public kitchens, but also by contributing forefront shouldering rifles. On 15-17 December 1945, in Klaten, Indonesia Women's Congress was held I attended several organizations, such as the Indonesian Women's Association (PERWANI) and Women Negara Indonesia (WANI). Both organizations were fused in a single organization, namely Pewari (Association of Women of the Republic of Indonesia).

In the field of education the government of Indonesia recognized the importance of education for the intellectual life of the nation. On December 27, 1945 formed a committee in charge of researching and formulating the problems of teaching and education. DiIndonesia general purpose of education is to educate children to become useful citizens.
For the broad interests of the people, the Committee of Inquiry will hold a teaching plan for illiteracy eradication efforts. Accordingly, other factors that are important in establishing the integrity and national unity is the language. Development of Indonesian have greater opportunities after Japan banned the use of Dutch language. When the time arrived for independence, the Indonesian language has been able to fulfill its function as the national language. This text begins with the proclamation of Indonesian writing.
Spelling is the Commission of the Republic, which is usually called Spelling Kelvin. In the field of art, especially literary art, painting, and artistic flare, style of fighting spirit was evident. Chairil Anwar is one of the pioneers of the independent Indonesian literary arts.
Another element that is not less important is the mass media. Newspapers at that time actively bring the spirit of struggle, including the Indonesian-language newspapers in the occupied areas, namely the Dutch territory. In addition to newspapers, radio is an effective communication tool. At the time of the revolution, RRI stations should move to avoid attacks buntuk Netherlands.
In the field of sports, in the midst of a tempestuous struggle, the Indonesian National Sports Week held (PON) as the container the unification of all components of the various regions. On September 9, 1948, held the National Sports Week (PON) I at Solo. The opening was held at the Presidential Palace in Yogyakarta.
Period 1950s
Ditahun 1950, priority of the government of Indonesia in the field of education is to build the universities to improve knowledge.
The government stressed the importance of education as a step techniques to master the modern world. In practice, issued Law No. 7 Year 1950, which obliges the Minister of Education Teaching and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia United States to take measures in consolidating the universities in Indonesia.

In this period, the press and the media have a very rapid development. This is motivated by a system of Parliamentary Democracy that freedom and liberalism in terms of writing the news began to grow. In this period, can be seen that the press in Indonesia is regional. That is, the press in this period was not concentrated in one area alone, but spread all over Indonesia. Based on the list of the Ministry of Information The Problems and Graphic Press, on April 1, 1945, there were 78 daily in Indonesia. Only 15 are published daily in Jakarta, the rest spread in the regions. It shows that the period of the 1950s, Indonesia began to increase community awareness to keep the information and increase knowledge about the outside world, especially in technology, politics, and culture.
Period 1960s
Concentration of government to improve higher education, especially universities in the era of the 1950s, resulted in the 1960 period. The level of community interest to explore higher education increased dramatically. In terms of teaching curriculum, the materials are related to the ideas and teachings of the Great Leader of the Revolution and the doctrine of Political-Manifesto.
In the political and cultural life, the PKI is dominating. With the political motto is commander, PKI trying to put the whole life of the people that are under his control. In addition, the doctrine of socialist realism in art and literary life is very dominating. It also entered into the movement of pop music that by the time the PKI was regarded as music ngak ngik ngok. Phenomenon that stems from a speech President Soekarna on August 17, 1959 of the Political Manifesto. Within this speech, he denounced Western culture that introduces music ngak ngik ngok and rock and roll. President Sukarno saw that it was a manifestation of the ideals of Western imperialism in the field of arts and culture.
 President Sukarno and then prohibit the development of the Cultural Manifestation (Manikebu) which contains the conception of universal humanism. Prohibition against President Sukarno Manikebu issued on May 8, 1964.


 Conditions in Indonesia in the early 1960s was strongly influenced by the political cultures in the period of Guided Democracy. The position of President Sukarno as the country's supreme leader to be an absolute influence on the political policy, economic, and social development in Indonesia.
In this period, the influence of the PKI has deep roots in the middle of society, be it in terms of cultural, social, and political. Nasakom concept applied by President Sukarno became a legitimacy for the Party to move in the field of national political movement. Sukarno's attitude used by the PKI's right to enter any line of government and social life of society. PKI also use these points to draw coalition with the government of President Sukarno. Furthermore, the PKI was considered sufficient force in the political constellation of Guided Democracy led by President Sukarno. Socially - civic, PKI managed to dominate and spread in various lines of life of Indonesian people.
Conception of democracy that demands Guided President as the supreme ruler of the State embodied in the various decisions and government policies. The principle is manifested in the presidential decree No. 94 In 1962. This government decision to integrate the institution - the highest institution of the State, such as MPR, the DPR-GR, DPA, National Planning Council, and the National Front. The leaders of these institutions in the host became minister and participate in cabinet meetings, which later joined to formulate government policy.
The principle of the President as the supreme ruler of the State is also seen in the Presidential Decision No.. 4 Year 1962. Through determination, the President Assistant formed Leadership Council of the Revolution (MPPR). The Institute served as the assistant leader of the Revolution (PBR) in taking special and emergency policies in order to complete the process of revolution. As a result, all of life and governance arrangements under the authority of the president.
In the economic field, in the early 1960s, a period of inflation, the government tackle the problem by way of a replacement government issued a regulation laws No. 2 Year 1959 on reducing the amount of money circulating in the market.

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