Kamis, 30 Desember 2010



Warrant March 11, 1966 (Instruction)

Birth of the New Order era against the backdrop of the collapse of the old order. Precisely at the time of the collapse of Sukarno's rule and was replaced by Suharto. One of the causes behind the collapse of the old order and the birth of the new order is the security situation in the country that are not conducive at the time of the old order. Moreover because of the events G30S/PKI rebellion. Political conditions after the tragedy Rebellion Indonesia G30S/PKI very tense. In response, the government of President Sukarno to hold a meeting on March 10, 1966 which was attended by various political parties, such as PSII, NU, Perti, the Catholic Party, Parkindo, Muhammadiyah, PNI, Partindo, IPKI, and Front Pancasila. In the meeting, President Sukarno, was accompanied by PM Hanafi (RI Ambassador to Cuba), Dr. Soemarno (Minister of Home Affairs), Dr. Soebandrio (Deputy Prime Minister), Dr. J. Leimena Meyjen Achmadi (Minister of Information), and Dr. Chairoel pious.
On March 11, 1966, a plenary session held Cabinet meetings in Bogor Palace Dwikora. In the present session of the student representatives. The agenda is to formulate the steps out of the economic crisis, social, political and Indonesia. President charged that the student actions were masterminded by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), United States. Then on February 21, 1966, President Sukarno announced cabinet changes. It turned out that the change did not satisfy the people, because many people are allegedly involved in G30S/PKI still entrenched in the new cabinet known as the Hundred Minster.
Arriving at the Bogor Palace, Major General Basoeki Rachmat, Brig M Yusuf and Brigadier General Amir Machmoed then held a meeting with President Sukarno. In this meeting the President ordered the three officers Cakrabirawa bersma Regiment commander, Brig Saboer unuk design a concept shown a warrant to Major General Suharto to overcome the security problems and political crises that occurred at that time. So on March 11, 1966 Lt. Gen. Suharto received from the president Sukarno Supersemar to do security. Initial step is to dissolve and Suharto banned the PKI and its elements that are behind that on March 12, 1966, by holding Supersemar, Suharto announced the dissolution of the PKI and declare as illegal organizations. Next Suharto planned improvement programs and welfare economics. That's when the New Order era begins. This led the president Sukarno to Soeharto's mandate to carry out security activities in Indonesia through March eleven warrant or Instruction.
Transition Process Political Power Indonesia

MPR Decree No. IX/MPRS/1966 give full authority to Maj. Gen. Suharto to take any action deemed necessary to maintain security and stability of social peace in order to facilitate the course of the revolution.
Indonesia increasingly political atmosphere heats up with no accountability speech Sukarno approval by the Assembly MPRS General Session. Accountability speech known as Nawaksara was judged to be complete by the hearing panel for not telling G30S/PKI event and its consequences in detail. Then, on October 22, 1966, the MPRS send a note to the President to revise and complete accountability. Speech revised later to be named Nawaksara Complement. But there are several mass organizations and members of the government who refused Complement Nawaksara. Organization such as the Regional Leadership Council PNI South Sulawesi, South Sulawesi and the Parliament GMNI Bandung. In fact, in response to these problems, the coordinator of the Joint Secretariat Youth agara Golkar proposes special MPR session. Political atmosphere of this increasingly heated followed by the Parliament by submitting a memorandum to the MPR to hold special session as soon as possible. Armed Forces party approach to Sukarno. They were persuaded to make the transfer of power Sukarno to Soeharto before the execution of Maj. MPRS General Session. On February 7, 1967, Major General Soeharto received a letter from President Sukarno. In this letter, attached to the letter of assignment to handle everyday problems.
Dated February 11, 1967, Major General Suharto proposed the concept of the statement by President Sukarno was unable to lead the government and handed over the responsibility of government power to mandate holders Warrant March 11, 1966 to President Sukarno, but did not approve the concept. On February 13, 1967 Maj. Gen. Suharto held a meeting with the staff of commanders at 11:00. The chief of staff sent General Panggabean and General of Police Joedodihardjo Soetjipto Sukarno faced with concepts that have been repaired. And the concept is approved by Sukarno on the condition that he would earn a guarantee of General Suharto.
With Warrant March 11, 1966 (Instruction) Suharto overcome all circumstances uncertain and difficult to control. Seeing the situation of conflict between supporters of the Old Order to New Order's increasingly desperate, the DPR-GR argued that situations of conflict must be resolved constitutionally. On February 3, 1967 DPR-GR submit the resolution and memorandum containing recommendations to the Chairman of the Presidium of the Cabinet to be held Ampera MPRS Special Session.
On February 19, 1967 Maj. Gen. Suharto commander and his staff asked the President to gather at the Bogor Palace. And on February 20, 1967, President Sukarno's government handed over power to Suharto. Transfer of power from President Sukarno to Soeharto was confirmed in the MPRS Special Session on March 7, 1967. Then on March 12, 1967 General Suharto President of Indonesia inaugurated as the second. MPRS in ketetapannya No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967 revoke the power of the state government of President Sukarno and Suharto picked as Acting President of the Republic of Indonesia. And with the provisions of the Special Session of the MPR, the situation is a source of conflict that political instability has ended in a constitutional and marks the beginning of a new chapter of the history of the New Order.
Struggle in order to straighten the road back has been distorted, articulated in his demands known as the Tri People's Demands (Tritura). In essence demands that express people's desires to carry out deep state of life in accordance with the aspirations of life in a concrete situation. The answer to the charge contained in the following provisions.
1. Affirmation action bearers Supersemar that ban the PKI and its mass organizations in the MPRS session with the provisions of MPRS No. IV/MPRS/1966 and MPRS No. IX/MPRS/1966.
2. Violations and teaching schools of Communism / Marxism-Leninism in Indonesia with MPRS Decree No. XXV/MPRS/1966.
3. Streamlining back constitutional order based on Pancasila and the rule of law with MPRS Decree No. XX/MPRS/1966.
Business reorganization of political life began in early 1968 with the implementation of the DPR-GR. Refreshing aims to foster democratic rights and reflect the forces in society.

He picked Maj. Gen. Suharto became President of the Republic of Indonesia

        Through MPRS No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967, March 12, 1967, the MPRS chaired by AH Nasution revoke the mandate of all government power from President Sukarno. On March 27, 1968, the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), raised Lieutenant General Suharto as President of the Republic of Indonesia. As a new mandate holders in the government of Indonesia, Suharto formed a cabinet called the Cabinet Ampera. Purpose Ampera cabinet confirmed in a statement called Dwi Dharma, consisting of the creation of political and economic stability as a prerequisite for national pembanguanan perpetuate. In addition, the program of the Cabinet's performance is reflected in the Chess Ampera Works or four programs. The programs are as follows;
1. Improving the quality of life of Indonesian people, especially in terms of food and clothing.
2. Elections held as soon as possible until July 5, 1968, as specified in the TAP MPR No.. XI/MPRS/1966.
3. Back straightened and implement the principles of Indonesian foreign policy of free-active in accordance with the TAP MPRS No.. XI/MPRS/1966.
4. Continue the struggle to reject imprealisme and colonialism in various forms.
Furthermore, the New Order government immediately made plans to accelerate the performance of Cabinet Ampera smoothness. The plan are as follows;
1. To realize the political life better. On May 23, 1970, general election plans drawn up. Political organizations immediately recorded and arranged to follow.
2. Economic life stabilized and rehabilitated immediately given a very worrying situation with the rising prices of basic needs is very high.
3. Develop and implement national development.
In terms of implementing national peembangunan, the New Order government has a variety of reference in planning development programs and improving the Indonesian economy. One of the work program of the New Order government was the trilogy of development. Fill in the trilogy of development are as follows;
1. Equitable development of the country and its results, by concentrating on the creation of the principles of social justice for all Indonesian people.
2. Planning, implementing, and achieving high economic growth.
3. National stability and dynamic sound.
Based on the work agenda that is, President Suharto to build Indonesia's economy in the era ketepurukan late 1960s. The program was run until Indonesia achieved self-sufficiency in rice in the 1980s, until a state strong enough influence in Southeast Asia, particularly ASEAN in the 1990s.
The main feature of the new order are:
1. Dictatorial government, but safe and peaceful.
2. Rampant corruption.
3. There is no freedom of speech.
4. Pancila impressed into the closed ideology.
5. Economic growth flourish.
6. Military participation in government.
7. The existence of significant social inequalities between the rich and the poor.
Economic Policies in the New Order Period

       Policy in the New Order era has been compiled prior to 1966. MPR issued a decree No. Which contains about XXII/MPRS/1966 Policy Reform on the Economy, Finance, and Development. The goal of overcoming the crisis and economic slump that hit Indonesia since 1955.
      Domestic economic policies that dirancangkan by Suharto, among others;
1. Issuance of a Regulation on October 3, 1966. This policy includes regulatory principles to be applied by the New Order government in Indonesia cope with the economic crisis.
2. Issuance of regulations on February 10, 1967 price and tariff issues. Tujuannyan is to reduce the causes of unequal ratios, as well as opportunities opened up opportunities for companies to use their own funding sources.
3. Dikeluarkannnya Regulation July 28, 1967 to provide stimulation to the entrepreneurs to want to give up some of the results of his efforts to tax and the export sector of Indonesia. The aim is that Indonesian businessmen could participate to stimulate economic development.
4. Define Law No.1 of 1967 on Foreign Investment.
5. Endorse and implement the Law Plan Budget of the State (1968 Budget Bill) through the Law No.. 13 Year 1967.
Suharto's economic policies also apply to foreign-oriented, ie with a loan request from abroad. On 19-20 September 1966. diadakanlah talks in Tokyo to discuss the suspension of payment of foreign debt of Indonesia and explore the possibility of raising funds to grant Indonesia abroad.
Indonesia is also incorporated into the international economic institutions, such as the World Bank, who was then still called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Development Agency (IDA), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
  The main characteristics of the New Order government is trying to build a development that are equally distributed throughout Indonesia. New Order also focuses on the development of the agricultural sector to increase economic capabilities and welfare.
Development Policies of the New Order Era

New Order government launched a long-term development program called the Five-Year Development Plan (FYP). National development is not always blown off from Trilogy Development as follows.
1. Equitable distribution of development and its results that led to the creation of social justice for all people.
2. Economic growth is high enough.
3. National stability and dynamic sound.
FYP has started implementation since 1969. FYP is divided in the implementation of Five Year Development (PELITA). Each PELITA development mission in order to achieve the level of welfare of Indonesian society.
New Order development policy, among others.
1. PELITA 1 on 1 April 1969 - March 31, 1974.
The purpose of development is the increasing standard of living of the Indonesian people, and the focus of development in agriculture, industry, mining, rehabilitation and expansion of social infrastructure.
2. PELITA II on 1 April 1974 - March 31, 1979.
The purpose of development is the availability of clothing and shelter needs are adequate, the availability of materials for housing and other facilities, creation of infrastructure facilities and the increasingly distributed, the realization of the situation the people of Indonesia a better, tersediannya employment for the people of Indonesia.
3. PELITA III on 1 April 1975 -31 March 1984.
The purpose of development is equitable distribution of basic needs of the people in the provision of food sector, equity and improving basic education skills in all areas, distribution of income by way of a labor-intensive projects to new, equal employment opportunity and business by way of transmigration, involving young people and women in development, providing local development funds I and II levels, intensifying the performance in providing justice for the occasion.
4. PELITA IV on 1 April 1984 - March 31, 1989.
This period is the period of New Order's success, such as family planning and food self-sufficiency. However, there is a tendency only occurred in Java alone.
5. PELITA V on 1 April 1989 - March 31, 1994.
The conduct of development already uneven. Development tends to only in Java, high-level corruption, and a lot of foreign debt.
6. PELITA VI on 1 April 1994 - March 31, 1999.
This period is the period of the fall of the New Order government. Indonesian foreign debt reached 136 billion U.S. dollars in 1997. In this year, the government loses the trust and in 1998 President Suharto out of office.
Socio-Political Policy of the New Order

In the political field, one of the steps undertaken by Suharto is doing the practice fusion of political parties. Practice was conducted in 1975, based on Law No. 3 Year 1975. Fusion yielded the following composition:
1. Democracy Development Group consists of the Indonesian National Party (PNI), Indonesian Christian Party (Parkindo), the Catholic Party, the Association of Supporters of Indonesian Independence (IPKI), and Murba Party.
2. United Development Group consists of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Partai Muslimin Indonesia, Partai Syarikat Islam Indonesia (PSII), and the Islamic Unity Party Tarbiyah Indonesia (Perti).
3. Functional Group Team consists of various organizations, such as labor organizations, youth organizations, farmers' and fishermen's organizations, organizations of artists and community organizations.

In addition to economic policy, development, and socio-political, Suharto also launched several other policies, such as:
1. Indonesia registered again became a member of the UN in September 1966.
2. Economic improvement and development.
3. Exploitation of natural resources on a large scale.
4. Implementation of migration policy and family planning.
5. Movement combating illiteracy.
6. Doing food self-sufficiency.
7. The emergence of movements and movement Compulsory National Foster Parent.
8. Opening opportunities for foreign investors investing in
C. STATE ROLE strengthening in the New Order and its impact on SOCIAL-POLITICAL LIFE

During the New Order government, the structure and role of the state's performance to be very strong because it is supported by the centralization and strengthening of 3 main sectors, namely the military sector, economy and culture. Strengthening the military sector is done by improving the performance of the Army. Strengthening the economic sector is done by increasing the amount of foreign aid funds. Strengthening the cultural sector is done by spreading the organizations derivative functional group to all corners of Indonesia. The third strength of that sector becomes foundation for Suharto to build a strong government. According to him, all this social life that must be optimally controlled to create a system of social and political governance efficient.
General session IV on the MPRS taken a decision to assign General Soeharto as the bearers of Supersemar or Instruction, which has improved the provision of MPRS No. IX/MPRS/1966 to form a new cabinet, the Cabinet Ampera. Ampera Cabinet charged the task of creating economic and political stability as a prerequisite for implementing national development. The task was later known as the Cabinet Ampera Dwi Darma. The program imposed by the MPRS to the Cabinet Ampera is:
1. Improve the lives of the people especially in the field of food and clothing.
2. Conducting Elections in such a time limit stated in MPRS No. XI/MPRS/1966 of July 5, 1968.
3. Conducting foreign policy is independent and active in the national interest in accordance with the provisions of MPRS No. XI/MPRS/1966.
4. Continuing the anti Imperialism and Colonialism in all its forms and manifestations.
Strengthening the State's role in public life in Indonesia during the New Order was a major force for Suharto to achieve national and international interests. Starting from his career as a Major General in the senior ranks of the Army, Suharto received support from the military base is strong enough. In economic matters, the liberal economic system that digagasnya get much support from the international world, both among the Western world and in Southeast Asia. In addition, in the country, the social conditions of communities supported by the strength of Golkar organization that has emerged since 1964. All three forces become important pillars of the Suharto government in the process of strengthening the role of state and government.
Strengthening the role of the State in the New Order period is determined by 3 things, namely the military, Golkar and the economy which has the effect of short-term and long term for Indonesia. In terms of political and community participation occurs fusion of political parties in the following 3 organization.
1. Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI)
2. United Development Party (PPP)
3. Functional Groups
Golkar victory in the 1971 election indicate 2 main things, namely civil servants and the monoloyalitas Golkar forces that have deep roots in the community. Power is up thanks to the operation to a communist by the Joint Secretariat of Golkar. Strengthening the position of Golkar in the New Order government showed strong government role in determining the development of community life. Along with that Pancasila is the only principle that can be used by all the movement in the political parties, student movements and NGOs. In addition, strengthening the role of the state under the New Order can not be separated from the aggregation strategy employed Suharto, one of the system of rewards and punishment against those who support or oppose the New Order forces.
One of the black recording the history of Indonesia in the New Order is the Malari Incident on January 15, 1974. At first, Peristiawa Malari preceded by the current flood of Japanese investment and defeated Indonesia space local economic sectors. The demonstration had begun to appear to oppose the existence of Japanese investment in Indonesia. The situation started to heat up on February 17, 1974, when the government began to implement repressive pattern to disperse the demonstration. Mass destruction and combustion products, especially cars and motorcycles made in Japan. On this occasion the 3 students arrested by the authorities and was tried on August 2, 1974, namely, Hariman Siregar, Sjahrir, and Muhammad Aini Chalid. They were accused of unilaterally subversive activities that threaten the stability of the nation. In addition, strengthening the role of the State pengengkangan also be seen from the press and media freedom. Daily Diberedelnya Tempo, Detik, and Editor in June 1994 was a vivid example being the presence of the New Order authoritarianism. Pemberendelan in 1994 was the second pemberedelan for Tempo. Previously, this media pemerinyah never diberedel by New Order in 1982.

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