Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


         After  World War of II, spirit to determine chance alone from country nations very is predominating [of] Asian nations and African like India, Philippine, Turki, and Egypt. And this catching matter even also to Indonesia. Process Asian state dekolonialisme and African become dominant phenomenon by the end of World War Of II.
Decolonization process raced by existence of nationalisme movement expanding in each state in Asia and African. Noted [by] like Movement of Turki Young, Movement Nationalisme Philippine, India, Egypt, Libya, African South, and is other.
Movement national appearance in every State have because which different each other. In Chinese, movement of national emerge in the year 1911 led by Dr. Sun Yat Cent. Movement understand this modern bring Chinese at Proclamation Independence of Chinese at 10 October 1910 which  recognized by the name of Wuchan Day or of The Double Ten Day.
After Dr. Sun Yat Sen dead, he is replaced by Chiang Kai Shek. Though in the end Chiang Kai Shek migrate to Taiwan, embryo movement of Chinese nationalisme blazed the way by Dr. Sun Yat Cent have succeeded to remove nation of Manchuria of Chinese continent. Though decolonization do not happened in Chinese, but process of tranformasi social and political in Chinese show to external world that Chinese represent state with very big nationalisme storey;level.
Movement of other nationalisme also happened in Philippine. Movement of national in Philippine early from League Philippine appearance leader by Jose Rizal in the year 1892. League Philippine formed to fight domination colonization of Spanyol in Philippine. On 30 December 1896, Jose Rizal arrested and sentenced to death by Spanyol. So that nationalisme movement continued by Emilio Aguinaldo at 1898. Aguinaldo build alliance with United States to fight Spanyol. So that finally, he  proclamation of forming Philippine independence at 12 June 1898.
Nationalisme movement in Egypt which early by Arabi Pasha ( 1881-1882) continued by success Mohammed Naguib demolish power of English at 13 July 1952. Political Transformation even also happened. Government of previous Egypt in form of empire is later then turned into republic. Autoritary leadership of Naguib do not take place  because appearance of Gamal Abdul Nasser intending to free Egypt people of dictatorship of Naguib. next Political Transformasi even also happened. Nasser climb chair presidency of Egypt in the year 1952 passing general election process. However, many source of history express that Nasser also behavior of dictator. But, appearance of Nasser as leader of Egypt can be told as symbol success of African decolonization process which is have base to at local nationalisme.
In Libya, movement of nationalisme pioneered by King of Idris El-Sanusi. Success of nationalisme leader by tired him in the year 1949. He pioneer declaration of Libya as state independence by specifying Tripoli as state town mother. That event happened along with failing of Italian at World War Of II. Though alone from military coup d'etat leader by Muammar Khadafi year 1969, Idris have succeeded to lead struggle of nationalisme of Libya.
In India, nationalisme movement emerged from the increasing of amount of egghead led by Mahatma Gandhi. Higher education in London make him recognize west concepts about nationalisme, democracy, liberalisme, and independence. Its understanding of concepts that's making  lead India in fighting against colonization of English. Struggle of Gandhi based by 4 especial concept. That is :
a.    Ahimsa, majoring attitude anti hardness
b.       Satyagraha, educative of India people in order not to cooperate in all business form related      to governance of colonist of English colonial
c.    Hartal, emphasizing at action strike of job by India people
d.     Swadesi, majoring boycott action and deduction all products made in English, specially textile.
Nationalisme movement of Gandhi this also take place with plan some India figure to keep together  to plan independence of India. For Example Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Banerji, and Tikal. That Plan is realized with forming Congress India year 1885. Congress India pioneered by a English which is very love India, Allan O'Hume. Though in the end Muhammad Ali Jinnah go out from Congress and built Moslem League, Congress India step finally produce fruit result. Independence of India proclaimed  at 15 August 1947.
In Birma ( Myanmar), decolonization process take place in order to seceding from English country. The increasing of people nationalist of Birma triggered by moving of governance of English colonial of town of Mandalay to town of Yangoon year 1886. As a result, many India citizen which have migration to Birma. Under governance of English colonial, Birma become one of  the state  of export biggest rice in world. This matter make natural Birma is problem of social disintegration. Its cause because economics system of tidka mastering by people of Birma, but by governance of English colonial. Movement of nationalisme even also start to emerge. One of them is to so called movement of Association Young man of Budha. They agitate important of him dissociation of Indian and formed state of Birma independence.
Activator of independence of Birma by ordinary student circle is Thakin. One of the uppermost Thakin is U Aung San. He is the former soldier which in educated by Japan later form army Iiberation of Birma ( BIA). Though BIA assist Japan for the invasion of Birma at  wartime of  World of II, this movement later  become exponent in removing colonization Japan from Birma. Independence of Birma  later  proclaimed at 4 January 1948. First president is Sao Shwe Thaik, with prime minister of Thakin Nu.
Political Transformation in Asian area and African after World War Of II have tendency in the form of socialisme ism which enough predominate. In Indonesia, communisme ism expand with formed his Communist Party of Indonesia at a period movement of national, but ebb at a period to occupying of Japan. Communist Movement emerge again after World War Of II on the happening rebellion of communism at 1948 in Madiun
Condition of good international politics and economy progressively after World War Of II push Indonesia to increase internal strength. In the case of economy, this reinforcement there are 3 matter. First, forming of State Bank Indonesia at 5 July 1946. Apparition of IBRD in United States as contributor  economy of Europe show to international world that banking very important sector in settlement of economy an state. In Indonesia, policy of government constitution founding of State Bank Indonesia  Regulation Of Government Of Substitution of UU No. 2 year 1946. Then, government apply UU No. 24 year 1951 about nationalization of de Javasche Bank become Indonesia Bank ( BI). Its Function as central bank and circulation bank.
At 1950, IBRD together with United States, Australian, English, and New Zealand make an konsesus is so-called with formed Colombo Plan in Sri Lanka. Programs of Colombo Plan applied by development asistensi member, good that in the form of fund, and also technical training. All aid in Colombo Plan represent donor of nations go forward to developing countries and impecunious nations
There is two matter able to highlight in the case of relationl between growth of international politics and economy and growth that happened in Indonesia. First, United States position start strength and dominant enough in global economy. This matter manisfestation in monetary and monetary body like IBRD. Both, Indonesia President head position of Soekarno very anti in all matter coming from that good west of ideology, economy and also social-culture. This matter because of political principle abroad Indonesia is politics of free-active.
Slowly, Indonesia position in the middle of international world at a period after World War Of II progressively goodness. Early with opening of blockade go out to sea Dutch entangling many state including United States, overseas relation of Indonesia gain strength. Indonesia get its result in Conference Asia in New Delhi at 23 January 1948.
Continue, PBB release Security Council resolution of PBB at 28 January 1949, constitution forming of United Nation Commision for Indonesia  ( UNCI). Its Duty is to consultation facility between Indonesia with Dutch. Besides, existence of Commission Three State also show how reaction of international society to problems of Indonesia decolonization during the period. Indonesia position in the middle of international society more and more to be confirmed with performed  Asian Conference of African in the year 1955 in Bandung.

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