Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


 A.    ONFLICT INDONESIA - BELANDA ( 1945 - 1949 )
     Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia of at 17 August 1945 representing starting point of attitude of Indonesian nation to determine chance of its own nation freely and sovereign. However, process cannot take place at ease because Dutch not yet confessed independence of Indonesia and still try to return to colonize Indonesia variously.
 Dutch try to divide Indonesia of through various consultation and strive diplomacy. Its target is make Indonesia become state of doll which can meraka control easily
Strive colonization return done by a Dutch generate resistance from Indonesia combatant. Hereunder is the tables of struggle of Indonesian nation in maintaining its independence from Dutch party.

Tables 2.1 Struggle Maintain Independence

Encounter    Landing Of It
And NICA  
Team    The Happening Of Encounter  
Result of Encounter.
Surabaya    25
 1945    Ally :
 Indonesia :
 Governor Surabaya of that moment, Suryo Sutomo ( Fella Tomo)    Is started at 26 October 1945, by army of ally groaning prison of Kalisosok and occupy big post of fice and airbase. In one incident, General of Mallaby defeated. Ally give ultimatum to deliver weapon. But, is not followed by all combatant of its Top is became of on the date of 10 November, ally  Surabaya    Surabaya succeed defended by during 3 week, but in the end combatant of East Java have to retreat out the and town  have guerrilla to
Ambarawa    20
 1945    Ally :
 TKR :
 Major of Sumarto, Colonel Isdiman, Colonel Sudirman    became of by First delivery 20 November 1945. After Colonel Isdiman be killed, head replaced by Colonel Sudirman and start attack of at 12 December 1945. Attack take place during 4 day.    Ambarawa succeed mastered by team TKR.
Bandung    October
 1945        At 21 November 1945, Ally release ultimatum in order to TKR surender weapon and leave Bandung. However central government prohibit team push along.    Bandung left by TKR of because gone to the wall by Ally team. Bandung of South arch under the sun scorch by doing/conducting combustion in some strategic place.
Medan    9 October
 1945    Ally :
 Kelly    became of by First incident 13 October 1945, in a hotel in Bali road;street, hereinafter, encounter happened in beberbagai place in Field. Ally release ultimatum in order to the team deliver weapon.    Because gone to the wall by Ally army, office of governor and station of TKR carried over by Causeway Siantar. That Matter cause town of Field mastered by Ally team.
Palembang    12
 1945    Ally :
 Camichael    Team of Ally of diperbolehkan enter area of Palembang is later;then changed by Dutch team. That Matter generate venomous encounter among/between Dutch and Indonesia. That Event is became of by 1 January 1947. Encounter take place during five day five night. At 6 January 1945, performed by gencetan arm.    Result from that cease-fire is that team of Indonesia have to retreat as far as 20 kilometre from town Palembang. Equally, team of Dutch get of best of town Palembang.

Aggression of Military of Dutch I
     At 27 May 1947, Dutch release note in the form of ultimatum which must be replied by government of Indonesia during 14 day. Because do not reach agreement to the note, at 21 July 1947, midnight, Dutch launch attack to entire area in Republic Of Indonesia. Operation gave by lable " politional action " that in fact dalah a aggression of military which is  known as by Aggression of      Military I.
Team - Dutch team make a move from Jakarta and Bandung to master West Java and from Surabaya to master Madura and region of East Java and also one team again to occupy Semarang. In Sumatra, Dutch team try to master plantation - plantation around the Field. coal and Oil Installation in Palembang and its surroundings is also attacked and mastered.
By bermodalka is old implement of Japan ommission, consisted of by a implement pengebom Guntai and two hunter Cureng implement, aviator AURI got mixed up with by some air raid to Dutch. At 29 July 1947, third implement which have jetty in this Maguwo Yogyakarta, is involved by encounter in Ambarawa.

Aggression Of Military Of Dutch II
     Domestic Situation of Indonesia which is facing PKI exploited by Belanda.Pada 18 December 1948 night, Dr Beel advise to delegation of RI and Commission Three State ( KTN ) that Dutch shall no longger be trussed and do not confess Approval Renville. Morrow of is Day is Dutch launch .
Attack of early plungedly is paratroops in Airbase Maguwo  ( Adisucipto ) and bomb of some place in Yogyakarta. In a short time, Dutch team succeed to occupy town RI mother. Highest Head of state and some high functionary, like president, vice president, lead staff of air force and some other high functionary in capturing by Dutch
At the (time) of team of Dutch groan town Yogyakarta, cabinet have time to be in session in President Palace of at morning 19 December 1948. Conference decide that if happened by something at head of governmental national will give mandate to Mr. Syafruddin State, Minister of Prosperity of People which is residing in Bukittinggi to form Governance of Emergency RI ( PDRI ). If forming of PDRI also fail, will be formed by government of RI in deportation. For that will be given by authority  to Mr. A. A. Maramis ( Minister for Finance), L.N. Palar, and Dr. Sudarsono residing in New Delhi, India.
In conference, is also proposed in order to all. High head of state evacuate out town of together with people. But, vice president and president decide will linger on in town with the possibility of ditawan. That matter is done by as tactics in order to can close to KTN so that easy to perform consultation. Meanwhile entire strength TNI will out the town and make against by guerrilla.
Region defender Ri divided duar that is first Commando Sumatra. Elementary military aggression time experience and Java Commando, system defender of Republic Of Indonesia in altering from linear defender system become defender wehrkreise system ( radian of defender ) Despitefully, team TNI is also commanded to do guerrilla war.
KTN getting duty observe Approval Renville execution know that Dutch have impinged the the approval. United States release resolution agreed by by all member conference of Security Council of Nation Confederation - Nation             ( DK-PBB ) at 28 January 1949. Resolution of Security Council PBB, for example- sounding the following
1.    Stop of all military operation immediately by stop and Dutch of all guerrilla activity by republic
2.    Liberation immediately and unconditionally all political prisoner in Republic area by Dutch.
3.    Dutch have to give opportunity to all functionary of Republic to return immediately to Yogyakarta. That Matter is done in order to section 1 above executed and so that they freely. At first level, government in town of is Yogyakarta environs and. is Last, gradually - move over, in area - area of other republic pursuant to approval of Renville is also done by stop of all operation of military and guerrilla activity
 4.    Consultation will is immediately done by pursuant to Approval, Linggajati, Renville, and forming of governance of whereas which is the in form of federal, slowest 15 March 1949. election of Council of maker of UUD state of slowest Federal Indonesia 1 July 1949.
5.    Commission of Three State of his change name become Commission of PBB for Indonesia UNCI ( United Nations Commmisson for Indonesia ) with duty assist fluency of consultation go together return of republic government power, and perceive process of election and also is entitled to raise proposal for the shake of assisting process of is solving of
     United States also menace will discontinue aid to Dutch, is such as those which loaded in Marshall Plan ( aid of United States to nations suffering effect of of World War II )

     Legislative Authorization of KNIP confirmed in Communique X 16 October 1945 becoming early appearance position of prime minister in Indonesia. in Indonesia
     This Cabinet commutation mirror manner ideology which is there are in every  cabinet. That manner generate different pattern startegi existence - difference in face of all state problem in early independence, included in facing Dutch

A Period Of Governance of Cabinet Syahrir
     Cabinet of Sjahrir in command during 3 times that is : a period of/to Cabinet of Syahrir I, Cabinet of Syahrir II, and Cabinet of Syahrir III. At a period to first power, Syahrir get about strength from organization of Struggle Association ( PP). Organizational that oppose Cabinet of Sjahrir of along with appearance of oration from Queen of Dutch of at 7 December 1942, what related with consultation usher Indonesia - Dutch. Queen of Dutch of berppidato and announce things of following
1.    Indonesia become state of federation and merge into state of commonwealth in The Netherlands kingdom environment
2.    Internal issue of Country of Indonesia will be managed self-supportingly by Indonesia, but overseas problem of Indonesia remain to be managed by Dutch
3.    Before system of this commonwealth is formed, will be formed ahead a governance of switchover taking hold of during 10 year
4.    Indonesia will be entered by into membership PBB

Statement of Indonesia from Queen of that Dutch represent answer from Governmental Political Communique at 1 November 1945. that Political communique contain statement that government of Indonesia claim confession for entirety of state and governance of Federal Republic Of Indonesia as well as from party of Dutch which have been made by before breaking nya of World War II.
At a period of/to Cabinet Syahrir II formed at 2 October 1946 diplomacy strategy realized by through Consultation Linggajati execution of at 10 November 1946.
     That Consultation result is seen as not optimal by other political figure - figure group and. In other side, there are also supporting. Consultation Lingarjati decision for example Pesindo, BTI, PKI, People Soldier, Labour, Parkindo, and the Roman Party. From that group second, there are a strategy pattern difference in handling conflict with that strategy Difference continue at appearance usher political group at era of early independence

A Period Of Governance of Cabinet of Amir Syarifuddin
     Strategy of most uppermost Diplomacy at a period to cabinet of Amir of Syarifuddin is implementation of Consultation of Renville of at 17 January 1948.
     Conflict of political among group in Cabinet of Amir of Syarifuddin is also happened by like at a period to Cabinet Sjahrir. This Conflict do not in the form of physical conflict, but in the form of difference of strategy in face of Dutch. For example at the time of commutation of Cabinet of Amir of Syarifuddin mean to strengthen position of its cabinet to Dutch so that he agree on result of consultation Renville. Attitude Amir of that Syarifuddin get about from political party is other;dissimilar. politics opposing that policy is Masyumi. PNI even also follow Masyumi givenly is demand in order to Cabinet of Amir of Syarifuddin give its mandate return to President Soekarno. political Difference Strateqi among group in Cabinet Amir of this Syarifuddin end in delivery of mandate return to President of Soekarno of  at  23 Janurai 1948

A Period Of Cabinet Hatta Governance
     Form cabinet compiled by Hatta is coalition cabinet figuring in all political group exist in Indonesia by then. This cabinet is supported full by party Masyumi, PNI, Roman Party, and Parkindo. Even though still there are group which side with cabinet Hatta. The Group is PKI, what in the end do rebellion in Madiun in September 1948
Strategy striking from Cabinet Hatta in face, Belanda is approval execution and quicken process forming of Federal Indonesia State ( NIS). Its Materialization is delegatedly is Mr. Moh. Roem as delegation RI chief to execute diplomacy consultation unrightiously is Van Mook Dutch .
Have conference Roem-Royen of at 7 May 1949, representing result from diplomacy Moh strategy. Roem in international world. Strategy , the tip of at execution Have conference Desk. Domed becoming regional sovereignty delivery momentum of Indonesia from Dutch to Indonesia.
Result Of Conference Roem - This Royen is also agreed full by big politics in Indonesia during the period that is Masyumi agree result from Roem - Royen of because attitude taken by government of RI constitute by refleksi of position of RI in international world and also circumstance in country by xself.
 Finally strategy of diplomacy of Cabinet of Hatta reach its top at 4 August 1949 liftedly of delegation of Republic Of Indonesia to go to Den Haag in order to performing , Round Table Conference ( KMB). Have conference this 23 August 1949 till 2 November 1949.
At 27 December 1949 done by ceremony of delivery of sovereignty from royal government of Dutch to Indonesia. That Momentum represent confession of Dutch for sovereignty of all region of Indonesia of is ex- country of Dutch Indies, except Irian West.
     Strategy of Diplomacy applied by Cabinet of Hatta have succeeded to place Indonesia in a condition peace without there is trouble from Dutch party. Though do not all political group agree at result KMB, strategy of Cabinet of Hatta have succeeded to place Indonesia as power state of konstelasi international world.

Agreement Linggajati  
         Mark with lines struggle to uphold independence emphasized by through diplomacy ( consultation).
First meeting among RI, Dutch, and the Ally performed in Military Headquarter of English in Jakarta  of at 17 November 1945
First target is to bring into contact Dutch and Indonesia party. Second Target is to explain Ally team arrival intention. This Meeting do not yield decision anything.
     First Antecedent consultation executed at 17 November 1945. Later;Then, executed by a second meeting of at 10 Februari 1946. However, this second meeting is delayed till April 1946, and continued in.
Dutch. In this consultation, Dutch will confess sovereignty of Republic Of Indonesia by de is facto for Java and Madura and back this meeting experience of deadlock.
     At 30 September 1946, performed by a cease-fire consultation. Each forming kornisi of cease-fire and Lord Killearn as mediator. Indonesia And Dutch return to negotiate at 7 Qktober 1946. Delegation of Indonesia led by PM. Sutan Sjahrir and Dutch deputized by Prof. Schermerhorn. In the following is result of that consultation,
1.     Cease-Fire performed by on the basis of dimiciling rniliter at that moment and on the basis of both parties military strength
2.     In form a Cease-Fire Commission to handle, technical problem of cease-fire execution.
At November 1946, entire/all Ally team have left Indonesia.
 After the antecedent consultation second, since 10 November 1946, performed  a new consultation is which have place to in Liggajati ( Cirebon). This Consultation is led by Lord Killearn. At 15 November 1946, that copy approval  is signed by both parties. Result of that consultation shall be as follows :
1     Dutch confess by de is facto of Republic Of Indonesia regionally is power covering Sumatra, Java, and Madura. Hereinafter, Dutch will leave that area de facto as tardy as – its his at 1 January 1949
 2     RI and Dutch will cooperate in form of government of Federal Indonesia by the name of Federal Republic Of Indonesia ( RIS
 3     RIS and Dutch will form Uni Indonesia of Dutch with Queen of Dutch as his chief
 At 25 March 1947, Agreement of Linggajati signed in Palace Rijswijk       ( State Palace ) Jakarta Center.
Hereafter Agreement in signing, relation of RI of Dutch do not become more. dispute of Opinion is often happened by as effect of of difference of interpretation fill agreement . Dutch remain to constitute his interpretation at confidence that RI become member of commonwealth which is the in form of federation. In the end, Dutch perform politional action recognized also as Dutch aggression, what automatically rescript Linggajati
Agreement Renville
     At 1 August, Security Council of PBB command both parties of to discontinuing  gunfight. Courier of Indonesia to PBB is Sutan Sjahrir and Haji Agus Salim, consorted by Dr. Soemitro Djojohadikusumo and Sudjatmoko. At 4 August 1947, party of RI and party of Dutch announce stop shoot - shooting
 To observe execution. shoot and look for the solving of dispute in Security Council of PBB form a commission. This commission is later;then known as by Commission Three State ( KTN)
     Three proxy in KTN shall be as follows:
    Paul of Van Zeelanct ( former Prime Minister and Minister for Foreigr Affairs Belgia).
    Richard Kirby .( judge of Lawcourt of Arbitrase from Australian Commonwealth).
    Dr. Graham Franc ( Rector of University of North Carolina United States)

At 20 October 1947 Commission Three State ( KTN ) performing meeting in Sidney.
     Consultation started at 8 December 1947. Delegation of Republic Of Indonesia led by Mr. Amir Syarifuddin with deputy Ali Sastroamidjojo. Delegation Member for example dr. Tjoa Siek len, H.A. Salim, Mr. Nasrun, Sutan Sjahrir, and two reserve member, namely Setiadjid and Ir. Djuanda, and also 32 adviser people. Dutch Delegation consisted of R. Abdul Kadir Widjojoatmodjo as chief, Mr. H.A.L. van Vredenburgh as deputy, and A.Th. Baud taking hold of as secretary. this Group member is consisted of by Dr. R J. Koets, Tengku Zulkarnaen, Mr. Masjarie, Mr. Dr. Ch R. Soumokil, Mr. Adjie Prince Kartanegara, Mr. A.H. Ophuyzen, and Thio Thian Tjiong.
     After with refer toing the lobby, consultation competitor finally buy it KTN, what his nucleus;core is the following

1.    Is immediately released by comand of stop shoot - shooting alongside mark with lines Van Mook
2.    Stop of Crossfire is immediately followed with agreement of armistice and area forming - empty area of military ( demilitarization )

     Consultation non-stoped to be passed off is till reached by a kesepakan of is so-called Approval Renville. Its contents for example the following
1.    RI agree formed his is State of Federal Indonesia
2.    Area of RI occupied by Dutch after aggression remain to be mastered by the Dutch carried out by a plebiscite for menjajaki of people will;desire
3.    RI ready to draw all team of TNI which
Approval of Renville signed at 17 January 1948, caught up with instruction of stop of gunfight 19 January 1948
     This agreement in the end end when Dutch perform politional action of II or more knowledgeable with aggression of Dutch of II of at 19 December 1948

    Approval of Roem Royen
For initiative of Commission of PBB for the Indonesia, that is UNCI, is hence performed by consultation of RI-BELANDA led by Merle Cochran, American proxy in UNCI. Consultation performed in Jakarta start 14 April 1949. Delegation of RI led by Mr. Mohammad Roem and party of Dutch led by J.H. Van Royen. At 7 May 1949, come to agreement by which is known as by Approval Roem-Royen, 7 May 1949. content of that Approval express that Indonesia have the kindness to
1.    Releasing comand to discontinue guerrilla war
2.    Cooperate in taking peace and police and the security
3.    Participating in KMB in Den Haag, Dutch, for the purpose of quickening sovereignty delivery to Federal Indonesia State unconditionally
 On the contrary, Dutch have the kindness to
1    Aggreeing the return of Governance of Republic Of Indonesia to Yogyakarta
2    Guaranting movement stop - military movement and free all political prisoner
3    Do not found or confess state - state of exist in area mastered by Republic Of Indonesia. Before 19 December 1948 and will not broaden or state area of the prejudical of Republic ndonesia
4    Aggreeing existence of Republic Of Indonesia as part of Federal Indonesia State
5    Try seriously - really in order to KMB is immediately carried out governmental Hereafter RI return to Yogyakarta.
As follow-up of Approval Roem-Royen, at 22 June 1949, performed by consultation of consultancy of among RI, BFO ( Federal Bijeenkomse Voor of Ouerleg/Body of Federal Parley), and Dutch in Bangka. This Consultation in under commission observation, PBB led by Critchley ( Australia) of this Consultation is known as by agreement Bangka, what the result nya the following
1.    Date of 24 June 1949, Yogyakarta emptied by army of Dutch and at 1 July 1949. Government of RI return to Yogyakarta after team of TNI master circumstance.
1.    Hitting stop of hostility will be studied by after Government of RI return to Yogyakarta.
2.    Conference of Round Table proposed will be performed as soon as in Den Haag.
At 13 July 1949, after Government RI return to Yogyakarta, performed by a cabinet conference

 Have Conference Inter - Indonesia
     Since leaders RI return to Yogyakartar consultation unrightiously is BFO re-continued. Problem studied by is governmental forming of switchover of before formed his  Federal Indonesia State. Therefore, among date of 19 - 22 July 1949, performed by consultation RI by BFO in Yogyakarta, so-called Conference Inter - Indonesia. Have conference this continued in Jakarta of at 31 July till 2 August 1949. Especial discussion in that conferences,  is hit forming a federation state joining state - state created by Van Mook.. Despitefully, conversed also about form work is of equal RIS Dutch. Some important decision from the conference related to Federal formation of state Indonesia shall be as follows:
1.    Federation state agreed so called of Federal Republic Of Indonesia ( RIS ) with pursuant to ground democratize and the federalism
2.    President RIS is a president and in governance assisted by a cabinet in charge of to president ( cabinet presidensial
3.    Will be formed by two delegation body, that is a parliament and a council. People delegation ( senate ). But, step early will be formed by parliament of whereas
4.    RIS accept . delivery. sovereignty, good from Republic Of Indonesia and also from The Netherlands kingdom

Others, in military area Have conference Inter - Indonesia yield decision for example the following
1.    Armed forces of RIS is Armed Forces of president RIS and National is Commander In Chief of Armed Forces RIS. Armed Forces Forming this RIS represent his nucleus;core and Indonesia problem is TNI
2.    State Defender is solely the governmental rights of RIS. State - state Shares will not own armed forces by xself
3.    Forming of armed forces of RIS is problem nation this Indpnesia Armed forces is consisted of by armed forces RI ( TNI) as nucleus;core, added by a existing Indonesian people in KNIL, ML, KM, VB, and territoriale bataljons
4.    At, a period of start RIS, defender minister can double as Big commander of APRIS.

Have conference Round Table of Forming RIS and
     Have conference Round Table take place in Den Haag of at 23 August 1949 till 2 November 1949.
     After through long debate and tire reached by some important decision at 2 November 1949 that is the following :

1.    Dutch will deliver sovereignty to Federal Republic Of Indonesia by the end of December 1949
2.    Problem Irian West will be finished next one year.
3.    For security Indonesia, will be formed by APRIS ( Armed Forces Federal Republic Of Indonesia ) by TNI as his nucleus;core.
4.    KNIL will be disbanded and all member KNIL secondhand joined to APRIS
5.    RI have to mgmbayar of all Dutch debt of commencing from year 1942
6.    RI will bring back Dutch property and give new permit and concession rights for the company - Dutch company.
7.    Will be formed Uni Indonesia-Belanda of pursuant to job of is of equal voluntary and on an equal.
Pursuant to result Have conference Round Table of at 27 December 1949, performed by event of delivery of power from Dutch to Indonesia, either in Jakarta and also in Dutch country.
Pursuant to Constitution RIS, member of RIS which is the in form of is . the following
1.    a.    Republic Of Indonesia State ( regional pursuant to Agreement Renville )
b.    State of East Indonesia
c.    State Pasundan, inclusive of Federal Canton of Jakarta
d.    State of Java Timu
e.    State of Sumatra East, inclusive of area of status quo of Grindings of Strait and Labuhan Petrify
f.    State of Sumatra South arch
2.    Set of - set of the selfsupporting political, like Central Java, Bangka, Belitung, Riau, Special Region of Kalimantan West, Big Dayak, Kalimantan South-East, Kalimantan of East and Area Banjar
3.     Area of other Indonesia is which is non area - area of part of

     Governance holded by president with his cabinet, while consisted of by legislative council two body, that is senate and DPR
     At 15 December 1949, performed by Conference of Election of President of RIS with single candidate of Ir. Soekarno. Morrow of his Day, at 16 December 1949 in acclamation Ir. Chosen Soekarno as president RIS.
Cabinet of this RIS represent zaken cabinet, his meaning major membership of all his member and non cabinet of coalition relying on kekuata party - political party. member of this Cabinet most unitarism supporter

     Struggle Return to Totalitarian State Republic Of Indonesia
     Age State of Federal Repubdik.Indanesia really do not the llama. Movement to return to totalitarian state grow whereabout - which. People claim disbandment of state of part of and join to return in Totalitarian State Republic Of Indonesia
Constitutionally is it  true enabled by affiliation one state of part of with other state. This matter is arranged by section 43 and 44 constitution of RIS determining that that affiliation can be done by so long as desired by people of state of part of that
     See fact that majority of people want totalitarian state forming, governmental hence RI suggest to government of RIS in order to perform consultation by NST and NIT. At May 1950, performed by consultation of hawker of among government of RI governmentally is RIS hit totalitarian state forming.
At 15 May 1950 performed by a consultation to draw up totalitarian state forming procedure
     Device Invite - State s philosophy Invitor that union is delivered to nations delegation council of part of to be completed. Invitor - Invite State s philosophy this union contain element - element. Invite - Elementary Invitor 1945 and Invite - Elementary Invitor of RIS. Finally, at 14 August 1950, that Elementary draft of law accepted by goodness by Parliament RIS and Senate and also KNIP. At 15 August 1950, President Soekarno sign device Invite - that Elementary Invitor become Invitor - Elementary invitor Whereas Totalitarian State Republic Of Indonesia ( UUDS )
     In Senate RIS and Parliament merger meeting, at 15 August 1950 Ir. Soekarno as President RIS, reading off charter forming of Totalitarian State Republic Of Indonesia. Formal Disbandment of RIS take place at 17 August 1950, and Totalitarian State of Republic Of  Indonesia re-existed

Role of PBB of At Process of Struggle of Diplomacy of Indonesia of year 1945 - 1949
     At 21 January 1946, Republic of Socialist of Ukraina propose  PBB to descend hand in problem in Indonesia. That matter is happened by because really army of commisioned English in Indonesia use army of Japan and Dutch to grind movement of Indonesia people
     At 31 July 1947, problem of Indonesia entered by into agenda of Security Council PBB. Australian propose the Security Council to act to an effort menacing world peace. Aggression. that Dutch military is assumed to represent an threat to world peace. In his conference at 1 August 1947, Security Council call upon the both parties to which interfere in to discontinue shoot - shooting and negotiating to finish problem faced. The above is true, at 4 August 1947, going into effect cease-fire,
 Result nya is signing of agreement on board conveyor USS Renville of at 17 January 1948. Security Council of PBB that Dutch have done collision. in session Security Council at 22 December 1948, and yield resolution insisting on the hostility to is immediately discontinued. Addition of at that resolution is in order to the Dutch free head of Republic Of Indonesia which in inviting.
In Asian Koferensi in New Delhi, 23 January 1948, state - state of competitor have conference that claiming curing of status of RI of team of Dutch pulled to retreat, sovereignty re-delivered to Indonesia people
     At 28 January 1949, Security Council raise resolution which is for example sounding : is immediately done by gencetan arm immediately free and bring back leaders of RI to Yogyakarta; and do consultation of under colour of Approval of Linggajati and Renville. That Resolution is followed by dengai of forming of UNCI with duty assist to launch consultation to bring back power RI. With interference PBB, hostility of among RI with Dutch earn is immediately terminated. In KMB which is carried out by PBB, Dutch by dejure confess sovereignty RI. At 28 September 1950, accepted as by Formal Indonesia of member PBB

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