Cold war start to end when Uni Sovyet intend to transfer their energi to finish internal problem and confrontation state. Eskalasi expense of for the system of modern defence complicate Uni Sovyet to continue conflict of weapon without reducing domestic life standard which stagnan. That is why Gorbachev wish to perform discussion about deprival of weapon so that Uni Sovyet can lessen their military komitmen which massif without harming themselves security
Uni Sovyet also start to lessen strength of their weapon Europe East. In the year 1989. Uni interesting Sovyet its army Afghanistan. Communist Regime start to collapse European Countries East. Germany again coalesce. In the year 1991, Uni Sovyet disband. Russia and Nations Republic of Sovyet other emerge as independent state. Collapse power him Uni Sovyet Europe East terminate cold war.
Collapse him Uni Sovyet
Collapse him Uni Sovyet basically represent accumulation policy of communist government Uni Sovyet from a period of/to Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Goergy Malenkov, Nikita Khurshchev, Leonid Breznev, Yury Andropov till Konstantin Chernenko. Policy of government concentrate on communist party, with people have no right in governance. All residing in [at] communist party
Situation Uni Sovyet change when Chernenko replaced by Mikhail Gorbachev. Since year 1985 till 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev lead Republic Socialist Uni Sovyet. Since holding governance heap, Gorbachev start to plan change of politics Uni Sovyet. very basic laboured Change and represent first since year 1920-an. First of all, which Gorbachev ministrant menangkat from politician circle of ang still young and energik. Thereafter, Gorbachev perform change of power structure. That changes followed with taking action to corruption people who and competence not in the field of him. Besides, also revise economic situation strarting is downhill.
Taken stages;steps Gorbachev to make a change to execute perestroika ( and restrukturisasi) of glasnost ( openness). Gorbachev write book entitling Perestroika: New Thinking Our Country World and for. Target of writing of that book to explain reconditional concept, that is and perestroika of Glasnost.
In its leadership, Gorbachev see that reform in all lini life of economics and politics Uni important Sovyet to be. Poin-Poin Esensial in concept of Glasnost planned to be to be planned by Gorbachev shall be as follows:
a. Promotion to freedom to is critical
b. To alleviating control to printing office and media
c. Freedom for the religious service of
Glasnost come from Russia Ianguage meaning openness. Glasnost represent aspect lock from introduced by policy Gorbachev year 1985 altering and merevitalisasi various system Uni Sovyet. Glasnost represent the effort Gorbachev to introduce and push barer discussion and criticize to life of politics and is cultural.
Glasnost claim Uni open Sovyet to be more. Independent groups formed in its society. This matter give konstribusi to national movement in Republic Uni Sovyet and collapse him governance of communism Middle Europe and East.
constituted by esensi assess in glasnost, Cymbal Gorbachev conception perestroika which its contents, for example as follows
a. Forming legislative institute newly which two-third from its member selected democratically voice forming
b. Many presidency executive institute
c. Terminating central role of communist party
d. Making undand-undang concerning forming of business firm and permit company of state sell its product free kepasar
e. Legislating ventures joint, which permiting foreign effort to have national corporations of Sovyet
Perestroika restructuring various area. Initially, term of perestroika only applying to policy of economic area. In the field of restructuring economics by lessening power of economics of ang centrally and open opportunity of larger ones to private sector sector even until local ketingkat. Gorbachev and its assistant run policy of free economics and free market. For that, in the early year 1990, Gorbachev start to open opportunity to ownership of estae personally. That thing in fact oppose against communism understanding vanishing personal proprietary rights.
Gorbachev also execute perestroika of political area. mentioned of Telihat in new UUD which formed in the year 1988. Content of UUD, for example hitting general election openly. This election form campaign that goes on year 1989, when chosening Parliament.
applied Perestroika Gorbachev economic area in the reality not work well. Mistake of rampant corruption and menejemen pursue growth of economics. Failure of kebijkan of economics of Gorbachev influence policy of politics.
Condition of the economics longer progressively decline. Society lacking of food, housing, and everyday reguirements. Communist clan Conservative allege that situation of iu happened because planning which not centrally. On the contrary, liberals blame Gorbachev because action less aggresive to make a change toward free market. Failure of policy of economics of Gorbachev influence kebijkan of politics. One side, its reform assumed menggelinding too far by conservative clan in communist party Sovyet and governance bureaucracy. On the other side, the reform assumed too tardy to radical clan. By the end of year 1990. Pressure Gorbachevmenghadapi from both citadel. That pressure gain strength powerlessly economic Sovyet and instability of politics.
On 19 August 1991, happened the effort coup d'etat by conservative group. The coup d'etat by Marsekal Dimitri Yazow ( defence minister), General of Vladimir Kruchkov ( lead KGB), and Boris Pugo ( domestic minister). Success armed forces master Moskow. In is two-day, that coup d'etat can be discomfited. Gorbachev can master Moskow return. But Gorbachev have losing of support of power and people fall hand of Boris Yaltsin. Gorbachev retire from the function of seketaris Communist Party general on 24 August 1991. In October, all Republic of Sovyet, except Russia and of Kazakhstan, , will independence from Uni Sovyet. On 8 December, Russia head, Ukrania, and Belarusia express that Uni Sovyet have died and they have formed new federation, namely Commonwealth Independent States of. Beside three state of pemrakarsa, joining ex- republic Uni other Sovyet, that is Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakstan, Kigirstan,Turksmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Gorbachev even also finally retire as president Uni Sovyet 25 December 1991.
Process Unification Germany
At 7 October 1989, Germany East celebrate day of lahirnaya which to 40. In the reality, that celebration become last celebration to State. At 9 November 1989, Germany East collapse, governance mouthpiece announce that wall have open Line. Hearing that news, Germany West citizen and Germany East blissfully break wall. Thereafter, thousands of Germany East citizen terminate to step into Germany West.
At 28 November 1989, Kanselir Germany West, Helmut Kohl, delivering " plan 10 pasal"tentang federating of Germany step by step. He plan a[n confederacy Germany West and Germany East. Effort federating of Germany planned will be some years later;then. Meanwhile, situation turbulent Germany East again, after Egon Krenz retire and replaced by Hans Mondrow. Mondrow immediately perform meeting with Kanselir Helmut Kohl. Result of the meeting agreement of Germany unification. Hereinafter, Helmut Kohl and Minister For Foreigr Affairs of Hans Dietrich Genshner visit Uni Sovyet. tired Mission Kohl in the affirmative from Mikhail Gorbachev to unite Germany.
At 13 Februari 1990, performed a Conference Ottawa to mark with lines formula " two plus four" to Germany unification process. Meeting " two plus four " meeting Germany West, Germany East, and four previous ally state master Germany. Fourth the state United States, Uni Sovyet, English, and Prancis. That Meeting in the effort Germany unification started in May and end September 1990. At 3 October 1990 officially expressed Germany coalesce to whole world
a. Executing jerman reuntifikasi at 3 oktober 1990 After the time of that, Germany become full (of) power state
b. Performing general election in December to entire/all Germany
As step hereinafter, set mind on to perform first general election Germany East and free Germany West and secret March 1990. Its result absolute victory to conservative alliance Germany below/under head of Lothar Maiziere de Germany East. the Absolute Victory yield agreement to quicken process federating of jerman. maiden De Maizere manjadi diangakat three east jerman as first government which general election melelui dibenntuk freely. That governance represent social party coalition smaller groups and democrat. General election of Germany West won by party Uni Christian Democrat below/under head of Helmut Kohl.
After De Meizere retire from the function PM Germany East, parliament conference continue stages;steps to unite Germany. At 12 September 1990, United States, Uni Sovyet, English, and Prancis sign agreement of intake of full sovereignty for the future Germany Coalesce. That Meeting at the same time represent to represent meeting of plus final"dua four" Moskow
Finally precisely is midnight, 2 October change to become 3 October 1990, Germany Coalesce. Afterwards, performed first general election which won by Helmut Kohl of Coalition Democrat. Thereby, Helmut Kohl become first kanselir after Germany coalesce.
Growth Secondhand State of Yoguslavia
During some century, almost entire/all Slavia South assorted and mastered by foreign strength, specially Australian, Hungarian, and Monarchic Ottoman. Before is final century of ke-18, only Serbia and of Montenegro which independence. At that moment, some state Slavia South have idea forming of Yoguslavia ( people land;ground of slavia south) to unite people of Slavia free and govern a state alone. Yoguslavia stand up since year 1918. at 1941, Strength of axis of jerman invasion and break during World War Of II. Yoguslavia rebuilt year 1945, but political and ethnic conflict tahun1991 generate disintegration to at twice. first period, Yugoslavia represent a empire. period both, Yugoslavia represent a federation which consist of six republic, that is Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kroasia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Serbia, there Vojvodina Kosovo and. Belgrade represent federal town mother
Main problem in founding state of yugoslovia conflict idea pembentukan with fact that people who will remain in it have a lot of difference.
Difference of experience and history have generated various conflict about culture and values which differ. The example, nation of kroasia and of solvenia believe in roma khatolik and use Latin letter. nation of Serbia, montenegro, and Macedonia believe in Christian of oryodoks and use letter of Cyrilik. Nation of Bosnia believe in islam. Each;Every the nation inhabit region alone which in form of otonomous republic in Federation state of Yugoslavia.
At a period of/to Joseph Broz Tito in command, he succeed to weaken ethnic distortion that country. He form governance of strong center, but each;every state freed to have selfrule. Action of Tito other to create political system one economic system and party which sentralistik.
Break him return Yugoslavia
Taken Stages;Steps that Tito generate various problem. Policy one party protested by people. Policy of economics of sentralistik make Kroasia and of Slovenia feel to be exploited by central government because both that area which is richest to be compared to with other area.
To overcome this problem, triggering constitution 1974. This constitution represent compromise central government and republic government claiming power disentralisasi. Pursuant to constitution 1974, power start to transfer to the each republic old ones too long claim broader autonomy. Finally, central government only having command of in the field of defence, economic, and overseas.
After Tito die May 1980, Yugoslavia face the problem of economics which serious enough so that weaken central government. Authority governance of puasat decline, more ex officio president arranged in rotation the than is sixth Republic state so that not emerge strong national figure and can overcome the problem of in country. Each republic ing each other power. Entering year 1980-an, difference of rasial start to reappear political kearena Yugoslavia. Ethnic Stress and hardness colour life of politics of Yugoslavia. Slobodan Milosevic of serbia replacing Tito cannot finish that problem better.
At 25 June 1991, Slovenia and of Kroasia express its independence. Army of Yoguslavia fail to prevent release of Slovenia. July 1991, European Community try to maintain Yoguslavia, But only succeeding to delay formal implementation independence of and sovenia of Kroasia. Finally, year 1992, European Community Mengakuikemerdekaan both state.
After disentangling x'self, Serbia try to predominate power Yugoslavia. During the time, Serbia feel to hold responsible to take care of people security of Serbia inequitable needed Kroasia by Kroasia.
However, Macedonia and of Brosnia-Herzegovina not wish to reside in below power of Serbia. Therefore, both the Republic also disentangle x'self and ask confession of Eropean Community of independence of them. Bosnia not as Iucky as Macedonia. Civil war happened there at April 1992. At the of same, United States and Europe society confess that new state. Conflict Serbia, Kroasia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina marked with event of genosida and its it human being and good and chattel setting the river on fire
At 27 April 1992, Serbia and of Montenegro express x'self as Federal republic Yugoslavia by confessing independence four other republic.
Apartheid African South
Apartheid represent policy of winnow by rasial which there are African South. Word of Apartheid alone come from African Ianguage meaning winnow.
Background overshadow by Imperialism which knock over Europe nation, Dutch as salaha one state Europe follow to run Imperialism. Dutch dredge up properties of African South, like Diamond and Gold. the Oarang-Orang Dutch mentioning with Boer.
action of Rasial that continued by first prime minister African South. Daniel Francois Malan ( 1948-1954). Malan introduce apartheid as part of Party National campaign election of year 1948. With that party victory, apartheid become policy of governmental politics African South till year 1990. law of Apartheid classify resident to the three group of rasial big, namely white husk, a dusky skin, and colour people.
Policy of bone apartheid in invited Natives Act land year 1913 by parliament of Afriak South. That prohibit ownership of land;ground by a dusky skin people. The represent effort to limit pattern ownership of land;ground. The support the condition of forcing a dusky skin people to provide cheap labour to industry and mining or as housemaid him. The protested by African National Congress ( formed ANC) [is] year 1912
Year 1950, Group Areas Act invited. That determine separate setlement for every group of rasial
Since year 1952, Ceremony PBB lift policy of African South rasial. Ceremony first of all ask government of African South to realize obligation terminate discrimination of rasial below/under Charter ( Charter). After event of mass murder Sharpeville year 1960. Resolution Security Council of PBB, blaming shoting that happened. Thereafter, Ceremony PBB Memberika sanction to African South. Year 1974, Ceremony [of] PBB Menskors African South. Year 1980-an, Ceremony PBB say that apartheid represent badness action fight against humanly.
natural grief by a dusky skin people finally burst. June 1976, thousands of student Suweto ( South Westren Townships or Settlement of South-West) performing demonstration by parading to circle town.
Meanwhile, international world start to various action to African South. Action, for example forming of special committee oppose year apartheid 1962, calling upon embargo arm voluntaryly to African South year 1963, and forming of fund delegation of PBB for the African of South addressed to assist victim of apartheid year 1965. The congress leading by Nelson Mandela struggling to vanish apartheid. Besides, standing also United Democratic Front with supporter the core important Glorious Bishop Desmon Tutu.
In the year 1961, Nelson Mandela lead mass demonstrsi which claim equal right and abolition of apartheid. Because its actions, under arrest Mandela and served a sentence year 1962. But, struggle of vanishing of apartheid still walk. Year 1989, Frederick W. Klerk de, a chosen progressive white husk become African South president. 11 January 1990, Nelson Mandela freed. Hereinafter, 12 May 1990, government consultation with ANC for the first time. Entering is final century of ke-20, history of apartheid African South note big change. 13 November 1993, a dusky skin and white husk leaders succeed to compile a elementary draft of law ( New RUUD). The RUUD aim to terminate white husk clan absolute authority. That RUUD signed by some national figure, among others Frederick W. De Klerk and of Nelson Mandela. After reached agreement about RUUD, agreed also performed general election. General election take place 26-29 April 1994. The general election followed by resident with various husk colour. One months after, chosen Nelson Mandela become president.
Appearance Pattern of Utara-Selatan
Cold war that goes on during 42 year bring international political bow and between state unit residing in in context of timur-barat
The forming of dichotomy of Timur-Barat become appearance cikal will regionalisme in the case of defence and economics various world area. liberal Ideology democracy domination world early from collapsing of communist ideology Uny Sovyet year 1989. In economic context, strength of liberalism make nations have to exposing x'self each other and correlate one another to reach importance of economics and commerce. Importance of national which is on time cold war of political berorentasi, ideology, have come to economic orentasi. Politically, ending of it cold war make some communist State secondhand European continent east start to apply democracy in life of nation of mereka,baik in national scope and also of internasiona.Liberalisme economic with aim to be secure and prosperous State will be able to be executed if system of tecipta democratized
Condition of liberalism democracy victory era-perang by generating two effect of base in society of internasional.ideologi liberalism oblige the existence of same which must awaking up between the Negara.Hubungan can guarantee fufilled of requirement of economics every State reciprocally. Both economic orientation which applying in policy of State have no longger have the character of domestic or orient exporting happened domestic sector
Liberalis Ideology or communism but storey;level of kapabilitas perekonomian.Oleh in consequence appearance conception Developed countries and Developing countries. Commodity of that group small industrys pengespor of raw raw material and pertanian.Hubungan of utara-selatan emerge from geopolitics context that Nations go forward majority located in world upstate part of nations expand part of world south.
Change of pattern constituted by kecendrungan of same economics a condition depended economic relation ekonomi.melalui of utara-selatan , political and economic world era of pasca-perang cool experience of progress of pesat.terutama south jepang,korea, and Taiwan. Institute arranging commerce among upstate Nations and south, for example WTO( World Trade Organization).
Change of Political Tataan Area Europe East
After cold war end, era democratize even also appear all over the world. this democracy marking by existence of two especial tendency, that is process independence of Nations openness of State actor-aktor to information current and communications which mangkin support economic growth and cultural social.
Change arrange politics European initially trigger by idea of perostronika and of glasnost which telling by Mikhail Gorbachev. Affect from itself very real to life of political social east asia kaawasan. Change of political tataan which most Look seen that is collapsing of wall of bherlin year 1989. Cause collapse him Uni Sovyet is European east trigger by Brezhnev expressing that uni sovyt have the right to business mengintervasi in other communist Nations negri as a mean to strengthen communism brother root State . The doctrine by Leonid November 1968. For certain telling as justivikasi of Leornad and some petinggi uni sovyt to cekkolovaskia as a threat of krebilitas communism in all the world. By that karna threat threat to socialist kekuatann which mirror from various cultural inflansi or economic and political revormasi communist Nations viewing as a threat to strength of doctrine of sosialisme-komunisme as a whole.
Invasion Praktik to Cekolosvakia year 1968 form of menivestasi of doctrine. Ossify governance him uni sovyt in communist Nations attitude Europe East also seen reaction of which peeping out by Hungary, Rumania, Polandia and of Albania. Central Governance uni tired to sovyt in fact take place since 1956. In case of Albania contiguity of this with Chinese become separate konsiderasi to uni sovyt to purify communism teaching uni sovyt State.
Care uni sovyt to fading strength of communism is European east mount with existence of movement phenomenon of Solidarty year polandia 1980. Polandia represent very State necessary for uni this State position karna sovyt very its strategis.Jumlah tired him one-third from entire/all people of polandia . In the end Solidarty prohibiting to enter in the field of politics of comand of Maskow.
Policy of glasnot generating impact of Siknifikan in changing the condition of politics European area East. Gorbachev will result Nations European area East remain to maintain Komuisme
inescapable Process Democratization even also European continent East . Pahan Communism slowly start leaving by Nations area.
Tables 9.1 . Kornologis Process Democratize Europe east.
1. Mei 1988 Rate Janos coincide chair of sekertaris general of communist party Cekoslovakia.
2. Januari 1989 Hungarian Parliament permit the forming of party of Idependen.
3. April 1989 Prohibition order to Solidarty geakan Polandia abstracting.
4. Juni 1989 General election polandia winning absolutely by candidate of Movement of Solidasrty.
5. Juli 1989
Geakan Solidarty polandia Form a government of coalition with general of Jaruselski.
6. September 1989 Hungary permit refugee of east jerman of umtuk menyebrang to Austrian
7. Oktober 1989 Pemimpin jerman timur Erich Honecker, meletakan jabatanya dan digantikan oleh Egon Krenz.
Hungary adopt new konsitusi which guarantee the existence of system democratize multipartai . Leader of east jerman of Erich Honecker, its meletakan it and replaced by Egon Krenz.
3 November 1989 Cekoslovakia open frontier jerman earn menyebrang to Germany west.
9 10 November 1989 wall have Line collapse . communist Sekertaris General party Bulgaria alight from its
10 24 November 1989 Communist leader alight from its
6 Desember 1989 Governance of Germany east alight from its
12 22 Desember 1989 Dictatorship Of Ceausescu Rumania overthrowing , then Ceausescu Executing at 25 December 1989.
Change in area form of politik,ekonomi, cultural and social , and also in defence society and security happened world. That change happened its it cooperation of regional and global like in movement of[is non blok,ASEAN, OKI, MEE,DAN APEC. This Cooperation contain some worthwhile value ; among others cooperation value, deliberation value and of mukafaat value and love peace and is human.
This cooperation earn form if there mukafaat problem of regional and also global which facing and solving problem with with.
Meetings of Regional and that international have to base oning by value esteeming each other . If this matter happened hence war earn solving and preventing and world peace earn creating.
Seen its equivalent nation with its nation , each;every citizen of each nation see the problem of kemanusian which facing by citizen of other nation as its own problem . On that account world always maintain collision of human right
So much value able to assess which finding in cooperation of regional and is global. This matter which push Nations world to progressively for its in inter-states organizations .
Movement of Non-Blok
Movement of Non-Blok ( Non Aligned Movement ) representing Nations movement of asia- afrika which not have one of block in action chilled ( Cold War . Nations embrace political principle not to tied one of good block West block and also east block which leading uni sovyt .
This idea the importance of Nations organization of non-blok contained in Asia African ( KKA) bandung 1955. The Oganisasi naming movement of non-blok , its him president of Soekarno ( Indonesia , president of Joseph Broz Tito ( Yugoslavia ), Gamma president of Abdul Nasser ( mesir ) and maiden three Pandit Jawaharlal ( India ) and maiden three Kwame Nkrumah ( Ghana
1. First pertinent State have to embrace free politics which basing of principles of non-blok
2. Both pertinent State have to tiasa senan give duukungan to movements emancipator of national for tired going forward of independence of them
3. Third, State which bersangkitan is not member merupakn of federation of multilateral military which its for in order to conflict of big Nations.
Till now KTT movement of non-blok have performing counted 13 times. After cold war end , movement of non-blok assuming assuming role kehlangan and its That thing is causing member majority of non-blok. State expanding . movement of nom-blok facing with problem of Human right ( HAM) and environment And so do dengahn the things of environment issue which still many collision of HAM and environment. Nations go forward which in advance themselves natural resources mengekspolitasi.
Target of movement of non-blok to look after International security and peace , tired labouring of perluncutan of weapon in general and totally below/under Effective international authentication and also labour to functioning PBB effectively .
ASEAN ( Association Of South East Asian Nations)
Equation of chance as State which have colonizing to generate strong feeling a friend at court among nations of asia south-east . That Unntuk , proxy five State of asia south-east of mendatangani declaration of Bangkok 8 August 1967. courier which signing the the declaration Adam of Malik ( political business minister double overseas minister Indonesia).
the Content Declaration shall be as follows ;
1. Indonesia, malaysia, Filifina, Thailand, and Singapore agree to efforts guarantee pengakuuann and respect of region of asia south-east as peaceful zona, free, and neutral the than each;every external strengths interference
2. nations of Asia south-east shall upayupaya extend region work to tighten and solidarity which have intertwined.
effort of Keja same furthermore South-East Asia pouring in perjanjiaan of cooperation and friendship south-east asia. That Perjanjiaan signing Bali, 24 Februari 1976. And endless peace among people of ASEAN. Sekertariat ASEAN officially function since 7 July 1976 which leading by a general secretary by bergantian during two year
ASEAN represent organization of regional having the character of free in him. In character awareness bberdasarkan and voluntary the than the each State . each its member remain to sovereign branggotakan penuth remain to hold and identity of cirikas the each State.
Declaration of Bangkok express that ASEAN founded with a purpose to for example to quicken growth of economics , progress of social, and also development of culture the effort with as base to peaceful and prosperous south-east asia . ASEAN try to develop same in the field of industry and pertaniaan extension of commerce , repair of communications and transportation and also repair of life level.
OKI ( Organizational Konfersi Islam )
Organizational islam konfersi stand up in the year 1969.Pendiri that organization awali with event of combustion of Mesjidil Aqsa palestina 21 agustus 1969 . the event have people of islam to look after set of to determine attitude to Israel which have attacked Palestinian town.
OKI in general only studying about old palestina too long OKI start to round into one same forum social economic policy area science and culture pengetahuaan of OKI have member 57 state of arab asia and of afrika . That nations for example Arab of Saudi,Aljazair, Bhairn,Irak, Kuati, Lebanon , Libya, Marocco, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Suria, Tunisa, Uni arab emira, Yaman, Yordania, Palestinian, Afganistan, Bangladesh, Bruneidarusallam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran , Pakistan, Turki, Benin, and others.
Indonesia become member of its OKI resident majority karna embrace Islam till now domicile Indonesia represent active State participant in rights status, and obligation which same as other Nations member.
Some target of fundamental becoming base to reach aspiration of OKI shall be as follows is :
First, OKI try to improve Islam solidarity among State - its member state.
Both, OKI try Consolidation fact member cooperation defence of regional, that agreement may not hooking;correlating directly in opositions of World power
Third, OKI immediately prepare strategic in all form .
Fourth, OKI take stages;steps to support peace pursuant to justice.
Fifth, OKI try mengkordinasikan of[is effort to protect sanctums and also support struggle of people of palestina.
Sixth, OKI afirm struggle of moslem clan for the purpose of protecting their national rights and honour.
Seventh , OKI try to create conducive situation for the progress of same and mutually understanding among Nations anggota
Five principle of OKI , for example as follows
Confessing absolute equation Nations member
Respecting rights in determining chance alone , not have a hand in hand in other State country
Respecting Sovereignty, Independence, and regional Integrity each;every State
Finishing each;every dispute which possible arise to the way of peace like consultation , mediasi, arbitase rekonsiliasi,
Will not use any threat hardness to regional Intergritas, unity of national, or independence of politics State
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