Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


On 7 September 1944, in an extraordinary session of parliament in Tokyo, Prime Minister of Japan, Koiso, announced that the nations that ruled Japan, including the East Indies (Indonesia), will be allowed free future. The cause of the issuance of the statement is Japan hoping the people of the nations promised Japan would be willing to assist in maintaining the region against the allies. For that Kumakici Harada General announced the formation of an Investigation Agency Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) or in the Japanese language Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai. The aim was to study and investigat This BPUPKI officially established on May 28, 1945. in the trial, this body began to formulate the Constitution, starting with the basic issues of State. There were three people who submit ideas, which is Moh. Yamin, Supomo, and Sukarno.
In the first session, May 29, 1945, Moh. Yamin suggested five basic idea of the State.
Here are five ideas Moh. Yamin
1.    Peri nationality
2.    Humanitarianism
3.    Peri divinity
4.    Peri populist
5.    Welfare
Two days later, on May 31, 1945, Supomo read his ideas, the following contents.e important matters relating to the establishment of the independent Indonesian state.
1.    Unity
2.    Kinship
3.    Physical and spiritual balance
4.    Deliberation
5.    Justice of the people

The next day, June 1, 1945, Sukarno suggested the idea, which was given the name of Pancasila. Sukarno's Pancasila according to the following.

1. Indonesian Nationality
2. Internationalism or humanitarianism
3. Consensus or democracy
4. Social welfare
5. Belief in God Almighty

The first session does not produce a conclusion or statement. BPUPKI had formed a small committee in charge holds suggestions, proposals, and concepts are given. Small committee led by Sukarno had a meeting with members BPUPKI. The results formed a small committee who has 9, which was known to the Committee Nine. This committee consists of Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, Muzakir, Wahid Hasyim, H.A. Salim, and Abikusno.

Committee of Nine formulations were later given the name of Jakarta Charter or the Charter of Jakarta. Formulation as follows.
1.    Godhead, with the obligation to run for the followers of Islamic law-adherents.
2.     Basic humanitarian fair and civilized.
3.    Unity of Indonesia.
4.    Democracy led by the wisdom and discretion in pemusyawaratan and representation.
5.     (And with the realization of a) social justice for all Indonesian people.
In the second trial, which took place on July 10, 1945, discussed the draft Constitution, including the opening or by a committee of designers preambulnya Constitution, headed by Sukarno. At the hearing on July 11, 1945, the committee argued the Constitution designer three concepts that have become bahasannya results. The third concept is a statement of independent Indonesia, the opening of the Constitution, and the body of the Constitution. These concepts and then received BPUPKI. Concept statements made by Indonesia to take the first three paragraphs charter Jakarta with inserts, inserts, especially the first and second dialinea. Meanwhile, the concept of opening the Constitution is almost entirely taken from the fourth and last paragraphs Jakarta Charter. The results of this small committee formula perfected the language by a committee consisting Penghalus language of Husein Djajadiningrat, H. Agus Salim, and Supono.
The Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI)
      After BPUPKI completed the task, this body was dissolved and replaced by a preparatory committee for Indonesia's Independence (PPKI) or Dokuritsu Junbi Inkai. This body was formed in August 1945 and 21 members who represent all segments of Indonesian society.
PPKI led by Sukarno and his deputy Moh. Hatta and advisers Ahmad Soebardjo. Board was established on August 9 in Dalat, Saigon, by General Terauchi of Japan as a fleet commander for Southeast Asia. In Dalat, General Tauchi again emphasized to give independence to Indonesia. In addition, Tauchi-General also stressed that the members be allowed to do activities PPKI opinion and willingness of the Indonesian nation itself. However, they are required to consider the following matters.
1.    The first requirement is to achieve complete independence war faced by Indonesia.
2.     Indonesia is a member of the State Environmental prosperity together in the Greater East Asia. Therefore, the ideals of the Indonesian people should be adjusted with the ideals of the Japanese government is eager Hakko Ichiu.

The day after the Proclamation of Independence PPKI opening session and ratified the Constitution and the torso. Prepared BPUPKI. But the initiative of Moh. Hatta, made several changes in the opening of the Constitution.
Among them, the word "with the obligation that runs to the adherents of Islamic Shari'a" replaced with "the Almighty".
Thus, the overall noise of the State of Indonesia at the opening of the Constitution is as follows.

1. Belief in God Almighty.
2. Humanity is just and civilized
3. Unity of Indonesia.
4. Democracy guided by the wisdom of deliberation / representation.
5. Social justice for all Indonesian people.
This last formulation is a compromise made in order to realize the union with Indonesia based on religious pluralism.

 B. ABOUT THE EVENT Proclamation 17 August 1945

Events Rengasdengklok
     The news of the defeat of Japan in World War II began to spread among the Indonesian youth. They think this is the most appropriate moment to proclaim the independence of Indonesia. However, Sukarno and Moh. Hatta did not agree with the plan of the youth. Lead to bloodshed.
Sukarno and Moh. Hatta assume that the Declaration of Independence must first be planned and decided by PPKI. Meanwhile, the youth are the agency considers PPKI Japanese formation. Therefore, they are determined to be free of the Declaration of Independence thing - something that smelled of Japan. If necessary, the Proclamation of Independence done by force if Japanese troops trying to stonewall - obstruct.
On August 15, 1945, at the Bacteriological Laboratory (Central Jakarta) held a meeting between some youths and students. Leaders meeting was Chairul Saleh. They agreed to reject all forms of independence from the Japanese prize. They also agreed that independence is the right and the problem of the Indonesian people themselves are not dependent on other nations. Therefore, the independence should be proclaimed. The youths also will ask Sukarno and Moh. Hatta to decide everything to do withJapanese. Then the meeting decided to send Wikana and Dervish to the two people to convey the decision of the youth meeting.
Wikan and dervish arrived at Sukarno's residence in East Pegangsaan street, no.56, Jakarta, at about 21:00. Both convey the results of the meeting's decision. They also urged that the proclamation of Indonesian Independence declared the next day, on 16 August 1945.
At that time came, some nationalist leaders like Moh. Hatta, Iwa Kusumasumantri, Samsi, Buntaran, Sudiro, and Subardjo. After conferring with leaders - the leaders, Sukarno declared that they were not able to meet the demands of youth. Sukarno stated that on 16 August 1945 is planned to be held the hearing to discuss the PPKI the proclamation of Indonesian Independence.
After midnight, the boys returned in dormitory meetings Baperpi (Indonesian Youth Consultative Body) on the road Cikini, No.71, Jakarta. They discussed the attitude of leaders - political figures, such as Sukarno and Moh. Hatta. Finally, they came to the conclusion to act decisively. One of them is to secure the two figures are from Japanese influence.
The place chosen to secure Sukarno and Moh. Hatta is Rengasdengklok, a city in Kerawang kewedanan. This place was chosen as the headquarters PETA (Defenders of the Fatherland) under Cudanco (Company Commander) and Subeno isolated from highway Jakarta - Cirebon. In addition, Cudan Rengsdengklok under MAP Purwakarta Daidan Command which has close relations with Jakarta Map Daidan.
Efforts to secure Sukarno and Moh. Hatta was conducted on August 16, 1945 at 04.00 in the morning. Chairul Saleh and was assigned to pick up Muwardi Soekarno, while Jusuf Kunto Sukarni and pick Moh. Hatta.
At around 04.00 pm. Go Pegangsaan group from the East, no. 56, Jakarta. The delegation was escorted by troops under the command of MAP Cudanso Singgih.
Entourage Sukarno and Moh. Hatta arrived in Rengasdengklok safely in the morning, 16 August 1945. This group consists of Sukarni, Jusuf Kunto, Sutjipto, and Umar Bachsan. Explain Sukarni bring these two political figures get away from Jakarta. Sukarno and Moh. Hatta asked to proclaim the independence of Indonesia.
Meanwhile, Jakarta began precarious situation. Jusuf Kunto returned to Jakarta to report on the situation in Subardjo Rangasdengklok to Ahmad, who was looking for Sukarno and Moh. Hatta. Ahamad Subardjo reached an agreement with Wikana as youth representatives. They agreed that the independence of Indonesia will soon proclaimed. Sukarno and Moh. Hatta must be returned first to Jakarta. Kaigun group said it was preparing a safe place, which is the residence of Admiral Tadashi Maeda (now on the road Imam Bonjol, no.1 Jakarta).
Based on the agreement, Ahmad Subardjo, Jusuf Kunto, Sudiro, and Solomon, the second pick these figures. Then, they asked to Sukarno and Moh. Hatta declared Indonesia's independence immediately. Sukarno and Moh. Hatta willing to sign a declaration of Indonesian independence, provided that held in Jakarta. Youth leaders Sukarni first - initially rejected these conditions. However, after Ahmad Subardjo guarantee, kesetujuannya Sukarni states. It was decided that night that everything returned to Jakarta.
At around 23.00.WIB, entourage arrived in Jakarta. When Sukarno and Moh. Hatta came to the house of Admiral Maeda, there have been waiting BM Diah from Asia Raya newspaper, Semaun Bakri of the Java Hokokai, Sayuti Melik, Iwa Kusumasumantri and PPKImembers.
Ahmad Subardjo and Iwa Kusumasumantri to where the youth to take them home Admiral Maeda. The youth refused because of their plans no agreement Admiral Maeda wear home. Subardjo Ahmad explained that it was done to prevent interference and obstruction of Kempetai Japan. The youths then agreed that the future is Chairul Saleh and Sukarni as representatives of the youth. The members present PPKI lot.
Basic differences between groups of young and old groups are located essentially on the momentum should be performed when the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia and how to implement it. Older groups among others consists of Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, Ahmad Subardjo, Iwa Kusumasumantri, Buntaran, and the Samsi. Youth groups, among others, consists of Sutan Syahrir, Chairul Saleh, Djohar Nur, Subadjo, Subianto, Kusnandar, Margono, Wikana, and Armansyah. Old class argued that the proclamation of Indonesian independence should be implemented on the basis of considerations - political considerations. This is done to avoid bloodshed in Japan and through the cooperation with Japan. According to the old group, PPKI is the most effective media to fight for independence.
Instead the young group did not approve the proposed process and adopted by the old group. Group argues that PPKI is a Japanese organization. Youth groups willing to Indonesian Independence implemented on the basis of their own strength. PPKI as they consider Japanese agency to "reward" for Indonesian Independence. Young group demands that the rights of Indonesia's independence and the Indonesian people issues that can not be suspended for another State. They demanded that the negotiations with the independence of Indonesia, was held as soon as possible. However, beyond that, there are actually differences between these two groups led to a common goal of independence of Indonesia and the creation of a sovereign state of Indonesia.

Formulation Text Proclamation
At around 01.30, August 17, 1945, negotiations at the house of Admiral Maeda Tadashi at start. In these negotiations, Sukarno and Moh. Hatta proposed that the proclamation of independence was signed the day before keesokaan PPKI trial. Sukarni and Chairul Saleh as youth representatives rejected the proposal. Sukarni then read the text that was prepared by the youth. The contents of these texts, in addition to declaration of independence, there is also emphasis that the people will take the body - the body of foreign-controlled government. Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, and members - members of other PPKI, consider the text is too hard and they refused.
Before home Laksana Maeda, Sukarno and Moh. Hatta met Major General. Nishimura to negotiate. At the meeting, no agreement reached between Soekarno Moh. Hatta and Nishimura. Therefore, Sukarno and Moh. Hatta to the conclusion that there was no point in talking about the independence of Indonesia in Japan. They expect the implementation of the proclamation is not excluded - prevented by the Japanese.
Sukarno with the help of Moh. Hatta and Ahmad Subardjo then prepare a written text with a pencil on a sheet of paper with the title "Notice of Independence". Iwa Kusumasumantri the proposal, said the edict was replaced with the term Proclamation to read "Declaration of Independence". The entire text of the Proclamation of Independence formulation of Indonesia consists of two main parts, namely as beikut.

•    First  :  "We are the Indonesian people hereby declare the independence of   Indonesia".
•    Second:   "That - that of the transfer of power, etc. held careful manner and within the            shortest’s"
The first part is the suggestion that Ahmad Subardjo BPUPKI taken from the formula. Meanwhile, the second part is the brainchild Moh. Hatta.
After a small debate among parents groups and youth groups, the approved text of the Proclamation. However, new conflicts arise over who will sign it. Sukarno proposed that the manuscript was in signed by all present, which is considered as representative of the entire people of Indonesia. However, youth groups refused. Finally, agreement was reached that only Sukarno and Moh. Hatta, who will embellish the signature on behalf of the Indonesian nation based on the proposal Sukarni. Sayuti Melik typing this text and be ready for signature. By the early days, the manuscript "Proclamation of Indonesian Independence" signed by Sukarno and Moh.Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation.

Change the text of the proclamation in the process of typing by Sayuti Melik, is as follows.
1.    The word "the period" changed to "tempo"
2.    The word "representatives - representatives of the Indonesian people" changed to "on behalf of the Indonesian people"
3.    Formula "Djakarta 17-08-45" to "Djakarta 8 days 17 boelan tahoen 45".

Text of the Proclamation to be a statement of liberation and self-starting a new life as a nation, free from pressures and foreign bonds and become the gateway to a nation that berharkat and dignity.Proclamation also made way for the Indonesian people to determine its own-future.

Indonesia Independence

Young people spread the news immediately prepare the Proclamation of Independence. Announcement proclamation of independence in print quickly using improvised equipment and disseminated to the public. In the morning, August 17, 1945, Youth and People's Front who heard the plan for independence was proclaimed in large - came onto the field streaming Ikada (now field Monas, Central Jakarta). Apparently, the news they get is that the Declaration of Independence will be held in the field Ikada. In fact, the Proclamation took place in front of the residence of Sukarno, in the East Pegangsaan street, no.56 Jakarta Pusat. After hearing the news changes, the young men how to get there soon.

Composition of the event on August 17, 1945 are as follows:
1. Reading of the Proclamation
2. Red Flag flying of the White
3. Message from Mayor Suwirjo and Muwardi

Toward the proclamation ceremony, there was tension between Sukarno and continuous Muwardi urged by the youth to start the ceremony convey the desire of the youth to Sukarno. However, Sukarno insisted to wait until Moh. Hatta arrived.
Bung Hatta emerged only a few minutes before 10:00 am. When the two men are ready, pick up Cudanco Latief Hendradiningrat these two figures together Mom Fatmawati Sukarno to place the ceremony. Proclamation Day was held on Friday in the fasting month of 1356 H.
In a quiet atmosphere, Abdul Latif, Cudanco maps, Red and White flag of Indonesia Raya songs accompanied spontaneously sung by the entire audience. The event lasted for approximately one hour. Approximately fifteen minutes after the ceremony, Japanese soldiers came with the intention of preventing the Proclamation and dismissed the meeting. However, the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in progress and the people also was determined to maintain independence.
The news of the Proclamation spread quickly throughout the country and the world. In the morning, August 17, 1945, text of the Proclamation has reached the hands of Waidan B. Palenewen (head of radio news agency Domei). Then he ordered to broadcast Wuz F. Proclamation three times in succession - participated.
As a result of this broadcast, the Japanese leaders in Indonesia ordered to rectify and declare it as a mistake. It was followed by sealing of the Japanese radio transmitter. However, the youths managed to assemble a new transmitter in Menteng 31 with the code DJK calls I. From there, the news continues Independence disseminated throughout the country and the world. In addition to radio, news Proclamation also disseminated through newspapers and flyers.

Declaration of independence of the Republic of Indonesia August 17, 1945 is not the final goal to be achieved by the Indonesian people in escaping from invaders, but only as the beginning of the formation of a democratic state, sovereign, and have integrity in the international environment. Declaring the independence of Indonesia becomes the door opener for the Indonesian nation in building the nation's identity and life together in the future Indonesia. Various policies concerning the arrangement was initiated by the leaders of our nation in the early days of independence. Various fields that are considered important for the country to reform and focus the spotlight restruktrusasi scattered in the economic field - financial, bureaucratic, and military.
NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil Administration) in Allied occupied territory. These problems make the Indonesian Government on the establishment of regulations implementing the State Bank as an investment center and source of the velocity of money the State, and enforce the national currency.
As a form of implementation of this progressive economic policies, on July 5, 1945, Indonesian government set the rules on the establishment of Bank Negara Indonesia. Based on Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number. 2 in 1946, Bank Negara Indonesia 1946 became the first commercial bank owned by the government of the Republic of Indonesia. Margono Djojohadikusumo government appointed to serve as the leader / head of BNI 1946. Then, on October 1, 1946, the government issued Law No. 17 of 1946 which contains about enforcement Oeang Repoeblik Indonesia (ORI). This Act is strengthened by the Law No. 19 years in 1946 regulating the exchange of the Japanese currency against the ORI. Here are a few rules Japanese currency exchange them.
1.    In Java and Madura, a dollar equals ORI 50 rupiah Japanese currency
2.    Outside of Java and Madura, a dollar equals ORI 100 rupiah Japanese money.

Government policy of the Republic of Indonesia to spend money ORI has two main significant. First, to push inflation caused by the circulation of foreign currency in Indonesia. Second, to stabilize the price - the price of goods that are not tergapai by increased purchasing power in waku it.
Other government policies, the issuance of regulations on the obligation to save for the whole population of Java and Madura by the Minister of Finance, Ir.Surachman. By saving, community lending to the government. Loans from the community to the government on the deposit by the Post and Savings Bank home - home mortgage.
The government also issued a policy of nationalization de Javasche Bank to Bank Indonesia. After Indonesian independence, de Javasche Bank continues to function as the central bank and the bank circulation of cash flow and assets of the State. The composition of staff also continued to consist of people - the Dutch. The Indonesian government had difficulty with this condition because of financial policy can not be controlled independently by the Indonesian government. To overcome this, on June 19, 1951, the government formed a committee nationalization de Javasche Bank. Its function is to prepare the establishment of the Central Bank of Indonesia as the current state of monetary circulation.
The results of the committee's performance de Javsche Bank Nationalization was demonstrated on July 12, 1951. Government of the Republic of Indonesia Dr dismiss. Houwink from the position President de Javasche Bank and raised Syarifuddin Prawiranegara as President de Javsche new bank. Furthermore, on December 15, 1951, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia issued Law - Law No.24 Year 1951. Contents concerning nationalization de Javasche Bank NV to Bank Indonesia (BI) which serves as the central bank and the bank circulation in Indonesia. This Act in strengthened by Law No. State Gazette 11/1953 and No.. 40 which contains about restructuring the bureaucratic structure of financial and monetary authorities of Indonesia. The central bank as the Indonesian government's role in regulating monetary circulation and maintain monetary resilience to the present state.
Financial and economic policies of the government's progressive options is the establishment of the Economic Entity Designer inaugurated in January 1947. These institutions serve the economic development plan for two to three years. As a result, Dr. AKGani, then Minister of Welfare, proposed a draft 10-year development plan. Kasimo who served as Minister of Food Ingredients, is also rolling out a plan for food self-sufficiency in rice. This policy plan known as Plan Kasimo.
Government of the Republic of Indonesia in the early independence era also compiled a so-called economic policy economic system Citadel Movement, or better known as Fort Program. Fort Movement Economic System is a program initiated by Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo and applied to the cabinet Natsir (September 1950 - April 1951) The rationale Dr.Sumitro initiate Djojokusumo in this system is that the arrangement of the Indonesian economy must start with changing the economic structure of Colonial into a national system. National entrepreneurs should be given priority to further develop the provision of capital assistance and training. Fortress program implemented from April 1950 to 1953. This program is intended to menghidupan industry - small industry as the main force of the national economy.
Although well-planned, this program does not succeed in achieving. The businessmen were even more dependent on the government without trying to be independent. Under Cabinet Sastroamidjojo Ali, Minister Economy, Iskaq Tjokrodisuryo, trying to push back entrepreneurs - small businesses to grow. Efforts - efforts that followed are as follows:

1.    The government requires foreign companies to train workers - workers Indonesia.
2.    The government established the State companies.
3.    The government provided loans for the national entrepreneurs.
4.    Government provides a clear legal protection.
Various policies - economic and financial policies initiated by prominent thinkers in the early independence of Indonesia is an initial step in building the resilience of the economy and monetary state.

Economic Policy - International Finance
The main problems faced by the Indonesian government in implementing economic and financial policies in the international stage is a sea blockade by the Dutch. Blockade is making economic activity and international diplomacy Indonesia become restricted. To overcome this, the Indonesian government to apply diplomatic strategy in two main strategies, namely the strategy of diplomacy through economic and political lines.
Through political channels, the strategy used is to give aid to India which was hit by a prolonged famine. In return, the Indian government promised to send the fabric when it was desperately needed by the people of Indonesia. Political significance of this diplomatic strategy lies in two things. First, the exit of food aid from Indonesia to India, Indonesia has shown the international world that the Dutch sea blockade has no implications for what - what the last line - cruise traffic Indonesia Indonesia and interaction with other countries. Second, the provision of food aid to Indonesia India shows that Indonesia has a good strategy to get the support of India in various international forums. The development of this diplomatic strategy led to positive results. Indonesia had the support of India in the forum - International forum for the Dutch forces to take action against the Indonesian sea blockade.
Through the economy, the Indonesian government implemented a strategy to create a direct trade contacts with foreign countries. For example, the United States, Malaya, and Singapore. Commodity sold is Sugar, Tea, Rubber, etc.. Indonesia established trade body called the Banking and Trading Corporation (BTC). This body is semi-government, and led by Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikoesoemo and Dr. Ong Eng Die. Efforts to contact trading strategy is supported by the Indonesian Navy with a fleet of sailboats and motor boats fast. Beginning in 1947, Indonesia established a trade representative institutions in Singapore called Indonesian Office (Indoff). These institutions serving economic diplomacy duty as a strategy to achieve Indonesia's foreign interests.
Economic strategy is considered quite effective for two main things. First, countries - countries that interact directly with the Indonesian Trade feel uncomfortable with the Dutch sea blockade. The reason is the product distribution channels increasingly hampered their trade. Second, the State - State trading partner of Indonesia will directly support Indonesia to revoke Dutch sea blockade on the grounds of economic interests and the smoothness of their trade to Indonesia. Further intensify trade contacts with the State - the State which provides support for the independence of Indonesia.

Government Bureaucracy Policy
Good composition and bureaucratic efficiency in a government is a prerequisite for achieving optimal performance of the government or a good governance.
The founders of the State in Indonesia argues that the bureaucracy and government sector, the main structure formed is the President and Vice President, and the composition of the cabinet to assist the performance of the President and the Vice President. So on August 18, 1945, PPKI formed on August 7, 1945 began trial. PPKI reach agreement on some basic things, which later became the basic formation of the bureaucratic system in Indonesia. The deal was, among other things:

1.    Establish and generate Constitution - Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 (UUD 1945) which contains 37 chapters.
2.    Choosing and Raising the High Chief of State, namely: Sukarno as President of the Republic of Indonesia and Drs. Moh. Hatta as vice president Repubilk Indonesia. The appointment was reached upon the recommendation of Otto Iskandardinata unanimously.
3.    Formed the National Committee of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and House of Representatives (DPR) to assist the task - the task of the President.
In the second session, August 19, 1945, which was held the next day, PPKI successfully established 12 departments and 4 Ministers of State without portfolio as an executive body, and divide the government administration. The results of the trial which was announced on 4 September 1945 are as follows:

1. 12 Department of Composition and formation PPKI minister names.
No    Depatemen    Minister
 1  2
    Minister of Home Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Finance
Minister of Justice
Minister of Transportation (ad interim)
Minister of Welfare
Minister of Health
Teaching Minister
Information Minister
Minister of Public Works
Minister of Social
Minister of People's Security (TKR body established in October 1945)
    R.A.A.Wiranata Kusumah
Ahmad Subardjo
A. A. Maramis
Prof. Dr. Supomo
Abikusno Corkrosujoso
Ir. Surachman T. Adisurjo
Dr. Buntaran Martoatmojo
Ki Hajar Dewantara
Amir Syarifuddin
Abikusno Cokrosujoso
Iwa Kusuma Sumantri

2. Composition 4 Minister of State without portfolio
1. Dr. Amir
2. Wahid Hasyim
3. R.M. Sartono
4. Otto Iskandrdinata

3.   Composition of administrative territorial divisions, divided into provinces along with the name - the name of the governor.
No    Provincial    Minister
8    Sumatra Province
West Java Province
Central Java
East Java Province
Province of Lesser Sunda (Nusa southeast)
Borneo Province
    Teuku Muhammad Hasan
Sutarjo Kartohadikusumo
R. Panji Suroso
R. M. Suryo
I Gusti Ketut Pudja
J. Latuharhary
Dr. G.S.S.J. Ratulangi
Ir. Prince Mohammad Noer

Another policy that is issued by the government edict issued by the Vice President Moh. Hatta, together with the Indonesian National Committee on October 16, 1945. Notice of the set that KNIP have executive and legislative authority, and have the right set Line - Outline of State Policy (the Guidelines). This policy was followed by political edict issued 3 November 1945, signed by the Vice President at the insistence of Sutan Syahrir as chairman of BP-KNIP (Agency Workers - Central Indonesian National Committee). The contents of the Notice of Politics is as follows.
1.    Government of the Republic of Indonesia requires the emergence of parties - parties to the media in distributing and representing all sects and schools of which there are in Indonesia.
2.     Government of the Republic of Indonesia stipulates that the establishment parties - political parties have been arranged in order before the execution of election of members of People's Representative Council conducted in January 1946.
Notice of this policy later became the beginning of the emergence of many political parties in Indonesia, until reaching a peak in 1955 elections. As a follow-up of the executive and legislative authority which dimilki by KNIP, Sutan Syahrir, as chairman of BP-KNIP, approved the agenda - the agenda for the committee's work. The process of ratification in plenary meeting of the title on 25 -26 November 1945 resulted in decisions - decisions about:

1.    Position Eksitensi and the National Committee
2.    The formation of parties - political parties as a manifestation of the democratization process
3.    Determination of the scope of the policy with domestic politics and foreign Republic of Indonesia
4.    Suggestions on the process of change that accompanied the old government with the process of ministerial accountability and the establishment of a new ministerial council structure
5.    Assessment of the preparation and refinement of the composition of the Central Indonesian National Committee which acts to carry out their proxies in the People's Consultative Assembly. This lasted Penjalanan power of presidential government system to a parliamentary system.

The whole policy - government policy of the Republic of Indonesia in the field of this bureaucracy are the work of thinking and the formulation of the founders of the State of Indonesia in the early era of independence. From the results of their thinking is, it forms the concept of bureaucratic structures neatly in the Republic of Indonesia government's performance to date. Policy - This policy has successfully laid the foundation for the Indonesian public order in the State administration and social spheres as well.

The Indonesian government policy in the Military Field

In order to maintain the security of the State and the Nation, the government established the People's Security Agency (BKR) as part of the Board of War Victims Family Helper (BPKKP) BKR members are former members of the Japanese army recruits, as Heiho, Maps, Keibodan, and Sienendan. At the same time, also formed the Sea and BKR BKR Oedara (BKRO). BKRO standing in areas that have air base, as in Maospati (Madison), Morokembangan (Surabaya), Maguwo (Yogyakarta), and Andir (Bandung).
However, in the sense of BKR Formation incorrect by some. They want the government to form a national army and not just the security agencies. Moreover, in the midst of an aggressive act Nederlands Indies Civil Administrations (NICA) who want to return control of Indonesia. Similarly, young people, who at the time of Japan has formed a group - a political group, make up the body - the body struggles later called the Van Action Committee. This struggle agency headquarters is located in the Menteng road under 31 Adam Malik. Body - the body that cause shading under the Van Action Committee is the Youth Force Indonesia (API), the Barisan Rakyat Indonesia (BARA), and the Indonesian Labor Front (BBI). In addition there is also the Barisan Banteng, KRIS (Service Rakyat Indonesia Sulawesi), PIM (Youth Indonesia Maluku), Hezbollah, Sabilillah, Pesindo (Indonesian Socialist Youth), and BPRI (Pembrontak Barisan Rakyat Indonesia).
In addition to the Javanese, the body - the body is also in the form of struggle in various parts of Indonesia, including Aceh, the API (Angkatan Pemuda Indonesia) and BPI (Barisan Pemuda Indonesia). In North Sumatra, among others, Andalas Youth, and PPNI in South Sulawesi.
BKR and body - a body in the form of these young men who pioneered the struggle for power from the hands of the Japanese. When the allied troops in boncengi NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil Administrations) came in mid-September 1945, the young members of the body - the body fight an armed movement to defend the independence that has been proclaimed.
The Government of Indonesia and then realized that the BKR was not solid enough to face the Dutch army provocation. The government then called a retired Major KNIL Oerip Soemohardjo to Jakarta. He in serahi task to compile an effective national army.
On October 5, 1945, the Government issued a Notice stating that the establishment of a national army called People's Security Army (TKR). TKR is the highest leadership Supriyadi, who had led the rebellion MAP in Blitar. However, Supriyadi disappeared and never came back. Therefore, on October 20, 1945, Oerp Soemoharjo appointed as head of the General Staff of TKR.
Situation even more precarious because of armed conflict between the fighters of Indonesia against the Netherlands becoming more frequent. On 12 November 1945, TKR Conference held in Yogyakarta. In the conference, Colonel Sudirman in selected as the highest pimipnan TKR. At that time, Colonel Sudirman served as Commander of Division V Banyumas. Soemohardjo Oerip remain as chief of staff. On December 18, 1945, the government officially appointed Colonel Sudirman as grand marshal of TKR with the rank of General. Meanwhile, Chief of Staff held by Oerip TKR Soemohardjo with the rank of Lieutenant General.
Since then, the command or unity - the unity of the existing armed, like the army - the army, integrated into the TKR. In January 1946, TKR was changed to Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI). Then, with the determination of the President of Indonesia, on June 3, 1947, TRI was changed to the Indonesian National Army (TNI). General Sudirman was appointed Commander of the TNI and inaugurated on June 28, 1947 in Yogyakarta.

Indonesian Government Policies in the Field Relationship Between Central and Regional
Conditions at the beginning of Indonesia's independence became a big job for all the thinkers and the founder of the Indonesian state. In addition to defining the basis of state, form of leadership, and other state devices, they are also thinking of ways to integrate diversity into a single national integration, the Indonesian state.
Unification becomes difficult due to the physical condition of Indonesia islands - islands. The founders of the Indonesian state to establish integration of good governance and opimal. They make governance structure consisting of the central government and local government. Connected with the central government of local government in terms of bureaucracy, as well as acting as the government controls and supervision of distribution of development. The system is considered quite effective.


Basically, the development of political life and state of Indonesia in the early days of independence is strongly influenced by two things. Those two things, namely the formation keluarkannya KNIP and the Notice of Politics 3 November 1945 stressed the importance of the emergence of parties - political parties must appear before the election of members of People's Representative Council, held in January 1946.

Ideology The diversity of political parties in Indonesia
Political Edict 3 November 1945, issued by the Vice President Moh.Hatta, present as a regulation of the Indonesian government that aims to accommodate multiple people vote. As a result, came the parties - political parties with different ideologies. Party - the party has a direction and movement of different methods - different. PNI combination of Indonesian People's Party, United States Rakyat Indonesia, and the Association of the Republic of Indonesia, which stood at 29 In January 1946 led by Sidik Djojosukaro. According to the party, national independence to achieve absolute sovereign country.
Religion-wing political parties, the Council of Indonesian Muslims (Masyumi) stands on 7 November 1945 and led by Dr. Soekiman Wirjosandjojo. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) was founded in 1926 and led by KHHasyim Ash'ari. Indonesian Christian Party (Parkindo) was founded in 1945 and led by Dr. Probowinoto. Catholic Party of the Republic of Indonesia (PKRI) standing on December 8, 1945 and presided over by IJKasimo. The existence of religious wing party democracy is a form of government and a guarantee for citizens that their aspirations are represented by these groups and to the protection of freedom of worship.
Socialist-leaning political parties - communist, the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). The party was founded on 7 November 1945, led by Moh.Yusuf. Persatuan Rakyat Indonesia Marhaen (Permai), standing on the 17th September 1945 and led by JBAssa. Labor Party of Indonesia (PBI), stands on November 8, 1945, led by Nyono. Socialist Party which is a combination of the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI) and the Socialist People's Party (PRS). Socialist Party is standing on the combined 1945 and chaired by Mr. Amir Syarifuddin. Rabble Party (PRJ) stood at 8 November 1945, led by Sutan Dewanis. The emergence of the party - the Socialist-leaning parties - the Communists at first is the growth of democracy in Indonesia. However, as its development, the party applying the way - a revolutionary way that can not be accepted by Indonesian society.

Relationship Between Government and Regional Institutions
Motivated by a variety of precarious situations that State, such as the state of Jakarta at the beginning of 1946 a very vulnerable by terror and intimidation of foreign parties, requiring officials to move the nation's capital to Yogyakarta on January 4, 1946 for a while. The reason is that the selection of Yogyakarta in this city are the headquarters of the army, Hezbollah paramilitary forces, Sabilillah, and army leaders Mataram Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX are ready to fight if it happens the most precarious situation though. Yogyakarta also has a strategic location to do battle Diplomacy and armed. On the other hand, formed KNIP position on August 22, 1945 are authorized to assist the task of presidency to be actors who actively keep the government in Jakarta when the leaders of the government to migrate to Yogyakarta.
In essence, the authority's position was confirmed through a Notice KNIP X, October 16, 1945, which empowered the legislature to the agency. With a Notice that, as KNIP plays like a House of Representatives for a while before the implementation of the general elections to choose members of the House of Representatives the truth. Duty Central Indonesian National Committee is to assist and be a supervisor's performance in implementing the tasks the President - the task of government. Meanwhile, Indonesian National Committee Regional (KNID) duty to assist and supervise the performance of government at a lower level than the President, as Governor and Regent.
When his inauguration on August 29, 1945, on the initiative of Syahrir as the strongest representative of the socialist group, expressed the need to make an agency worker to maximize the achievement of the task - the task of KNIP. Proposed Syahrir were responded by Wail President Moh.Hatta by issuing a Notice of X, which contains the formation of the Working Committee of the National Committee of Indonesia (BP-KNIP) and placement Syahrir as chairman. Performance BP-KNIP then generate a Notice of Politics 3 November 1945 on the establishment parties - political parties in Indonesia. Notice that is the beginning of the KNIP absolute authority to establish a policy that coverage effect is equivalent to nasonal and policies that generated the president. The impact of these edicts is the diversity of political parties in Indonesia.

Relationship Between Ideology The diversity of institutions and establishment of the Presidency.
Presence of ideological diversity is divided into the nationalist groups, religions, and socialists - communists in the early independence era, it contains significant implications for the country's leadership structure, changes KNIP authority and the emergence of various political parties in Indonesia into two main catalysts for the change of government power structure. Rising Sutan Syahrir as Prime Minister of Indonesia also has a part in that change.
Presidential institution itself has been formed on September 2, 1945. On that occasion, President Sukarno form new cabinet as the implementing agency executive of Indonesia's presidency. It is a manifestation of the strengthening of institutions to be able to carry out presidential duties with the optimal state.
Cabinet which was formed on September 2, 1945, essentially reflecting the composition of which represent the diversity of ideology in Indonesia. Although the parties - the new political parties emerged, after dikelurkannya Notice of 3 November 1945, the condition of this ideological diversity has been playing a major role in the presidential order of the State.

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