Green revolution is a term used since 1960 to describe the development of business and agricultural pendiversifikasian. This effort is done by introducing the system of irrigation, fertilization, use of pesticides and seeds.
Birth of the Green Revolution
Robert Malthus said that population growth follows geometric while efforts to meet basic human needs follow arithmetically. This means that population growth is much faster than the effort to meet basic human needs.
Green revolution began in the late World War I (1914-1919). This world war also led to disaster for mankind. One of them is the number of farms in Europe that were destroyed. In addition, crop failure rate is high enough. As a result, the need for food can not be fulfilled properly.
To overcome this problem, trying to develop agricultural productivity. This effort realized in the form of a green revolution hijau.revolusi two dipeloporioleh seconded and scientific institutions, namely the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. They do research aims to find different varieties of plants producing seeds, especially rice and wheat that can produce high enough. Business is done in some developing countries such as Fhilipina, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Mexico.
The green revolution berkembangsesudah World War II. Increased agricultural production can be done partly by the mechanization of agriculture, the use of fertilizers, and pest control methods, the better.
One of the tools used by the green revolution to achieve its objectives is the International Rice Research Institute (International Rice Research Institute-IRRI). A new type of rice produced by IRRI managed to boost rice crops area of Asia, including Indonesia.sejak then spread throughout the green revolution world, especially to countries such as the emerging countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
Revolution in Indonesia
green revolution in Indonesia has been initiated since the 1950s. Since then, efforts to increase food production in Indonesia has been voiced. Efforts to include in the plan Kasimo, Rice program Sentra, and the Mass Guidance program.
These efforts have further developed since 1969. beginning in 1969, the agricultural sector becomes the main point of government attention. This concern manifested in the business of agricultural intensification and extensification. Intensification of agriculture conducted by the five farming, the use of superior seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, and agricultural mechanization, and irrigation without adequate merperluas agricultural area. Extensification of agriculture is done by opening new farmland in the reserve area is still extensive agricultural land such as Sumatra and Kalimantan. Extensification of agriculture conducted by the government include the transmigration program.
Green revolution as a movement to modernize the agricultural farmers and new problems for the nation Indonesia.Pertama formerly agricultural land is a labor intensive industry, do not require manpower. As a result, the poverty rate increased. Second, the development of agriculture as if only the actors profitable agricultural economic activity is stronger. Third, reduce the power of green revolution farming communities of innovation.
This negative impact caused the green revolution failed in Indonesia to build agricultural systems.
The key failure of the green revolution lies in the policies that only consider agricultural technology without the effort to improve the managerial capacity of farmers to manage food production.
Green Revolution and Environmental Degradation
The green revolution succeeded in increasing the growth of food production rapidly. However, the green revolution is often rely on techniques that actually degrade the environment. As a result, ecosystem imbalances occur that would change the increase in production to successive crop failures.
The techniques include the exploitation of short-term soil productivity and agricultural expansion with the clearing of tropical forests and subtropical forests that lead to biodiversity (biodiversity) to be destroyed. The use of chemical fertilizers in the green revolution can also damage the environment.
Tools and systems created by humans to share information they have known by the name of Information Technology.
The development of Information and Communication Technology
During the industrial revolution that occurred in the late 18th century and early 19th century, technology is rapidly percetakanberkembang. The discovery of the photocopier by Edwin Land in 1950 makes penduplikasian documents. Currently, the use of computers, word-processing, and graphic software mempernudah data typing and structuring the pages in the printing world ..
The first computer was the abacus, or used as a tool sempoayang count since 4000 years BC in China and Babylon.
The development of computer technology, followed by the development of computer networks to connect computers to each other. In 1960, an advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of Defense to build the ARPANET network that can send and receive messages, data, and antarkomputer programs. ARPANET became the network's first e-mail address in the world. Then, the National Science Foundation (NSF) to connect sites fatigues and university research into the ARPANET. This institution menyebutnyadengan term karewna Internet network is a network of many different organizations. Today, the network computer can send digital signals that include video images, sound, graphics, animation, and text.
Sending data from one place to another easier by the discovery of the telegraph by Samuel Morse in 1837. This discovery allows the information can be accepted and widely used by people without hindered by distance and time. Verbal data transmission from one place to another can be done after the phone was found by Alexander Graham Bell.telepon technology developed with the discovery of the mobile phone. Mobile phones work by transmitting radio waves into the cellular tower. These towers have a range of areas receiving different. The tower serves to receive signals from nearby cellular phone. The first commercial mobile phone successfully tested during the 1970's by Illinois Bell in Chicago. Mrrupakan telegraph and telephone communications systems remotely. This system sends electrical signals through
kabel.perkembangan technology and replaces the use of cables with electromagnetic waves in the air after the radio was found. Radio technology is based on the discovery that James clark Maxwell pentransmisian proposed that electromagnetic signals, but cable does not need to use electromagnetic waves. This wave is empowered in the radio system. Radio was first discovered by Guglielmo Marconi in 1995.dia build a system that can send and receive signals within a distance of three kilometers.
In the first dakade-20th century, the basic idea was developed by teknologitelevisi and PhiloT.Fransworth Vladimir K. Zworykin in making the first television system at all. In 1935, the BBC started broadcasting television in London for several hours a day. In 1951, the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) began doing color television broadcasting, but broadcasting is not widely implemented until 1954. Now, Direct-Broadcast-Satellite (DBS) enabling people to receive hundreds of television channels. No doubt television became the most important communications technologies in history.
Print media, Radio, Television and Communication System
Domestic Satellite (SKSD) in Indonesia
a. Press review
Printing technology has entered the Indian archipelago in 1659. however, Dutch authorities still limit it to just teertentu circles. Then in 1855, the situation changed. In that year, printing technology launches Java-language weekly, which is in Surakarta Bromartani edited by GF Winter. This weekly focus on local news of the birth, death, trade, auction, government declarations, agricultural growth, and literary quotations. Issuance of this weekly newspaper was followed by wilt, Melajoe Soerat jabar language in Surabaya. This newspaper focuses on the world of advertising, market prices and sea transportation information. Regular newspaper published twice weekly in 1861 yanag called East Star, which reported likal issues including social and economic conditions, as well as news about Europe and China.
In the early 20th century, the press as a commodity industry develop this baik.hal enough we can see from the phenomenon of the birth of the newspaper publisher. Newspapers newspapers include Pewarta Soerabaja, Commerce News, Weekly Ho Po, and color Warta. The paper was published in Java. Meanwhile, in Sumatra in circulation
Soematra letter like rays, light, herald Pertja Aceh and the west. In Sulawesi, Manado and circulated Pewarta Sunshine. Publication Pewarta in Kalimantan Borneo.
The first Indonesian Penguasaha engaged in the publication is Raden Mas Tirtohadisoerjo. He is regarded as the first Indonesian journalists using newspapers as a means of shaping public opinion. Newspaper called Medan Prijaji published in 1907.
Printing industry in Indonesia has undergone a revolution with the introduction of desktop publishing systems. Desktop publishing system using a computer and special software to combine text and graphics in a document that can be printed.
At the beginning of the independence of the press life developed in the spirit of revolution. At that time, newspaper publishers generally do not aim for profit, but rather trying to improve the quality of the content. At the time of liberal democracy, the press is too liberal. Meanwhile, during the guided democracy, a newspaper publishing a letter to City of City of Publication and Print. In the early days of New Order, the press functioned as a parliamentary channel the aspirations and opinions of WE / KAPPI to pemrintah and society. At the time of this new order, the press serves as a media transmitter of government programs and policies in addition to proclaiming the situation.
World of information technology development also press mengpengaruhi life in Indonesia. The use of this technology followed by a user of the computer that makes it work pers.Selain beings, in the late 1980s and early 1990s communication technology increases the speed and print quality. In the late 1990s, some print media using a remote printer.
b. Radio
In 1925, Prof.. DR. Ir. Komans in the Netherlands and DR. Ir. De Groot in Jakarta managed to make radio communication using the relay station in Malabar. This incident was followed by the establishment Bataviasche Radio Radio Vereeniging (BRV) in Batavia (Jakarta).
Since the proclamation, the Indonesian people managed to control radio broadcasting. On 11 September 1945 stood Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI). Broadcast style was very revolutionary time and the words that are agitation and burning spirit of the people. Radio functions in the national struggle for independence in the early days of the battle evident in Surabaya. Radio broadcast used by Bung Tomo to burn the spirit of the people against the allies.
Today, RRI has 52 broadcasting stations. In Jakarta, RRI has six programs, the Programa I for adult audiences, program II for students and young listeners, especially III Programa news and information, Programa IV for cultural channel, V Programs for the education channel, and VI program for the Classical Music Channel and Foreign Language
Since 1966, the enthusiasm of amateur radio broadcasting can not be in the dam. On February 14 until February 26, 1966, Radio broadcasting Ampera. This radio is a means of struggle units of action. In addition, there are many radio stations and stations amperes lascar other komumikasi conducting and broadcasting. This situation makes the government formally recognized the private radio keberdaan incorporated in Amateur radio organizations republic Indonesia (ORARI) in 1967. establishment of this organization followed by the establishment of Inter-Population Radio Indonesia (RAPI). Some existing amateur Radia later became a commercial radio and joined the Commercial Private Radio Persatuaan Indonesia (PRSNI). Today quite a lot of private radio stations joined in this organization.
c. Television
Indonesia in the history of communication, television younger than the radio. Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) recently appeared in 1962. until the 1980s decade, most people in Indonesia are still using black and white television. After that, most of Indonesia's population has a color television. The diversity of the television broadcasts can be enjoyed by people of Indonesia as the birth of private television in the late 1980s. Private television station was established at Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) in 1989. in 1990, Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV) feet. Then Televisi Pendidikan Indonesia (TPI) began to broadcast the show in 1991. after that, in 1993 and 1995 stood Andalas Televisi (ANTEVE) and Indosiar. Nowadays the private television station in the presence of increasing TransTV, TV7, Lativi, Metro TV, and Global TV.
Domestic Satellite Communications System (SKSD) Palapa
Indonesia is very large territory with diverse topography. To membngun telecommunications infrastructure that can reach the entire region, the satellite network is needed.
Satellite network used by Indonesia since the earth stations operating in Interslat Jatiluhur in 1967. This earth station operation conducted by PT Indosat
Earth station is used for international telecommunications links between Indonesia and foreign countries. On 8 July 1976 launched the first generation Palapa Indonesia property in Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States.
Palapa began functioning on August 17, 1976. satellite operation was first performed by the Corporation of Telecommunication (now PT Telkom). with the operation Palapa A1, broadcast TVRI and domestic telecommunication services can reach all of Indonesia. After it was launched in succession Palapa A-2 in the year 1977, Palap B-1 in 1983, Palapa B-2 in 1984, Palapa B-2P in 1987, Palapa B-2R in 1990, Palapa B-4 in 1992, Palapa C-1 is replaced by the Palapa C-2 in 1996. Palapa satellites in addition, there are also other communications satellites, namely Telkom-1 and Garuda-1. existence SKSD Palapa satellite communications, among others affecting the telecommunications system via the telephone network. This allows the construction of a satellite telephone network nationally and internationally through the Automatic Telephone Central (STO). In the era of the 1990s satellite technology also enables Indonesia to participate in the use of mobile phone networks and wireless radio systems, and implementation of Internet networks.
Development Impact of Information and Communication Systems
Encourage technological progress communication revolution. Progress is encouraging new peradaba known among other things, space era, the era of information, and the electronic era. This era disebit oeh Alvin Toffler in his book The Third Wave as the third wave of human history.
Information and communication technology has united the world with people who have political views, social systems and different beliefs. Through communication and information technology, creating a global Village.
For Indonesia, the swift flow of information and communication can facilitate contacts that produce antarkebudayaan reform and social change, in the form of positive and negative changes. Positive changes occur when the flow of information allows pengaktualisasian themselves in accordance with the demands of Ages without releasing characteristics of their own culture based on Pancasila values. Negative changes occur if the flow of information actually damage the value system should be preserved, maintained, and developed.
Development of world transportation
in the late 20th century, people increasingly aware of how transportation systems affect the environment. Transportation system is divided into land transportation, sea, and air.
Ground Transportation
In 1769, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot first car created by steam and uses three wheels which can carry four passengers. Along with technological developments, development of the car fast enough. in the meantime, Gottlieb Daimler created the motorcycle.
After the steam locomotive invented by Richard Trevithick in 1804, replacing the role of the steam engine horses. In development, the steam locomotive was replaced by a modern locomotive. Modern locomotives are generally used electric motors and diesel engines .. in many countries, railroads became the primary means of transportation.
a. Air Transportation
Water transport progressed from the use of rafts and canoes to the development of ships that use more complex technology.
Sailboat utilizing wind power known in world exploration and discovery of new areas. Christopher Columbus reached the New World in 1492 by using sailing ships. One hundred years later the Marquis Claude de Joffroy d'Abbans create and operate a steam ship across Pyroscaphe Saone rivers in France for 15 minutes.
Revolutionary developments in shipping technology is the use of nuclear energy. Nuclear-powered ships first USS Nautilus submarine in 1954.
Design of ship's force can create efficiency in the transport ship. Therefore, the function of a diesel engine enhanced by a machine that uses a gas turbine. However, the use of gas can not be used to ship goods because it was too expensive. Besides the ship, the ferry is also a means of water transportation. The ferry used to transport people and goods in areas that can not be built bridges. Modern ferries also provide transportation services in the port cities like Seattle and Washington.
b. Air Transportation
Before the 18th century, some people have tried to study air transportation. Among them are Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century. Leonardo da Vinci studied birds and wings pengibas machine called the ornithopter.
Flight to adventure in the beginning since the 19th century, when the inventor-discoverer of the European Continent to experiment with balloons and glide plane. The balloon flight hot air filled with the very first launched by Jacques Etienne and Joseph Michel Montgolfier of France. Meanwhile, in early 1870, glider experiments performed. The success of this experiment design basis aircraft. In 1903, Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright to create and flying an airplane for the first time. In 1914, commercial aviation was first conducted in Florida.
In the 1970s, a jumbo jet's debut. Plane jumbo jet-sized industrial enterprises produced by the Boeing aircraft, McDonnell Douglas, and Lockheed.
In 1995 Boeing introduced the 777, the jumbo jet wide-body and can carry 400 passengers. Along with the history of time travel, the development of air transportation technology was becoming increasingly sophisticated
Development of Transport System in Indonesia
a. SistemTransportasi Land
Sustem sufficiently developed land transportation in Indonesia. This is supported among others by the construction of the highway. In 1980, the long road in Indonesia only 146.5 thousand kilometers. The length of roads in 1990 increased almost doubled to about 288.7 thousand kilometers. In 2000, the long road in all parts of Indonesia has reached 355.9 thousand kilometers. Construction of highways was conducted by following the technological developments. Technology used, among others scribble construction technology. This technology was developed by Soedijatmo to swamp areas in Indonesia. Besides also used the technique design technology developed by Cokorda Gde Oka.teknologi used to play bridge beams or highway.
Public transportation will facilitate the mobility of the population. Public transportation has long been serving the people of Indonesia are among others Djawatan Motor Transportation Republic of Indonesia (DAMRI).
Other land transport is the train. Trains in Indonesia has existed since the Dutch colonial era. On 17 June 1864, the Governor-General Mr. L. A. J. W. Sloet Baron van Beele build the first railway on the island of Java. Railroad was owned by Netherlands East Indies Railway Company. The railway was extended from semarang to Liability and began operations on August 10, 1867. in the year 1881, Semarang-Joana Stoomtram Maatschappij received concessions to build Tramway between Semarang and Juwana. Tramway Development related to the development of agriculture, especially sugar plantations and factories, as well as tobacco and rubber plantations. In sumatera, in 1874 the existing railway between the port of Ule Lhee and Banda Aceh for military purposes.
After Indonesian independence on 17 August 1945, handed over the management of the railway completely to the Indonesian people. The delivery was done on September 28, 1945. This date is known as Railroad Days. Management in Java is Djawatan Repoeblik Railway Indonesia. In Sumatra, and management is the State Railway Repoeblik Indonesia.
Until the year 1953 trains in Indonesia are still pulled by steam locomotives with. In the year 1953 occurred in Indonesia dieselisasi perkerataapian. In 1963, all public railways in Indonesia is managed by the State Railway Company (PNKA). In 1973 PNKA Company changed its name to the Railway Department (PJKA). In 1991, PJKA became the Railway Company (PERUMKA), which then changed again into PT (Persero) Indonesian Railway.
In 1995, inaugurated the operation of the train Argo Bromo and Argo Gede. Both types of trains including the train quickly. In 1995, PT (Persero) Indonesian Railway passenger trains launched dwipangga, Mahesa, and Sancaka.
b. Air Transportation System
On 28 April 1952, Pelni standing. Pelni fleet consists of boats used Pepuska (ie Mastery Foundation Center ships) and foreign vessels chartered a boat and then replaced with the booty. Pelni now operates 23 units ship with a capacity of 30,323 passengers passengers. Water transportation services increased with the operation of ferries and barges. Today, in addition to Pelni, quite a lot of private vessels operating in Indonesian waters.
Air Transportation System
Air transport airlines serving domestic and overseas. The flight was conducted from 22 airports in Indonesia. Airports include Polonia (Medan), Halim Perdanakusuma and Soekarno-Hatta (Jakarta), Juanda (Surabaya), and Ngurah Rai (Denpasar). Airports can be the basis pesawat0pesawat big as the Boeing 747.
The first is the national airline Garuda Indonesia. The company began serving with the flag pnerbangan Indonesian Airways on 26 January 1949. aircraft used is a DC-3 aircraft named Seulawah. The aircraft was purchased by the people of Aceh. In the 1990s, modern planes, like Boeing 737 and 747, Fokker-28 and 100, DC-10 and MD-11, and Airbus began to operate.
The development of the airline started in the 1970s. In addition to Garuda, comes another airline Merpati seoperti, Sempati, Mandala, and Pelita. Today quite a lot of private airlines operating in Indonesia. Among these are Lion Air, Jatayu, and Indonesian Airlines.
c. Impact of Transportation System Development
Technology in transportation has increased social mobility. The technology is enabling people to interact and move. Transportation technology development is vital to the economic life of a nation. Transportation technology can reduce shipping costs of raw materials to industrial centers of production and production to the economic centers.
The word industry comes from the Latin word, which means that Industria crafts. This word refers to the way in combining regular human energy, natural resources, and technology to produce goods and services.
Industry can in classifying the primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry. Primary industries using raw resources as the main ingredient, such as agriculture, fisheries, and mining. Secondary industry is industriyang use ynag goods are processed for assembly of their products, such as transportation and industrial electronic equipment. Tertiary industry is an industry that provides services, such as retail store services, hospitality industry, banking and television stations.
a. Industrial development
Industrial development can not be separated from the development of production technology. Production technology refers to the way of capital, technology, natural resources, human and labor combine to produce a product.
One of the major technological breakthroughs in the time of the industrial revolution was the invention of the steam engine. When the first textile factories experienced mechanization, only water power that can operate the machine. Therefore, the owner of the machine manufacturer is forced to build near the water source. These locations are sometimes far from the crowd which is the source of human labor. After the year 1785, when the machine was first introduced dipabrik cotton, steam power replaced water power. The industrialists also built plants near the source and the labor market where products are sold. The development of steam locomotives and ships in the early 19th century, allowing the sale of products to markets much more quickly and more economically. This condition is increasingly encouraging the growth of industrialization.
The influence of the Industrial Development of the Economy
In 1951, the government launched a policy of RUP (Urgency Economic Plan) to encourage the growth of indigenous small industry and impose restrictions for the big industries are owned by many Europeans.
During the year 1960, the industry in Indonesia is not developed. This is caused by the scarcity of capital and shortage of skilled and unskilled. At that time, the economy was experiencing difficulties due to the severe inflation and prolonged. Industrial sector dominated by heavy industries like steel plant in Cilegon and superfospat plant in Cilacap. Role of declining industrial sector. Contribution to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is only about 10%.
Until the mid-1980s industrialization in Indonesia is still a developing import substitution industries. Seseudah foreign oil and gas exports increasingly shaky, industrialization in Indonesia turned towards export promotion. In saatitu, the main export commodity industrial products is Indonesia's plywood, apparel, textiles, rubber processing, and wood processing.
The industrial sector is now a major sector in the Indonesian economy. The industrial sector includes large industrial, industrial medium, small industry and handicraft industry households. This sector is the biggest contributor in the formation of Indonesia's GDP during the last ten years. 2001sumbangan In the industrial sector is estimated to reach more than a quarter of GDP formation component. Meanwhile, the agricultural sector contributed about 16.39 percent. Previously, the agricultural sector is still the largest contributor in the formation of GDP.
THE environmental sustainability
The industrial world can not be separated from the development of science and technology (Science). Science (science) is the knowledge that is methodical, systematic, logical, critical, and coherent. Application of this science is called technology.
Science and technology can help people to live more effectively and productively. With science and technology, people can improve their living standards. But on the other hand, science and technology also brings the impact of human negatifjika not careful
Destruction of the environment as a result of the use of science and technology we can also observe in everyday life. Implementation pengethuan science and technology in the auto industry also bring negative impacts on the environment. When a car running, the car would get the rest of combustion containing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. Time burning it can cause air pollution.
In addition to the above events, there are still many global environmental issues which arise since the 1970s. These issues include peryusakan ozone layer, global climate change, and destruction of water resources and marine.
ANY environment LIVING
Science and technology useful in the development. On the one hand, the use of science and technology in development can encourage krmajuan. On the other hand the use of science and technology in development can lead to setbacks. Use of the wrong technology can result in damaged or environmental conditions that are no longer able to support the development. Among other environmental damage can dilihatdari erosion, land degradation, shrinking forest areas, freshwater shortages, and dwindling energy resources, mineral resources, and biodiversity.
Environmental damage may occur due to the lack of implementation of development and pollution control. Pollution can occur either in water, air, and soil. this is a result of industrial development. The impact of that arise may be very frightening. For example, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, global warming and rising sea levels. Smua that can harm humans and everything around it.
There are two camps of thought in a sense contradictory relationship between development and environment. According to the Liberals, in order to increase prosperity for the community as possible, development itself can be free to use the environment (natural resources) in accordance with their abilities. Meanwhile, for the environmentalists, the earth with all the resources contained in it (the environment) should be maintained as possible to prevent the destruction. If the environment was destroyed, all the fruits of development will be destroyed, even humans and creatures were hiduplaim will also be destroyed. Therefore, the use of natural resources should be based on ethics, done carefully, should not semaunyadan goal to meet with fairly and evenly for generations present and future generations.
Differences of opinion that the two parties are reconciled in the concept of Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development is a program to improve the economic growth with minimal environmental damage so mmenimbulkan development goals to improving the quality of life (both individual and community) for the generation of future generations kinidan can be achieved.
Sustainable development basically involves three important dimensions, namely economic, social (cultural), and the environment. Economic dimension, among others related to efforts to increase economic growth, combat poverty, and mungubah production and consumption patterns towards a balance. Among other social dimensions related to efforts to solve problems of population, improvement of public services, and improving the quality of education. Environmental dimensions, among others related to the reduction and prevention of pollution, waste management, and conservation / natural resources oreservasi.
Application of science and technology in the development must adhere to the Ethics of Sustainable Development. Ethics states that we must restore our earth's dlam borrow good condition as semulakepada generation.
Sustainable Development Plan in the early 21st century are discussed in Bumu Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. This agreement called the Declaration of the Earth which includes Agenda 21. in Agenda 21, among others discussed the framework of resource conservation and management of three important principles, namely, study it, use it, and safe it (to learn, use, and protect that sustainable).
Earth Summit was attended by more than 170 leaders of state governments in the world 2. This summit produced the "Rio Declaration on Development and the Environment" is accompanied by Appendix Agenda 21 Global. This agenda includes the United Nations Development Work Program which must be followed up by the government states that agree and sign the declaration.
In Indonesia, the UN Development Program on the Global Agenda 21 outlined in the agenda which includes the National 21 National Strategy for Sustainable development. Indonesia the nation's attention on sustainable development set out in Law No. 23 years on the Environment 1997. According to this law, sustainable development is a conscious and planned effort that integrates the environment, including resources in the development process to ensure capability, welfare, and quality of life for present generations and future generations.
Basis in the implementation of Sustainable Development in the 1999-2004 Guidelines of State Policy. are outlined in the Guidelines that Sustainable Development has been established as a policy should be implemented. In the direction of development policy outlined the need for utilization of energy sources and environmentally sustainable.
Processing of natural resources and the environment used for the welfare of the people from generation to generation by doing conservation, rehabilitation and savings by implementing environmentally friendly technologies to ecosystems, sustainability, and balance environmental and development to stay awake.
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